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Everything posted by Mutilated_Core

  1. CAN YOU HEAR ME!??!?!

  2. it's rude to talk about penniser in MC's message box. Charlie, you know what that means, dont you. *squeeze*

  3. lol@charlies pennis line :lol:

  4. Don't join the fuzz, MC, one of your colleagues would end up arresting you.

  5. I thought the head looked familiar. I think the mascot of the biggest theme park in sweden is that bunny on acid :P

  6. just send me the entire costume lol :P

  7. +100 The Voov also doesn`t announce their line-up. But well, Boom also kinda changed my life and I`m also planning to go there next year!
  8. What are ambassador tickets?
  9. This jokes are already out, you know?
  10. It's broken, Regenald, just like your penis.

  11. profile pic you suckre, profile pic british swine!

  12. lol at you confusing you for me. :D

  13. Yippie, yippie yeah...
  14. Atm nothing...I enjoy the silence
  15. Infected with regeritis
  16. Shit..then it`s really time to go to bed...I gotta study economics today..
  17. I need a break. Urgently. I wanna have more time for school and myself. Maybe I will just pop up twice a week or so. But not anymore every day for hours and hours. Renz, it must be now 5:03! Not 6:03, you gotta turn back the clocks today for one hour!
  18. No. Too tired. Besides that there is no thread left that interests me. So I guess I make the 20 remained posts in 10 hours or so. Btw it`s now 5:03, isn`t it? Zeitverschiebung
  19. Shit, I won`t reach 3000 posts today...too tired.. Whatever.
  20. 29 posts left till I`ll get the CMT. I think that I`ll make it today yet. And then I`m gonna take a loooong break from psynews (maybe)....
  21. What's wrong with my picture? I think Psynews is trying to delete me, to make me extinct. To die at the hands of a machine, what a sad way to go.

  22. Psytones, you baboon.

  23. Iz nais ples, "Chaos A.D.", no? kthxbye

  24. Or this one:
  25. ORLY??? CMT = Custom member title
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