No I haven't! I accually stated that earlier! Sure a beautiful masterpiece, very innovative!!!! Unbalanced, Spaniard, Funchameleon and Tasty Mushroom are great tracks too!!! But tracks like B.P.Empire, Noisemaker and P.G.M doenst don't do it for me, they are their moments... they are not bad tracks! I just get bored after a few listens, what u hear is what u get, and that is not how I felt with the earlier releases. I could find new things everytime I listened to them (of course not every time, but I hope u get my point). This is where this album fails for me, and yes I have been a bit harsh but this was my favorite psychedelic act before and I just felt like they were loosing their edge here!
All in all not a bad album just not as good as the previous releases IMHO! If I had to rate it it would be 8/10.
ED: I might have rated it higher if it was'nt a IM release, expectations sort of sucks some times