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Everything posted by serpha

  1. Etnoscope - Harmony (in the end!! LOL) GMS - Growly family Hallucinogen in dub - Gamma goblins Hux Flux - Bring Your Own Bios IM - Selecta Shpongle - Many tracks
  2. Glad someone is talking about this! I love Arcadia magic and 9th also VERY good psytrance... psytrance is not completley dead
  3. Logic Bomb Prometheus Penta Tristan
  4. Hallucinogen - Trancepotter
  6. Worst : Infected mushroom sonica 2005 Best : Younger brother sonica 2006
  7. Gimmie some names
  8. Tool Gorillaz Björk Ozrics Finntroll Looptroop/Promoe Mobbade Barn med Automatvapen/PstQ/Organism12 Timbuktu The Kristet Utseende The prodigy Enya Edward Shearmur Chords Maiden Metallica Rage Against the Machine
  10. bah! thats exactly what i think focus on music instead.
  11. http://www.psyshop.com/shop/CDs/hom/hom1cd048.html talk.
  12. Full On : Electric Universe - Cosmic Experience Progg : Freq - Strange Attractors Dark : Xenomorph...... Chill : Shpongle - Are you shpongled Ambient : Solar Fields Goa : VA - Destination Goa Vol. 3
  13. 40% psy/goa 25% chillout/ambient/shpongle 35% rock/metall/etc
  14. Astral, Hallucinogen-in-dub, Astrix, Infected, Shpongle... In other words the easy-listening ones!
  15. Misted Muppet - Cat Visions Beat hackers - Beat in Cat Fatali - Kick Cat
  16. I dunno about posford.. but ill say TALPA!
  17. Carbon based lifeforms - Hydroponic garden
  18. Waddap with this? Hallucinogen & Lucas - Pipeworm http://www.psyshop.com/shop/CDs/tip/tip1cd047.html
  19. Ozric rulez!½
  20. WORD!! totaly agree
  21. So emotional and happy Makes me feel like.. I am a butterfly on a journey in the forest...
  22. If the question was "Is It As bad as we say it is?" The answear will be - Yeah almost..
  23. yeah that "cowboy stuff" i like that shiet to dunno u maybe heard those but : Younger Brother - Evil and Harm Tripswitch - Roll Your Own Hallucinogen - Herb Garden
  24. soon on TV-Commersials 2 ...
  25. Same here.. just Re-Discovered it
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