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Everything posted by KozmikTentacles

  1. np: Neelix_-_No_Way_To_Leave-2005-gEm\05-neelix_-_complication-gem.mp3 this is some sweet clubbish prog trance!!
  2. good choice. love this album! cool cover art. how's the music?
  3. np: Ferenc - Fraximal on Kompakt Records
  4. it's on Strange Attractors
  5. I don't know 5 essential prog-trance albums, cos I'm still quite new to this genre. but I love what I'm hearing. my faves so far.. Vibrasphere - Lime Structure Sensifeel - Next Vision Ticon - Aero maybe the Yotopia album too, havn't really made up my mind about that one yet.
  6. np: Ticon - Aero...before that: Saafi Brothers - Liquid Beach
  7. probably an order from Acuja Productions including Sensifeel, Gus Till..... and more stuff I havn't thought of yet. lots of Ozrics I'm missing on CD and their ambient sideproject Nodens Ictus - Spacelines.
  8. downloading... np: Children of the Bong - Sirius Sounds
  9. excellent choice if I may so sir! np: Ticon - Aero
  10. ooh, got to hear Shiloh. if Son Kite and Jaia likes em they gotto be somebody
  11. do you want releases from 2005? Danieto - Cirugia Casual Ferenc - Fraximal Joel Tammik - Eluline Marc Leclair -Musique Pour 3 Femmes Enceintes Monolake - Polygon_Cities (this is the Monolake album you mean right) Seamus (Amir Baghiri & Stefano Gentile) - Forever Seele (Amir Baghiri & Stefano Gentile) - Berlin Studio Pankow - Linienbusse Vince Watson - Sublimina 2005 did turn out pretty good after all. so far I'm disapointed with 2006, but who knows it might change. so far I've only enjoyed Monolake - Plumbicon Versions. these were OK though: Lump - LumpDub, Pablo Bolivar - Anjanas, Yagya - Will I Dream During The Process? (their previous album Rhythm Of Snow was much better though). there are coming some nice re-issues: Monolake - Hongkong Bass Communion vs Muslimgauze - not sure wha the re-issue title will be, cause this CD will be including all tracks they produced together. this is experimental/industrial techno like the noisier side Monolake, perhaps comparable to Momentum. and I did mention Monolake??
  12. wow!! I didn't know there were a formula for feelings. you could become a millionaire Radi!
  13. some feedback then; I've tried most of the names here, but it's only Spirallianz and Midi Miliz that really has impressed me. I liked a few of the X-Dream track, but not amazing overall. thanks for the help man!!
  14. I will have to try Astral Projection, looks like they stir up some emotions here. I kind of been avoiding them cause they're a big name, generally means bad music in my book.
  15. well it's up to you to formulate then I'm just trying to help.
  16. I don't think certain melodies have names the way you are trying to put words on it. but there are official scales though that all melodies are based on. for instance, blues scale, arabic scale, etc.
  17. radi is going to kill you for that
  18. ok I see where you are getting at. yeah there are "subtle melodies" as you say, and tracks where there's a no melody leading the song I wouldn't classify as a "melodic song" either.
  19. yeah! what is a melody if it's not melodic? sure there could be different types of melodies. but I'm not sure if it's an objective thing. "melodic melodies" sounds weird though. not all sounds that aren't bass and drum in trance are melodies. like all random bleeps and noises in trance are not "melodies". melodies in my definition are logical chord pattern, that's the best way I can describe it. I can't read notes so I can't give you an exemple.
  20. just that you use the term "Melodic melodies" imply you have no idea what you're talking about. sorry to break the news for you.
  21. is it better than Strange Attractors? I'm still trying to decide if this album is good or not. I definitly like the first track though Carbon-Based Lifeforms. p.s. this ambient track Bliss is really nice too!
  22. exactly, melody based music is melodic music. and non-melodic music is minimalistic, noisy whatever. what's so strange about that p.s. And melodic music isn't the same as emotional music. there are melodic pop music that is dead-cold.
  23. you're confusing it with "sentimental" right? emotional = feelings ... that's all I think
  24. I love Amber but it has never emotionally engaged me *that* much. Ozric Tentacles however, Ed just need to lay his hands on the guitar strings and it's like mental masturbation for me. Magma is also very emotional for me, but this band is off topic in this forum. I think one or two Björk songs have made me shed a tear once. oh, and let's not forget Jefferson Airplane. listening to Triad, I tell you that is emotional and profound lyrics.
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