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Everything posted by Anakoluth

  1. sandman - witchcraft i'll take the ban gladly, i'll never rat this release.
  2. i adore witchcraft...i love psycho toons...so now i dont even want to listen to this, for i'm afraid i'll throw them out of the window in sheer anger if i do so.
  3. Goldie - Mother ..masterpiece.
  4. here are 5 albums i think are highly essential when it comes to proggo. may have been mentioned already though: Son Kite - Minilogue POTS - Are you scientific enough? Atmos - Headcleaner Zerotonine - Cygnus Loops Segment - 01
  5. Will you kick my ass at the party tonight?
  6. In addition to the others mentioned already, Tandu have a few shuffle tunes on Alien Pump (3 pieces i think), and On The Road from Total Eclipse's Update Files swings also. And Etnoscope - Sneaky Drums which is my personal favourite shuffle tune.
  7. ...and i decline to comment on this yet i wonder what nadi and the doofers would think about being mentioned and linked there
  8. "doof" actually isn't a noun, but an adjective meaning "dumb". but thats korinthenkacken as we say in german about stupid groupnames: what about the combo FLYH from sweden? does it mean anything in swedish? or is it an abbreviation? or do they flyhhh for lohhhng? interesting one actually.
  9. that may be true, but i got the cd since 1999, and it IS the original pressing from 1998. i bought it upon reading an advertisement about it in a german techno magazine, referring to it as "raumgleiter" as well...maybe they released it under two names. what about the track titles? are they in english too on your copy? on mine they are german (infrarot, schwerelos, ueberdruck etc).
  10. der ditte raum's been one of my favourites ever. they have created several classics of techno trance music. i see "spaceglider" in the discography. on my original copy its written "raumgleiter" (which is spaceglider in german). however, POLARSTERN (stella polaris) is THE tune!
  11. 1. CDs that spinned in your CD-player the most (artist albums). Shpongle - Nothing last...but nothing is lost, RA - To Sirius, Judas Priest - Angel of Retribution 2. CDs that spinned in your CD-player the most (compilations). Suntrip - Apsara 3. Best label. Suntrip, Twisted 4. Live acts that impressed you the most. BLT & Danni Makov 5. Live acts that disappointed you. Cosmosis 6. DJs sets that rocked your dancefloor. - 7. DJs setsthat made you leave the dancefloor. - 8. Best party. Schnirkel Open-Air, Glattfelden/Switzerland 9. Best festival. - 10. Best deco. - 11. Best drink/beverage. Caipirinha, Caipiroshka, Caipirissima 12. Best drug/trip. - 13. Best moment/experience. 1 week off in London with my girlfriend 14. Worst moment/experience. the death of an old friend from school 15. Best non-psy. Opeth - Ghost Reveries, Dream Theater - Octavarium
  12. it has been mentioned before, but Sandman - Witchcraft is the best record ever in my book Subconsciousmind - Gfuehlsweid is a 10/10 story... Segment - 01 Der Dritte Raum - Raumgleiter
  13. i was thinking long time how about to formulate this phrase...i'm not saying "fullon is psychedelic", but "fullon can be psychedelic", same can be prog, minimal...what i wanna say is that there is psytrance and that there is pop shite (and there is pop shite and psytrance in any subgenre anyone likes to invent) as u lovely said. what do you think is the reason for i havent attended a good party since years? the oh-so-psychedelic music or wtf? i just dont like to think in drawers thats it...thats why i call your music psychedelic music instead of progressive tribal trancey house or whatever, because the better you can define the music, the worse it is hope you got me now...couldnt care less though :D aaaand yes, you are all invited to do some good music
  14. sorry mate but i really do hope you're joking here. you are all invited to keep real psytrance alive - and talking bout psytrance for me means talking bout PSYtrance, be it prog, minimal, fullon, whatevershite (PSYCHEDELIC trance is psychedelic no matter how you call it)! surely, psytrance has to be dead when ppl talk like you do... i am frustrated too you know...have not been to a party since 2 years that was at least 50 % enjoyable, music-wise...and switzerland once used to be revolutionary during the first years of the new millenium...anyway i just read that there will be a remember goa trance party in town soon, and this is one of the small things that make me feel psychedelic music is still adored by and kicking the world! but how can you blame a forum for this? it wasnt the intention of the forum founders i believe (and since i'm moderating there myself i am pretty sure of that). also, it wasnt like this until some years back, even when isratrance already existed. the world's crazy nowadays you see, economics and -logics are bad in most places, there are more tragedies and atrocities in this world than ever before in modern times, so how could imaginative, original, psychedelic, kick ass music blossom as we all wish? but this will be over as we wake up... i actually dont have the slightest idea whatthehell i'm trying to say with this
  15. damn yeah 'tis a good album. especially the violine tune. great. gotta record some violines too soon didnt know that site..thank you...could be useful...i had to trade some to get the nova zembla release of this fine record... thx for the tunes kris, and a happy new year already!
  16. i bought Prana - Cyclone LP for 8 euros...Juno Reactor - Luciana for 10 euros (but this is more something to put into the shelf then to listen to:)) ...Encens - Venus Zen/Morphic Resonance EP (first Koyote Rec. release) for 2 pounds...and the super deal was when i bought X-Dream - We created our own happines (the original on Tunnel Rec.) for approx. 1.5 euro when a record shop closed down. i havent been looking for old originals for a long time.....hm could be fun again
  17. in my book there hasnt been any music like this since ... well some time. unfortunately. i always adored those progressive tracks on the border to pschedelic trance sound... xv kilist released music as such on his first album but it's gets pretty boring, as the album consists of 8 tracks which are all in 2 maybe 3 different styles... you should definetly try out Prisoners of the sun (POTS) - are scientific enough? on sunset recordings. i just bought my original copy a few days back. dont like their new album though... Mitelstandskinder ohne Strom is definetly worth trying out. same goes for Segment - 01 which is fucking great record and one of my alltime faves. last but not least, try Zerotonine. they have an album released, but their greatest tunes where released on eps on various labels. be sure to check out theese hard rolling progressive tunes: der exot, fettling and drunken flower. they own. cheers
  18. i voted for psychedelic tunning, coz printed bad language makes me laugh like a small blonde girl. sooooo that means, psychedelic tunning 3 now has got 8 votes, raja ram 9. c'mon, we at least need two more to overthrown this old british geezer!! btw pavel, the boom bom bom shankillargh looks really good, wanna do the design for the upcoming Anakoluth album on Fisted Records? pls contact.
  19. best news of the month i dare say i'm eagerly awaiting that tune of phillip's, but i'm all apeshit for the whole cd even. now hurry up tim! akl
  20. one of the best releases this year so far...clean and smooth grooves though stompin and groovin. check this out, seems that we will hear more of those this stunning act
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