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Anyone? lol, i'll just pretend that I have been waiting 2 years for a reply here but seriously, it looks like i'll just have to go buy it from beatport! ... Are they a reputable business to purchase from? they appear so.
Having listened to the Downtempo CD on continuous repeat for the last 8 hours, i'm wondering why my ears aren't bleeding. This is an exquisite piece of audio-nirvana for my mind. With some of favourite artists (Aes Dana, Solar Fields, Asura) and artists that i have heard of but not had the chance to listen to i find that every track on this CD is incredible. I already knew Aes Dana, and Solar Fields would produce exactly what i expected from them, brilliance, but i guess i was very pleasantly surprised by Asura with their breathtaking piece Altered State, and Electrypnoses' Chillen Berlin ... All of the artists on the downtempo CD have been brought together to create a special collection of absolutely crafted magic. Would like to say big kludos and almihgty thanks to mars & anoebis @ Suntrip for this liquid heaven i can absorb through my ears... "Thankyou!"
Please tell me this album isn't like Efflorescence...? (sure i enjoyed some tracks from Efflorescence, but it just didn't have all the aspects that i personally enjoy and *need* in a ambient trance album). A friend of mine wants to by me a cd as a gift and i think Distant System - Spiral Empire might be just the thing.
Solar Fields is the swedish musical genius: Magnus Birgersson.
I love this Album! I have been falling into a space where i don't want to fall, trapped in a subconcious bubble of my own design. This album helps SO much it's almost insane. 10/10 ... i absolutely love the chillout relaxed, let everything wash away moments that this album provides in multitudes... peace.
Enjoying this album, not as much as some others tho' because i get really uncomfortable hearing "Galaxies (part 1)" on this album! Hearing it takes me straight into my Oxycanta (which i love) listening mood! which then leaves me dissorientated. Honestly it just doesn't really fit into this albume properly in my opinion.
Nice album. But i'm confused... the last track does'nt appear to match the track list on the back of the cd-cover/case? As nice as the track is, it's got some weird elements in it which makes me feel like that stuff isn't supposed to be there when i first listened to it...
Heya psydreamer, i have to say that i really dig complex and what if?!! ... I downloaded these a long time ago (looks like i got them all the way back in march!) and i think i had to move alot of files around so they got mixed up in a "sort" directory, which it's taken me along time to get to! lol. Anyway, really nice tunes! Complex has alot of elements that blend in well, and you're using some sweet samples. The only problem i find is that there's a stuttering kind-a-beat that kicks in at 2:26 which takes a little bit away from the awesome tune as it interrupts the flow... I'm downloading your other releases @ mikseri.net/artists/?id=27019 and looking forward to hearing those! ... and just noticed that you're an Astral Projection fan, so i was interested to see if your "Still Dreaming" was based loosely on AP stuff. But thankfully it's very original and i'm certainly not dissapointed Great stuff, Keep up the good work.
Hey guys, i was'nt following this thread but have now read it through entirely for all replies relating to Aes Dana:Aftermath, Season5 and Fahrenheit Project part 3 & part 4. You might find the following interesting as I inquired about any possible means of purchasing the CD's in their Album form (titles mentioned above) a while ago, and in the process of some 6 or so email dialogues the latest update i received about the possibilities of buying the Albums from Ultimae was from Mahiane (aka Sunnys) in August (before Fahrenheight Project part 6 was released). So, here's an extract from the reply email: "Regarding the missing Cds in your collection, I'm afraid they're all out of stock. Aftermath...I listened to it again last night actually, to me it's a masterpiece. And I'm not saying that because I collaborated with Vince on this album. I truly think that the 300 limited edition copies we did wasn't enough. We get about 20 queries a month so we may - when we can - reprint this one. For the compilations we are thinking about releasing again once we finish with FP7 and we'll issue a big box will all the compilations and a book. What you can do in the meantime, is to download these releases from various website : ambient.us, shopsonic.com, Itunes (not sure they got them all yet), beatport,..." This was one of the best emails i have ever received and was like the holy grail of answers. It's really tough not to go and purchase the downloads but i've decided i'm going to wait for these albums in their CD form (with cover art/booklet) before listening to them. Tho' i'm not to sure what's happening with "Aes Dana-Season5" as it isn't mentioned in her reply and is conspicous by it's absence.
doh, looks like most online-shops are out of stock?! Does anyone know if psyshop is getting more copies soon? perhaps at the same time as when CBL's world of sleepers arrives! & that way i can get two great albums in the same delivery and be in auditory heaven).
