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Everything posted by Anakoluth

  1. I was born on the same day as Kim Jong-Il. It is said that Aquariusses often have kind of extreme ideas. I'm no exception.
  2. My mum let me know yesterday that a package from the UK arrived (I let it ship to their address back then as I wasn't sure where I was going to live this year). So my CD has arrived I reckon What I find a bit strange is the following: I pledged for a handwritten lyrics sheet. In the description they wrote that they would contact me before, so that they could write down the lyrics of my favourite tune. Now I don't know if they just wrote down the lyrics of a random song or if they didn't send it off together with the CD. I'll know more on Monday, as I'm going to collect the package then.
  3. 1. Tatsu gave a good reply on that; just what I had in mind. I'm a very dedicated nitpicker as well 2. I misread the amount of Euros you quoted, therefore I thought you just changed the currency without converting. Nevermind, then. 3. Still haven't got enough money for the mask
  4. 70 pieces are by no means enough to call it a mass production. The term "mass production" comes with certain conditions that this product does not fulfil. The item we have here is hand moulded and hand painted... Admit that that's not your usual mass production? Other than that, I'm with Sideeffect here. The price of art - same as its beauty - lies in the eye of the beholder. I'd definetely buy one if I had the money without the bat of an eyelid. By the way dude, the price is not in Euros, it's in British Pound Sterling (490 Euros) Regarding a lock of Simon's hair: Was that an offer?
  5. We could buy one together. Every three months the mask will be relocated. I'm sure you'll be alright when I'll keep it first!
  6. http://www.twistedmusic.com/shop/shpongle-mask.html I so want to own that one; please contact me for information on how to submit donations, thx.
  7. Hmm, yeah, I see, Discogs say so too. Though it says 2000 on the Digipak!
  8. Hehe, gotta love 2nd hand shops Funny to see what stuff some people give away, being unaware of the value of it. Once I found a couple of Matsuri releases at a flea market for a couple of Swiss Francs. Twas a good day. There are still a couple of festivals in the mountains; dunno, maybe 5 each summer. They're nothing for me though, so I can't help you with the good or not part of the question I reckon they're all announced on GoaBase, if you want to check them.
  9. That's fun Uptempo: 01: Sandman - Psycho Toons (2000) 02: Atmos - Headcleaner (2000) 03: Koxbox - The Great Unknown (2000) 04: Prometheus - Robot-O-Chan (2004) 05: Vibrasphere - Echo (2000) 06: Talpa - The Art of Being Non (2004) 07: Son Kite - Minilogue (2000) 08: Etnoscope - Drums from the Dawn of Time (2003) 09: Subconsciousmind - Gfuehlsweid (2004) 10: Scorb - Scorb (2003) Humm, it's more like 2000-2004 poll for me I just realised I only own very few post-2004 releases.
  10. So, did you like Zurich?
  11. Obious. Hallucinogen 3
  12. As none of my flatmates owns CDs, I swap the broken case with one of some other CDs of mine that I don't like as much as the others.
  13. When I was in love for the first time, I used to listen to this one for 24/7: It's completely over the top, but gives me a nice, very warm feeling in me guts.
  14. Looking forward to it, should be quite a treat! Brilliant cover art too, as always.
  15. J.-E.: Seigmen is pretty cool. Thanks.
  16. Protest The Hero A Canadian band, finest Mathcore ever, very progressive'ish as well, and their attitude and appearance is far away from all the Metal stereotypes. They're releasing their third album this month, entitled "Scurrillous". Its predecessors are entitled "Kezia" and "Fortress" respectively. Check them out. They're all good.
  17. You're fond of the letter A, aren't you?
  18. One of the best tunes indeed. Other than that, I have always thought that Domestic Mushroom - Scotch is one of the most epic Psytrance tunes to date. The way the melody comes up...gets me everytime.
  19. Blue Planet Corporation. Mostly because it sounds so funny when pronounced with a heavy French accent.
  20. I don't see any connection between the titles of Botch and Red Sparowes other than being weird. Every Post-Rock band uses weird titles, so nothing special here. But Red Sparowes sure got the longest I don't know what makes you compare Red Sparowes to Isis (other that some members played in both bands), but that's so obviously wrong on many levels. Every Post-Rock band is influenced by exactly one band, and that is Godspeed You Black Emperor. And so is Isis. Post-Rock as a whole is not a very original genre, just like Psytrance. This as a sidenote.
  21. There are some great titles in Psytrance indeed, but nothing beats Red Sparowes. Here's two nice examples (and yes, those are track titles): "Finally, As That Blazing Sun Shone Down Upon Us, Did We Know That True Enemy Was the Voice of Blind Idolatry; and Only Then Did We Begin to Think for Ourselves." "Like the Howling Glory of the Darkest Winds, This Voice Was Thunderous and the Words Holy, Tangling Their Way Around Our Hearts and Clutching Our Innocent Awe. "
  22. In my book, Cosmosis - The Cave of Medusa probably is the darkest Psy tune ever.
  23. I don't see any problem with that cover. It's just a picture of a dude, a good-looking dude, to be honest. And his jacket is kinda nice, indeed. This is no comparison to all the cheap ohm shanti shiva covers out there.
  24. The darkest Psy ain't no Darkpsy
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