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Everything posted by Drosophila

  1. I really miss those smilies
  2. if it isn't sealed it's not unplayed any ways.. are u afraid that you will get the shakes and scratch it on it's way from the cover to your player? I have many played CD that still "looks unplayed" Just wear your gentleman gloves!
  3. nah not an entire album is needed is it?! Plenty of projects with good names and only compilation and EP releases... but I can agree with you that I think they should be listed on discogs at least! --- the pic is damn difficult... as dolmot says Dark Soho is the only name I can think of that makes any remotely sense to London and some dark street for me... and they might even use live instruments as they/or one of them is from the metal scene, so should be able to play a guitar or something
  4. Indeed you were right... maybe it was too easy but I have no idea about your pic... "A Quiet Night at the Corner"? OK I need to sleep.. been sniffing too much ether today my head sort of hurts!
  5. Drosophila


    nice! I hope it's a freaky re-make I will be looking forward to seeing the result anyway! Thanks for sharing the news!
  6. ---- About the pic: Aural Planet?
  7. new age healing music?!
  8. damn... I had answered but forgot to post... any way some "fun" alien hand links wiki link pretty trippy disease as well!!!
  9. I agree.. drama, I don't really see that! (well a wee bit, but nothing too serious). Other than that it's only nerds having some fun, having the endless discussions, perfectly normal and how it should be!
  10. Mysterious Wizard is also on Jelly Marbles (pretty nice track as well if I remember correctly ) so probably also Goa... but the description on record labels web site says that CD1 is ranging from morning psy to Goa.. so?!
  11. Very nice covers indeed In each their own way! I have actually been thinking of buying a print from the artist that Mighty Quinn uses for quite some time... I like! ED: the fonts they used is a bit annoying, kind of ruining the picture...
  12. The cover is awesome Looking forward to hearing this! (hitting my hd in 3:00 min)
  13. seriously... press the picture-link and listen to this delight-full chill compilation .... just a friendly suggestion (and free of charge)
  14. Just saw the pilot to Caprica... hmmm I was pretty disappointed, the main concept is so stupid... seriously! That is the lamest way of "inventing" artificial intelligence! lame lame lame!!!!! I might see some more to see if continues in this direction, if so I will not waste more time with this! damn... why does the writers have to be so simple minded, come on!!! Well some things just pisses me of, but I will try another episode or two... cutting it some slag
  15. I'm finishing my master in cell biology... so next logical step..?! a PhD? Well probably Right now I am working with ischemia/reperfusion injuries the heart, which means the injuries that is inflicted by lack of blood-flow and the subsequent replenishment of blood (with all that implies, oxygen, glucose, hormone signals etc.). pretty nerdish --- ontopic NP:
  16. I do other stuff as well... actually the cloning thing was just a sort of spur of the moment, not the initial reason for going to Japan. But luckily the professor where I work is really good at it, so I get some nice tips and tricks, and learn something I didn't expect to learn I'm here to learn how to do on rat and mouse babies (and adults), shred the hearts, and grow them on Petri dishes... Feels quite terrible to kill the small buggers! NP: ree. k - hi izuru tokoro
  17. Looks like methyl ether to me (CH3-O-CH3) and yes water... and CNS...?? I too have no clue about this one... Nervous Ether?
  18. Ahh I see well... then good luck with you label!!!
  19. This is GREAT news! Endless Universe is still one of my favourite psy-down releases and the samples sounds very promising... I think I just jizzed my pants!
  20. Artha - DNA perfect music for cloning! I'm listing to this track an has just confirmed my first correct protein clone by DNA sequencing nice co-incidence the protein is: Homo sapiens mitogen-activated protein kinase 8 (MAPK8), transcript variant JNK1-b1 if anybody even remotely cares
  21. I pretty much need 'em both... (and other music of course)! I could/would never restrict myself to "musical solitude" if that even makes the slightest sense?!?! But I have been listing to a lot of Goa(ish stuff) lately, but usually it oscillates for me, with periods from days till weeks! But generally I think its sort of ballanced, but who knows for sure?! Not me anyway!
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