V/A Fahrenheit Project Part 6 Track List 01. Scann-Tek - ASD 02. Irukandji - Whales Street 03. Cell - Erasing Pluto 04. H.U.V.A Network - Orientations 05. Sync24 - Dot 06. Solar Fields - Levitate 07. Sundial - Together we are... [scann-tec rmx] 08. Aes Dana - Bam [overlit edit] 09. Hol Baumann - Radio Bombay Yay, happy days. I got this album a few days ago and my expectations were pretty high because i have Fahrenheit Project 1, 2 & 5, (i have not been able to get 3 & 4(!) to my very sad dispair!). Anyway, i have to say this is another masterpiece from Ultimae Records! As with the other Fahrenheit Projects there is a fantastic line up of artists and they do not dissapoint. The two newest artists on this album that i have not heard of before are Irukandji & Scann-Tek, and both of their tracks and Scann-Tek remix further on @ #7 are great. It's nice to finally here a good track with some whale sounds intertwined within it, and whales street works well, but doesn't overly use or abuse the whale samples here at all. I won't take you through the tracks one by one because the various artists that make up this compiliation need no introductions, and their work-results and output is always to a very high standard indeed (imo). The whole album flows perfectly, and every track has something special to offer. 9.5/10 -- Available from: Ultimae :: http://www.ultimae.com/en/news/164.html Psyshop :: http://www.psyshop.com/shop/CDs/inr/inr1cd020.html Saiko Sounds :: http://www.saikosounds.com/english/display...ase.asp?id=6073
Okay, so after endless listens to this cd, i am ready to put down my thoughts about this Album. This is really one petal of the flower that is Ultimea Records. I have now got almost all of their cd's that i can get from Ultimae and if i were to rate Oxycanta it would land about 3rd or 4th in my favourites list. Mahiane has compiled a beautiful flow of tracks that can be listened to repeatedly, however, i find that when i am not in the right frame of mind that i need to listen to something else (which would usually be more like H.U.V.A network or SolarFields). I have found that this CD slowly morphes from start to finish, giving us just enough chilled-out-flowing-goodness, enough melody and often enough of an almost beatless experience to make the relaxation grow and slide like liquid smoothness. Ghostfriend, Solar Fields and Between Interval give us the first 3 tracks on the album with their Swedish sounds (they are mixed very well almost as one). Aes Dana makes his timely appearance with #4 Mineral Light (submerged edit), and is much in keeping with the albums chai(?). From here, track #5 Floating Retention, by Cell (see also "blue embers" on fahrenheit part 5!!) builds up the moment, giving us a good 10 minutes to be absorbed, and i love the way it works... but it also changes things, catching more of my attention until we drift into track #6 Asura - Galaxies Part1 which doesn't particularly remind me of anything galactic but certainly is another fine mixture of style... I find that we move into Syn24's track #7 too quickly however with the 6 minutes and 29 seconds of Source being over too quickly and we arrive at some heavy percussion in #8, this may or may not work for you, but i find it a little too in-my-face and tends to break the flow for it's first 4 minutes tho' the rest of the track builds up and works on it's own level but still could have been better. Track #9 Listen to the Flowers Grow, by Subgardens is I think the first from the trio of artists: Cedric Desseaix, Mahiane (compliler of this cd), and vincent villius (Aes Dana). It's an interesting mixture of ambience and downtempo. But I get the feeling that Vincent Villius has helped this piece become what it is as their are traits in it that remind me of his Memory Shell album. I also find that it is more like a prequel to #10 "Magic Tree" by omnimotion. Magic Tree, starts off very differently from the other peices in this album, and somehow it makes it more seperated from the other tracks. It's interesting as a closing piece as normally i don't like any kind of additional-voice samples used in ambient songs but occasionally it is done right, and this is one of those times... I like the messages and the story that it contains... A nice ending but also one that took me quite a number of listens to the whole album to enjoy more. On a side note, I also brought again as i deemed it a perfect gift as a Birthday Present for one of my good m8s. 9/10
argh, beatspace is out of stock... is there still a way?!
I'm waiting on this to arrive with my other 5 CD's (my one-time yearly and very careful purchase selection) that i have ordered from psyshop. I read this review when it was first published, and appreciate Death Postures words on this. ... I have found that ultimae have nothing but absolute class when releasing albums. As i happen to have both SolarFields (home/extended) albums and have come to love them dearly i am really looking forward to hearing this album. The "Solar Fields – Detection (Partially Detected)" track i heard about 1.5 months ago, and it's absolutely beautiful, it works on every level that my ears can hear. So just having this one on the CD is good enough for me. ... Aes Dana has released excellent music, (i have not heard anything from the other musicians in the album) but it is with alot of expectation that i await for my order to arrive. (it should be here in about 3 days and i will write my own review if i have time off work in the next couple of weeks or later if i'm too busy, aka lazy).
