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Everything posted by KozmikTentacles

  1. Im gonna have to listen to MFG...thanks for the tips!
  2. 3 CD box of Bach cello tunes
  3. I've just had a mayhem moment. I went for Thomas Köner - Nuuk for some black space void ambient, and Meshuggah - Chaosphere for trashy metal.
  4. This is more like tech house. You could check out Alexander Kowalski he is compared to Technasia sometimes. Two other of my personal favorites when it comes to that genre are Theorem and Aril Brikha.
  5. I did but I need a physical copy as well to play in the stereo when I am not at the computer
  6. Ordered the new Autechre Cd entitled Exai
  7. Nice landscape
  8. a 5 CD box that only cost €15. Bargain!
  9. Nice... glad to see Ishq so high up in the downtempo list.
  10. bvdub - All is Forgiven bvdub - The First Day bvdub - A Careful Ecstasy bvdub - Resistance Is Beautiful bvdub - At Night This City Becomes
  11. I read once that Ed Wynne (guitarist of Ozric Tentacles) comes up with his own scales sometimes. And other times they are influenced by eastern/folksy scales.
  12. Björk - Vespertine (CD) Björk - Homogenic (CD) Björk - Medulla (CD)
  13. Technasia - Central (CD) a small preview...
  14. Downtempo (rather no-tempo-at-all): Steve Roach - Back To Life Bvdub ‎– Serenity Steve Roach & Dirk Serries - Low Volume Music Ishvara ‎– Under A Hexagon Sky Thomas Köner ‎– Novaya Zemlya
  15. Bvdub - Serenity Best discovery I made since.... Steve Roach maybe.
  16. Listen to this guy, he is really good. Making ambient soundscapes made for the heart. He ranges from euphoric feelings to nostalgia.
  17. Self-portrait age 30. Ink on paper.
  18. DHAFER YOUSSEF - ABU NAWAS RHAPSODY One of the best jazz recordings I have heard lately, thumbs up for this one!
  19. Global Systems Silently Moving - Altering The Air Milieu - A Warm Wooden Hollow Bvdub - I Remember (Translations Of Mørketid) Bvdub - Serenity Bvdub - Songs For A Friend I Left Behind Bvdub - Then Joel Tammik - Eluline Monolake - Gobi The Desert EP
  20. Magma - Attahk Magma - Kontarkosz Anteria (K.A.) Magma - Mekanik Destruktiw Kommandoh
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