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Everything posted by psychonaut

  1. Modulation Moon in your window Screaming Butterfly thats about it ...
  2. astral used to have stronger bass what the fuck is the idea behind psytrance without bass ? i remember i burned a 60 ampere fuse on my subwoofer in the car once playing Astral ... that was like 8 years ago ... am afraid it aint gonna happen again
  3. i don't use internet radio i tried it a few times but never got into it
  4. best dance music ? maybe. but "dance music" and "music" are two very different things. you can have music that is primarily music but also dance music ... or you can have straight up dance music ... like psytrance. just like you can have music with lyrics or you can have rap ... different things ask yourself this - if you were born without legs, would you still like psytrance ? i think a lot of negativity arises from the fact that psytrance wasnt always necessarily that ... you did not NEED legs to listen to astral for example, although legs could also come in handy (no pun intended)
  5. Seabound - Watching Over You (and before that) Seabound - October Song
  6. im running windows XP 64 bit on a new computer and i want to practice making some mixes in software. what software should i use to make like an hour long mix of about 15 mp3s ? ( that software should handle WAVs too though ) ???
  7. radio shack connectors ! the sh1t fell apart causing my car sound system to stop working. avoid radio shack at all cost ...
  8. other. i would donate money but i would not buy the cd. i see no point in supporting fedex with my money, i think they have enough. buying information on a physical medium in the 21st century is a lot like trying to buy a horse in a BMW dealership. you have to consider of course that about 95% of all people are complete morons.
  9. also i would never buy music downloads from any place other than directly from the label or artist maybe using your money to support criminals such as allofmp3.com makes you feel better
  10. BULLSHIT the cost of storing and uploading tracks is negligible ... less than one dollar per GIGABYTE for sure
  11. you cant stop progress if you try to fight technology you can only hurt yourself internet is not going anywhere if almost everybody i know uses a stolen copy of microsoft windows ( a product backed by multi-billion-dollar corporation ) then you can bet your ass that any underground artist will never be able to prevent his music from getting stolen
  12. i said it many years ago - all music should be free and distributed over the internet ( probably via P2P such as torrents ) and the artists should be supported by donations ( such as pay-pal ) on their official website also every artist should have a store on their official website so you would have a choice of making a donation or buying something ( like a T-Shirt ) to support the artist give it another 10 - 20 years and everybody will come to the same conclusion ... i am always ahead of the times
  13. i have the other technics model ... the same one skazi wears ... of course if i knew that before i would not buy them ... but they are actually much better sounding than the 3 different models of sennheiser i tried (although i did not try any of the 600 series) ... also technics has much better build quality than sennhesier - but sennheisers are more light weight and win on the ergonomics i gave up on headphones though, i dont use them any more ... i keep them just in case.
  14. ah shit! wrong forum, i was gona post this in off-topic mods please delete this thred ...
  15. this is one of the best psytrance releases of all time its up there with the greats like "family of light" or "classical mushroom" its also an enormous improvement over toi doi's own earlier work
  16. im listening to it right now ... sounds pretty good.
  17. i use the term SCHIZOTRANCE to describe stuff like osom, rinkadink or texas faggot
  18. by the way if you want to know what good amplifiers are for full range: high end professional : Lab.Gruppen FP series medium grade professional : QSC PLX entry level, budget professional : QSC RMX for subwoofers: high end professional : Lab.Gruppen FP series, Crown I-Tech series medim grade professional : Crown K series and the best forum for these kinds of questions is: www.prosoundweb.com Lab.Gruppen FP series is creme de la creme. it uses the most advanced design available - tracking downconverter with switching power supply. i do believe that it is also the ONLY amplifier that uses this design ( because this is the most complex of all topologies ) and it is also the the only amplifier available in 13,000 watts FROM STANDARD SIZE AND WEIGHT amplifier ! if you can afford one of these then you dont even have to look at any other amplifiers ... i havent used them myself but everybody is raving about these amps
  19. mackie is the best choice for budget speakers. almost all clubs in brooklyn use mackie speakers ... but thats because these are cheap clubs. EAW is a level above altogether. the best sound i heard was in an elite hip-hop club in manhattan that used nothing but EAW. the bass was absolutely clean with no hint of distortion of any kind and so loud it made my bones hurt and my heart skip pyle ? of course i know pyle ... if EAW is like 2007 Audi and Mackie is like 2005 VolksWagen then Pyle is like 1985 rusty school bus www.eaw.com
  20. if you want passive speakers use EAW or JBL if you want active speakers use Mackie active speakers ( ones with built in amplifiers ) are better because they have additional protection for drivers by limiting amplifier output to safe levels. but if you already have good amplifiers you can use passive speakers. also as of now ( 2007 ) the selection of active speakers is not as good as that of passive ones and mackie active speakers arent as powerful as some passive EAW and JBL speakers. JBL and EAW only recently started making high-end active speakers which are still ultra-expensive ( mackie is affordable ) and not worth it at the prices they have today ... but in about 5 years from now the prices on JBL VP series and EAW NT series will probably come down ... right now its something like $4,000 for a single 15" speaker or 18" subwoofer but they include digital amplifiers and digital sound processing built in and are very accurate, when they price will come down to something like $1,000 they will be worth buying JBL designs and builds their own driver, cabinets and everything ... EAW buys drivers from other comanies, but they buy quality drivers and their speaker designs are very advanced probably surpassing JBL Mackie speakers are designed by EAW just like Mackie studio monitors ( which i use myself, the HR824 ) are also designed by EAW. mackie products are typically cheaper and more portable while EAW products are typically large, expensive, permanent installation speakers but of course EAW makes smaller speakers too. www.eaw.com www.jblpro.com www.mackie.com
  21. wai pi wai - you can touch it
  22. agreed. i like this album ( well, some of it ) ... and the cover is ridiculous. i mean i like the cover, those are some phat boobies and everything ... i just dont understand what they have to do with psytrance ?
  23. ill check it out n let u suckers know my professiona opinion lol
  24. i voted DJ although of course im not BUT i did provide sound with my 2400 watt QSC PLX amplifier and JBL EON 1500 speakers for one backyard party where i basically made regular people listen to very loud psytrance and industrial all night long i almost got into a fight when somebody was trying to put their music on and i had to drag the bastard away from my gear but other than that the party was a major success, i will do it again when the opportunity presents itself
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