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Everything posted by Goasia

  1. some kind of remake of our old track Paranoid from 2004 https://soundcloud.com/goasia/still-paranoid-2014-edition :-)
  2. Thanx Penzoline it will be more tracks of course
  3. http://soundcloud.com/goasia/goasia-orbital-saturation# playing with modular and analogsynthis
  4. :angry: ......... <_< .... :lol: .... :rolleyes: great guys
  5. i have some new equipment and someting i do wrong .. next track will be ok
  6. *********** enjoy
  7. in 2000 i was 33 .... and now 40 :lol: :lol: :lol:
  8. Thanx for kind words , i hope so you will enjoy in Goasia sound . .. but without audience , without Suntrip Records and support of other goa artists , we cant release this album ... so it is our common project ,for keeping that genre in live ..... good listening and thanx again with respect Balint
  9. hehe .. first thank you for good words , but it is not so easy to make a masterpiece i love to make music but im so bussi with other things in my life ..... but i promise i give my best and i will finish an album when i feel that i have 9 or 10 strong tracks ... now my studio is ready for professional sound , as i said i bought loth of gear for having the best from new and oldstyle production ... i feel im littlebit out of newscool goa sound , im older guy and cant be so hard with melodies , and allways keep my eyes on musicality of my tracks ,sometimes is like a limit ... but we will see i will ask Nick from Unicorn for this dumpingprice and i will udate you , i wont earn anything with PE2 ..so ... we will see
  10. this track was 99% maked on virtual instruments , so it have more that "plug-in" sound and it is out of my usual style ... in last two years is bought loth of vintage gears to come closer to vintage "phattnes" of A.P. production in second half of 90 s ... for me that was the top quality production in goa-trance that ever maded .... ok. todays computer technology is verry powerfull ,but from the aspect of sound , that production was more enjoynable for me , so i wish to combine that sound with todays production possibilities .... i hope so you will like it thanx for listening
  11. thats the place or
  12. keep the goa alive 8) I like how you rpesent it.

    surprised to see I was added as a friend. we've never spoken before ;p Hope to see you around. *_*

  13. Hello Frends! I like to share one of my tracks from 2005 with You.I maked experimets with fullonish arrangments but with tribal feeling and some short goa melodies, it is not my usual style,but maybe you will like it... loth of percussion lines , ethnic samples ,industrial and psy athmospheres ... enjoy! regards Balint http://www.goasia-project.com/private/Goasia-WeLiveThere.mp3
  14. Love your style!


  15. no Goasia there ... please edit this post .. thanx ... take care Theo
  16. that is the magic of old instruments , you find it somwhere , pay it , wait for it ... and then get some piece of history in past i have Virus C , its perfect VA Synth , allways in tune , minimal midi latency , tousands of patches , every tone is same ... but then i buy an old Oberheim Matrix 6 with broken keys , terrible looking ,BUT the WARMTH... the color of every played sound is in some way different , theese machines lives ,now i get an old Juno 60 and im verry happy with it ... i cacht an old SH-09 from net last month , i will recive it tomorrow ... discret analog circuits , analog filter , fast envenlopes ....
  17. i saw that list , Junos , Jupiters,Tb,sh ,Oberheim Matrixes , Minimoog ... simply the collection of best analog synthesizers and best outboard effects ... todays goa production is thinner , cus artist use other kind of intruments (VA s and plugins) .. btw todays psy , fullon and other subgenres havent nothing with 90s goatrance production ... its the different sound , different feeling ....
  18. i think basstation is analog , im shure is not VA but i dont know is dco or vco , but nevermind that little beast have fatt sound ... and have analog filter i have for a while Andromeda , trance leads in my track "Yin and Yang" on my last release was played on Andromeda , but i expect much more from this synth ... the price is so high , when i buy it i think i solve all my analog needs ,BUT it sounds between VA and vintage analogs .... dont have that boom , that i expect ... Polyevolver hasnt expected popularity on the market , and i saw many of thems on classifieds , its bad for a new product ... so if we want something cheap and effective maybe waldorf Pulse , sounds not so analog , you cant expect some neverheard strange sounds , but it have a KILLER lead , even i dont like this filter in Pulse , but for fatt lead without concurecy (im bad in english) i use now Mam mb 3 mk2 too, verry affordable in secondhand market but effective .... i agree with Lost Buddha about todays technology but if you want to add some warmth for your tracks , use analogs .... everytimes when im listen AP tracks from 90's , im on the top , that pulsating electronical stampedo from thier tracks comming from the best studio setup that ever has been used in goatrance production
  19. im old so i like work with old synthis ..... combination of modern and vintage technology give the best results in sound ... but im not an expert
  20. cheap secondhand synthis for good oldscool sounds : Braintec Transistorbass 3 Mam mb 33 mk 2 Roland Juno 60 you can beefed up your plugin sound with some hardware goodies for less than 300 euros that have i buyed in last half year and have verry good impression with ithems. im interessed to buy Crumar Bit 99 or the rack version Bit 01 , basstation rack anyone sell ?
  21. ..all my respect ... go forward
  22. Helo Im into production of one track and i need a some vocal samples ... usualy i use samples from addlibs sample CD s , but i need something more intresting and authentical ...so i need a short vocal sample from YOU with this text : " welcome to the war of the clones " and evil leafing after this ... so , lets make it together i will processed the sample and put it in my track please send mp3 samples 320 kbps 44.1 to my contact@goasia-project.com thanx and take care Balint
  23. ... keep continue ... best wishes from myself and MyLittleBudha Balint (Goasia)
  24. new forces at Goasia project Goasia Studio with master
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