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Everything posted by SeaWasp

  1. kk... let me change the rights to the file so you can download it...
  2. hey whats up? I picked up my didjeridoo today and started an oldschool goa track here, somewhat down tempo, w/tribal influences: right now everythings alittle floaty aroundy... Softwares: Jeskola buzz 'n' all that good stuff Hardware: Didjeridoo Tempo: 128 bitrate: 128kbps/streaming Time: 2:00mins ish Genre: Old School Goa link: here edit: forgot to actually post the linkd-load here
  3. D-load here Hey hey!! I'm up with a new one, I'd guestimate about 3 weeks i spend on this one. but uhm yeah also i find myself particularily proud of the low down, dark wet atmosphere this one initially sets... time: 8:31 bitrate: 192 tempo: 154 Enjoy!
  4. i've been hearing alot of what psy is and isn't and what "sucks" (apparently)... so i was hopeing to hear what you guys are finding to be full of good psychedelic vibe (doesn't necessarily have to be trance) ex: i've been listening to some didjeridoo playing, while i type this. ehm... yeah... ...
  5. why not real didjeridoo? But ehm.... yeah for me, not that i remember anything .... way before my time (ie: too young to know what it was, im 17 now).... i guess i miss the odd spacey samples from movies you think you've heard of, lol the spacey melodies, the electric spiral 303s.... and the love
  6. Hey! whats up? I finished another track, finally... It's an attempt at psychill: Time: 9:22 Tempo: 145 Bitrate: 128Kbps link: Here Enjoy!
  7. Headphones all the way!! I don't use monitors... or anything really, but headphones...
  8. hey... whats up? second release from my tracker.... this time... its on the acid, giving it a goa vibe: name: thump junkie genre: acid Tempo: 130 Size: 9.5 time: 4:48 link
  9. Geez... i see all this stuff about all their releases... noone mentioned the dionysiac release... easily a favourite realease.... d'n'b/goa... and even though lots hated it.... I loved critical mass.... it just had this funky vibe to it..... also, kalika was a neat one (can remember if it was a release or part of a compo)....
  10. It's really good, written in DD5.1. if your into other forms of electronic music... ie:techno (there's a crystal method track) ... there is one cheesy track, "you can run" whcih seems a little too pop-ish. and a remake of "A Recurring Dream Within A Dream", where he recites edgar alan poe's "the raven" through a vocoder . maybe I should put up a review ....
  11. http://www.discogs.com/release/382019 you really should check this one out
  12. alan parsons w/shpongle, Michele adamson, and dave gilmour (pink floyd) - Return to Tunguska that is my top shpongle track Tales is by far my fav album
  13. anyone?
  14. MFG - Peaceful Relaxation
  15. :rolleyes: thumbs up, good stuff!!! trackers kick ass
  16. 1) What programs you use, and any hardware instruments, midi controllers, etc (PC Specs too)? FLstudio5/jeskola buzz 1.5ghz 448 megs/ram 2) On average, how long does it take you to build and finish a Song? nowadays, months 3) Which parts do you find tedious when building your track (if any), if it pattern sequencing, automation, etc? one timer effects, repetitivity, unchaoticity, in a multigenre effort, making that perfect transition, from idm/dnb/ambient to psy 4) Where did the inspiration come from to start producing music? My cousin makes music too... 5) AND Your favourite style to produce? idm, psy, d'n'b, ambient, experimental (especially combinations of one or two of those mentioned!!)
  17. link soundclick stream hey, whats up?? i haven't posted anything here in a while, but this is my latest. genre is minimal acidpsy: name: alien gourd time: 8:31 synths: FL and all that good stuff tempo: 130 bitrate:192 enjoy, Nimai
  18. i used IT as well, and currently learning to buzz i thought i was all unique (starting at 13).... i guess not
  19. hey whats up? i thought this would be kind of a neat thing. it would be to find out how old everyone was when they first started using software sequencers, and trackers and such... if you must know, I had my first dose of loopy fruits when i was 12, i d-loaded the demo and tried making stuff, i later found out that i couldn't save, so, i started tracking when i was about 13, then slowly, when i got some money, i bought fruityloops (as flstudio). ehm.... yeah, i'd like to hear from the rest of you... i think its really cool...
  20. well... for me, whats worked recently, Ill play one random monotonous note throughout the whole pattern, then, change each note for some neat variation, some slides and stuff (keep in mind, this is for minimal). add a bit of echo delay (if needed), EQing out the harsh freqs and boosting alot of the <90hz. I do not use alot of compression on it, maybe alittle on the percs, and maybe the kick... phasers can be fun too... also, there is a lot of kick, and bass hits at the same time... if the bass ducks out from the kick (in FL, peak controllers and such)... but usually, its just a matter of EQing the kick and bass properly... To make my other leads, I build from the bass up... thanks 11:11.... (its an Alex Gray painting, he paints alot of this stuff: http://alexgrey.com/) BASSJUNKIES ALL THE WAY!!!!!!
  21. almost all basslines are written in C... stereotypical thing we can't seem to avoid
  22. if your on fruityloops (or flstudio dumb name imo, i still use it)... i highly recommend using TS-404 almost all my basslines come from there... eq'ed properly, it makes pretty solid bass muon tau is top stuff (i haven't really used it alot, doesn't have that out of the box power that TS-404 has ).... i definately recommend it, though... also try out evm bassline, or, for extra squelch, check out squeekbox 2 (from fatass plugins), most of this stuff is free... but pretty good...
  23. ive heard this... finally... anyway.... i absolutely love it, easily a fav jr release. you kind of have to psyche yourself up to listen to it, knowing that theres not going to be very much variation, mostly minimal stuff... i actually had heard a clip of it, in their film (they were movie makers) called "the missile project" before hand and i recognised that generator sound (which you start to become addicted to after awhile, you kind of need it to go on). anyway, on the subject of repetitivity, i've heard 12 minute pieces (same idea) more boring than this... anyone trying to remix this should try listening to it first, and really think about whether or not its a good idea (remixing this would be a very very very bad idea IMO, no matter how good you are) it creeps up on you, and actually kind of builds up a whole bunch of times, and breaking with the same old synth... this is no longer music, more like an elaborate art piece.... whew, long post according to nimai
  24. the posford did one with alan parsons, in dd 5.1, good stuff... features dave gilmour (pink floyd) on guitar
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