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Everything posted by dawn21682

  1. i have heard the samples and they sound incredible ! -------------------------------------------------------- www.indepth1.com
  2. Hey ,nice topic you can check out my psybreaks project Indepth , with an album coming out april on Sonic Dragon www.indepth1.com cheers!
  3. Hey ,nice topic you can check out my psybreaks project Indepth , with an album coming out april on Sonic Dragon www.indepth1.com cheers!
  4. Hey ,nice topic you can check out my psybreaks project Indepth , with an album coming out april on Sonic Dragon www.indepth1.com cheers!
  5. hey guys & gals just wanted to invite you all to check out the new home of the Israeli psybreaks project INDEPTH, with a new album out in April on Sonic Dragon Records www.indepth1.com come inside , have a listen and give us some feedback! hugs!
  6. Bluetech would be a good choice amigo
  7. hey guys & gals! my psybreaks project INDEPTH has a new home , and an album coming out april 2006 on Sonic Dragon. come visit the site and check out some sounds , pics and articles about INDEPTH. have fun , and come say hi ! www.indepth1.com Shahar
  8. welcome to the new homepage of Israeli psychadelic breakbeat phenomenon -INDEPTH www.indepth1.com the new site includes images , sounds from the upcoming album on Sonic Dragon , articles and all you could ask for. give us a visit and sign the guestbook!! keep rockin!
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