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Everything posted by Senobyte

  1. I'm checking in peeps. Haven't seen you for ages, sorry my bad.
  2. Hi Pat All good mate. Fianlly moved out of the hotel so now I can set up a stereo and start waking up the neighbours. Hope you well. Hava Bundy for me mate. Soz
  3. Hi Joske Long time mate. Do you still have Asia - Psyka? I've got spare copies of heaps and can access them now as I've finally moved out of the hotel.Unfortunately I don't have Part 2 as I'm looking for it as well (I'm kinda half Polish due to da mrs) Fede was telling when he was over a fair while ago that Mars was looking for Accidental. He's probably found a copy by now but I've got 2 or 3 copies. Take it easy Soren
  4. Hi Pat It might be genuine but he's been left a lot of bad feedback on discogs lately, so not holding my breath. That's life I guess. We're still rockin' London. Went to a few Olympic events, boxing, hockey and football, the poms put on an awesome show. Talk soon mate
  5. Hi All Haven't been on for a while but I hope you're all well. I, along with some other people have been ripped off by Tigas of discogs and he might be known here as Medioti (not sure though) both are from Greece. He won't respond to any messages etc, etc. I'm normally very patient and will never flame someone and give them ample time to get the goods to me but this guy either died or just decided to go the scam. Tigas offered me Trance Experience 4 a few years ago and when I went to pay apparently it had been stolen out of his car, I should have learned from that. Basically you pay but don't receive the cd's. I'm not sure where else I was meant to post this but I wanted to get the word out before anyone else gets done over. Steer Clear !!
  6. What happened, you didn't write to me about trades etc. I got back from holidays and just checked in now and Acid Waves is all over red rover. Never mind, next time. Seno
  7. JAP EXP Hi there mate. Hope you are well. How much would you like for Jap Exp. Are the inserts near mint? Talk soon Soren
  8. Thanks Emil you're a champion !! Always a pleasure to buy from you mate and I wish you happy holidays and a great 2011.
  9. Many thanks !! Cd arrived swiftly, well packaged and in near mint condition as promised. I would definitely buy or trade with Mike again.
  10. Thanks Mars for doing such a great job over the past years. I can only begin to imagine pressure of trying to do this by yourself. If I can be of any help in being part of the team then I'll put my hand up. I can spare an hour or two per day to keep the vibe alive.
  11. Super Nice Guy but needs a few tips on grading. Sorry mate but the conditon of those cd's are a shocker. The only cd of any use to me is the Indian Beats which Fede wanted and I helped you out because he backed out, otherwise the conditon for the rest are not how I expected.
  12. Senobyte


    Hi Folks Hope you're all having a nice summer. I stupidly traded some cd's that I thought I could replace but I haven't been lucky so far. I'm willing to pay top prices or if you would like to trade against some of my doubles then I'm happy to do that. I'm looking for, nice condition please: Trance Mixum - 100 euros Japanese Experience - 100 euros Astral Trance - 130 euros Asia - Psyka - 150 euros Tromesa - Gdyby - 100 euros To trade, LOTS but rarities straight off the top of my head: Blue Planet - Rhino release VG++ Etnica - Juggeling VG++ RTTS - Ambient Med 4 - NM and sealed Quiet Logic - NM Secede - Tryshasla (sealed) Laters S
  13. Okay Mr Delars Can you get me price together inc shipping to London for: Lotus - Recycle Jaia - Blue Dirty Week Biot - Sat Zep Tepi 777 Cheers mate Seno
  14. Sorry for previous post, it's been so long for me that I've forgotten what to do I'd like a second copy of Acid Waves. What are you looking to trade for? Alternatively how much would you like? Laters S
  15. Hi all I've dropped off the radar due to work commitments but I want to let everyone know that I have spare tickets for both main and afterparty 31.10.09, just need to allocate a few for Fede and his bro, so that leaves 7 of each available, so if anyones looking then let me know, first in best dressed. Laters S
  16. Senobyte


    I know this is a long shot but I was wondering if anyone wants to part with their copy of Lunar Civilization? I've been chasing it for way too long now and actually bought it on discogs last weekend. Unfortunately it was advertised as NM but infact the condition is more like VG so I opted out. Obviously I'll pay top dollar as I appreciate this has to be the rarest of all ep's. Cheers
  17. Many thanks again mate ! Cd arrived in top condition as promised. I look forward to next time
  18. Thanks mate !! Cd's arrived safely and in better condition than I expected. Many thanks
  19. Nice, I wonder how Ethiopian leather would feel against my little ears
  20. Many thanks for all of your suggestions folks. I just need them for home listening and the cheap pair (too embarresed to reveal their make) I use occasionally sqeeze my ears, so comfort will play a big part along with sound quality, price doesn't matter.
  21. I think there was a topic on this ages back but I can't find it. I've got like £20000 worth of goa, psy, ambient and idm and I've been waiting to move back to Australia so I can finally buy a booming sound system and make the neighbours ears bleed. It looks like I'll never move back if I'm honest with myself, so I want to justice for the music and buy some quality over ear headphones, can you groovers recommend some please? Buget is around £300. Any thoughts on: Audio Technica - ATH AD1000 Denon - AH-D5000 AKG - K702 I appreciate your help
  22. Hi Greg I'll trade you for Asia - Psyka & Live. Let me know what takes your fancy mate? Soren
  23. Hi there I'd like to buy: Trance Exp 3 Travelling Trance X Press Psycho Disko Let me know how much you would like for them. Cheers
  24. Let me know your wantlist mate
  25. I'll buy it off someone if NM for £125
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