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Everything posted by Mutilated_Core

  1. Nice. Btw: Where`s our fuckin avatar????
  2. I`ll be careful, you assface
  3. Whoa...I`m stepping to the starz..
  4. let's sqeeze charlie out of this box

  5. dont act like you dont know ..

  6. Yep, but not so extreme, I prefer light hooked noses. Long, brown, wavey hair? Me has
  7. Ok, I understand. I have also a thing....... for nice hooked noses.
  8. there'something very attractive about the shape of your eyebrows. your whole expression. very sexy! take it as a compliment. :)

  9. Dude, whats about my fuckin eyebrows? Eh? Stop it with the weed ok? It`s enuff.
  10. +100
  11. I just can`t help myself but No Control by Vibrasphere rocks my socks off. I have to listen to it again and again and again. :posford:
  12. Man, what where they thinking by going for this theme?
  13. whats all the fuzz about anyway?

  14. Oh no...I won`t survive another Reger....
  15. can i talk about how pretty Core is in this box?

  16. haha! You re much closer to the cmt than me So stop howling!!!
  17. i was just kidding. Knew how it was meant...
  18. You need a new english-latvia latvia-english translation book
  19. No more apologize threads. Not even in the name of psytrance.
  20. Im working on it. But right now w_lizzard is the top twenty poster. He and his damn fucking Apologize threads
  21. Pienews biggest spammer doesnt need an avatar and a custom meber title
  22. Hahaha, funny as always.
  23. Still far away from the Spam Queen Title. I`m just not born to spam....
  24. What if I am, homophobe! :D

  25. charlie is hitting on exotic :D

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