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About dreamweb

  • Birthday 08/12/1979

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  • Location
    Skopje, Macedonia
  • Interests
    graphic design / audio production
  1. I wasn't laughing this hard for a loong time Boom shiva ohm nahma shivaya mahadeva people can fly dancing galaxy Enlightened Evolution goa gill hare krishna to you all
  2. Anyone?
  3. Tnx I have heard a demo of your track thay will be on the compilation, a while ago... I was impressed, just the type of music i like Cant wait to see this comp. in my hand
  4. Since Prosect already ruined the suprise ... Here is the final version (so far) of the front cover (basically its the same, just some few changes & details added). Btw, im designing the cd artwork
  5. I'm new on this forum, so first i would like to say "Hi" to all of you here HERE (click on the word)are some of my tracks, most of them are a bit older (you can notice that, some of them lack of proper mastering, i'm preety much aware of that), my latest track (also my personal favorite) is Sleeping Angel, that is mastered by Tim Schultd at 4CN studios. These tracks are released for the web-based label "Cytopia" (there is a link to the latest v/a somewhere in the "label announcement" forum), and you can listen to the track (streaming - full lenght) for free. If you like some of the tracks, you can also purchase it (wav file, or 320kbps mp3) for less then 1 euro per track. The style is mostly old school, with some full on elements, very powerfull and energetic. Sleeping Angel has more of the "progressive" touch to it, and my new tracks are going in that direction too. (maybe i will upload some short demo of my latest, unfinished track these days). I would like to hear your opinions, any feedback (positive or negative) would be great! www.cytopia.org/band.php?BandNo=60&flash=off&
  6. The compilation is released now, so any feedback will be great for us, new artists presented here
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