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Everything posted by SeaWasp

  1. 'Bout time. haven't heard much from you. I'll be giving it a listen some time soon. Whatever happened to the TA Psyunite?
  2. Sonic Mandala 2000OD Sue me. I'm a sucker for weird depictions of holy figures and Mandalas.
  3. ^^^ I love rock, but our Canadian icons... Nickelback, all their music sounds the same .
  4. A little something with an old school influence. Inspired from a trip to Malaysia. Time: 7:40 Bpm: 148 Bitrate: 224 kbps Link: http://www.speedyshare.com/502356884.html enjoy
  5. If you like Union Jack, check this. It's a collection of tracks on Platipus records. probably one of the best compilations. Almost all of the tracks have to do with Simon Berry, of Union Jack. This is pretty much a showcase of his work. there are some pretty well known goa artists in there, Technossomy and MWNN, as well as another outsider, Robert Miles, (personal opinion alert!) whom I kind of have a distaste for. But over-all, definitely not a bad track on there.
  6. Here's some Trancy Drum'n'Bass which may get some radio play anywhere near downtown Nanaimo, BC. It's being played on CHLY. Also being webcasted at the same time here. The DJ plays on Tuesdays, 9:00 Pacific Time (this is, I think, his last month). Link Enjoy, comments/crits welcome
  7. Pendulum stuff is pretty reasonable, but the best stuff out there that comes to mind is Ed Rush's stuff, and LTJ Bukem (neuro and liquid funk, good stuff ).
  8. +1 for sure I love the kick they use (could be good for the killargh kick topic) too.
  9. ^^^^^^ Quit necro-ing the topics and yes it took me $40.00 to get into and out of the infected craze (converting vegetarians, if you must know, and i had to buy through HMV - bastards )
  10. Favourite buildups: Prodigy - smack my bitch up infected mushroom - psycho hallucinogen - Mi-loony-um! union jack - red herring I think that'd be it
  11. Hey there, got some old-school for you all come check it out? link
  12. SeaWasp

    B P M

    Click Some of the stuff on there is pretty neat, it'll give you an idea of what's going on.
  13. SeaWasp


    I'm surprised someone else is familiar with that track... pretty good album too!
  14. I'm reading all these posts two days after... call me captain gullible
  15. If you have a cool three or four-hundred dollars lying around, pick up tabla and try learning some of the bols (strokes) and kaidas (phrases). then you can record your own!
  16. ^^^^^ What a bunch of stoners But my setup is: -monitor: Yamaha guitar amp (two 40 watt speaker... don't hate me ), and some noise cancelling earbuds, on the go. -software: FL studio 5, Jeskola Buzz. -instruments: Bass, tabla, didjeridoo Good luck!
  17. +1 Doesn't know how to respond? Mi-loony-um! was one of the tracks that got me into psy... so... Celine ftw! :posford: I voted for Hallucinogen.
  18. It was all my own stuff, I can post it to the producers section... if need be . @RTP -
  19. Paul McCartney did something with Youth. Apparently Paul loves psytrance :posford: edit: Don't forget Pink Floyd's Meddle album
  20. Have you heard noisia, and calyx already? That stuff is pretty dark, psychedelic stuff. Ed Rush is pretty dark stuff too.
  21. Heh... I played electronic music to an indie rock crowd . They really seemed to like the Psy track and the D'n'B track, and the industrial one. I was nervous as hell and kept playing the wrong notes on my bass (they were to scale though, so it was totally okay). Our audience really dug it .
  22. I played my first set the other day... I played for a small audience of about 40-50 ish people. I had my bass out, and a friend's bass amp. For audio, I hooked up my uncle's 40 watt guitar amp (two speakers) to my laptop. I ended up playing a part-psytrance part-dnb part-progressive part-industrial rock set. anyway, what were your first sets like? Edit: Pardon the "You're" in the title.... should be "Your"
  23. Link This is an older one but I'm going to be playing it in my very first set! Have fun. Ni
  24. What about oldschool Space Tribe? Insane sounding stuff.
  25. I would suggest, to learn your scales and stuff, watching an arpeggiator arpeggiate really slowly and just play along (that's how I'm learning bass), and wikipedia is your friend.
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