YAY! i'm really looking forward to hearing what Dave has to say!! ... However i believe our patience will be rewarded and I am quite sure that he will take the much needed time to construct a useful, informative and fascinating response to your questions. For this i can wait a long time! - It will be worth it. And thanks ritual, for taking the time to organise this btw. =)
I have had Protoculture's (absolutely awesome) "Natural Selection" compilation for a little while now, and there's a track on that compilation by Triptych that i really, really like, called "celtych", so i decided to go out on a limb and spend my pennies on this Electrology album. Here's what i think... We start out with a nice 2:05 long intro, which nicely leads into Track2 Question and answer. This track uses a voice-sample of the same name of the track title over and over and over and over... It has a great Drum-beat and it's a nice tune, and parts of it are just itchin' to belch out and develop into a really cool trancy style, but IMO it gets de-graded by the way that the various voice samples are used way too much. It also gets into a kind-of clubby vibe with another ill-used voice-sample sadly. Track3 Stop the press continues the strangeness, especically at the start but then it gets a little bit better, but it's a weird mix of beats and sounds that make this tune into what it is, the -what seems to me- very experimental peice of the album. With lots of samples thrown in here like "baaatmaaaan", and "we've got a live one here" from the batman movie. Basically it really bugs me when i hear an absolutely awesome melody rip into different parts of this track after hearing weirdness and strange samples that i don't like because i can hear how the track could have grown into something more, mixing itself more around the melody and doing away with the some of the samples... Track4 Bokoboko brings us out of the laughing jack and Krazy-Klown posse and into a better and pleasant tune, the main "we want to rock the nation" robot voice and "fantasy" samples don't bother me as much as #3 and i almost enjoy this one. If anything it seems like it was designed for the Dance Floor. Track5 Fifty tries to experiment with a fun sample about reverb and eq, and then gets into it's beat and general sound from there-on-in. Lots of voice-samples used here, which builds the song into a repetitive thing that i don't find too exciting. My fussy perspective is that this track takes too long to get into it's melody and when it does the track is only a couple of minutes away from finishing... Track6 "Electrology" works a bit better, takes a good 4 minutes before getting into it's funky and very trippy melody, once there it just owns all the way to the finish. Track7 State of confusion keeps the mood flowing and gets me boppin' to it (with some really nice stuff here). But Track8 Own desire uses a repeating sample "what is that look for" which gets repetitive and could be used less, but the song really grows into a nice tune! Track9 Wicked Jimmy works, but again uses voice-samples that almost work, but really don't help it overall. Conclusion. At 67 minutes and 58 seconds long, i feel like we could have been given a bit more to this CD as there's enough space left for a track10, or a better fleshed out track, but we don't get that. There are alot of tracks on this CD that aren't quite on my audiotory pleasure level. And, as you can tell i have difficulty enjoying voice samples in psytrance tunes. Voice samples can make (i.e.: Astral Projection's Anything is possible, People can fly, Dancing galaxy, just to name a few) or break a song, and i usually prefer a solid track designed wholey around melodies and textured layers and soundscapes, so sadly i did not enjoy this album as much as i had hoped i would. Triptych has fused the majority of this album with many some-what well-suited voice-samples and some not so well suited. Overall, I think this album will definately grow on me and i am glad i brought it... 6/10.
- edit. somehow this got double-posted - aka 'not my fault'!
hey, this is some really decent stuff! nice! ... my only gripe is your avatar looks weird! ;p it's freakin' me out! lol.
heh, nice work, somehow it reminds of like listening to something from ocremix.org! which isn't a bad thing ... From start to 2"27' takes a bit of getting used to, but i Love the melody that kicks in at 2"27' and the tracks grows from there. Still needs something more but i'm not sure what. ... One more thing, it could do with a little bit more closure, as it finishes kind-of abruptly. Nice work tho.
Argh! Okay that's great and all! ... But what is the track called!? because i got all curious reading your post, and then you don't tell us what it is!
i am reaching for straws here, but it could be that old song that i know astral made but might have been under another of their aliases, but it was called "12,000 Suns". Track is about 13minutes long with repeating stuff and kinda builds up slowly... (it's one of my all time fav's!).