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Everything posted by Drosophila

  1. They just want attention But the samples sounds pretty nice! This one should be a save buy.. when ever it arrives! I will just forget about it again and re-find it when its eventually released! Saves a lot of waiting
  2. First on my on my up-beat to buy list is: Tamlin - Spectrogram 08 CDs that fits ur description (crazy yet quality) I already got and really enjoyed will be: Texas Faggot - Kininigin VA - No Possible Soundz Vol. 3 Procs - The Lonely Land of Tada (which already has been mentioned)
  3. how do I make a jealous smiley?
  4. Sweet! Just signed up! Now I just have to wait untill I get online w my own computer and I will dl it And a full lenght CD soon... OMG! Sounds bloody nice! Its been too long!!!
  5. That ccould be the feeling I have at 9am at a psy festival... just by looking around!
  6. Its available at psyshop now! Buying this one as soon as I come back home, that will be 1½ month though! So I guess I will have to satisfy my self w samples until then SAMPLES ED: Damn those psyshop samples r just too damn short, more like teasers than actual samples! But they had some good vibes, and from knowing previously released tracks by Yudhisthira, this is going to be awesome (I think so anyways )!
  7. Sweet! Looking forward to some odd music
  8. No I didn't. I had some problems finding out if I would be free on that date. Now I actually think I will be, but didn't get around to buying the ticket, so I guess its just my own fault (stupid me)! Just damn annoying, was planing to go w Nurbs as well, and I know he got the ticket good for him though! I also talked to Psymas (a member on psynews aswell) about going but not sure if he got the ticket or not, I don't think he got one! Maybe there will be people selling because they find out they can't go, thats my only hope now I guess
  9. sold out thats my trip up in smoke
  10. I totally forgot, or maybe all together missed he made and album under the psychaos alias damn! I like like a lot of the compilation track I have w him, so I guess I need to check it out!\ I find his new stuff boring though... heard him live too, boring!
  11. I don't know if they officuially split up (don't think so!), but as I understand it the way works out is that Frank'e is doing the koxbox stuff (live ect.) and Ion is doing the Saiko Pod stuff (live ect.), but as seen on u-turn they are not not working together... but they are kind of seperated Haha u got a point, I have been making some music w a friend, and sure ideas are emensly important, but they go no where with-out the skills to make them reality
  12. Good luck Why no Fragletrollet track!
  13. Mad Professor - Psychedelic Dub, Dubtronic & Trix In The Mix Part 1
  14. Hahha I thought x-noize was bad... but this is way beyond bad!
  15. Ah I didn't see the sample.... Have no idea about the track though, sounds a gipsy'ish!
  16. Infernal Machine - The Loin Sleeps Tonight :posford:
  17. could it be Infected Mushroom - Intelligate (on The Digital Dance Of Shiva (1999))? I guess the a aaa aa a sample is not in the beginning of that track!
  18. wow, thanks for the quick reply. i have checked out samples for both of them. not bad, but not quite up there with the ones i mentioned i don't think. not sure why though maybe they need to be more bouncy and spacey and fun and deep, less tinny and noisy. or maybe im too fussy for my own good? Samples are not always the best way to go... I think Oopie's recommendations are definitely up there Both are very solid releases, in the general psy-trance genre! But of course we all have different preferences! maybe u can also try: Braincell - Transformation Of Reality ED: but its not really progressive sounding... for some more progressive sounding (not antix prog) u can try: Sensient - Pressure Optimal & AntiFluoro (both CDs are really crispy souding) or Krumelur - Paramoral
  19. Ka-Sol - Ghost Story :posford:
  20. ^ nice one! wtf were they thinking??!
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