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Everything posted by Anakoluth

  1. Great song Looking forward to this album sooo much!
  2. I like, I pledged. YB opening for Moby would be awesome. Moby is one of the greatest musicians there is in my book.
  3. Ticon 2001 Koxbox 2003 Hallucinogen 2004 (even though the party was held at the worst venue ever) Atmos 2007 (retro set!) Prometheus 2008 Green Nuns of the Revolution 2008 (Apparat 2008) All in or around Zurich, except Prometheus in Lausanne.
  4. You don't only speak for yourself; I'm so with you here. Spring is one beautiful piece of music. I had that on heavy rotation as well. And I still get goosebumps when listening to this... Same for the Members of Mayday tunes. Pure 90ies quality.
  5. I dig that Thanks!
  6. Anakoluth


    Christopher Nolan ain't a master of the metaphysical. He should stick to plain action movies, because that's what he's an expert in. And make another Batman flick.
  7. Yes, definetely. Stopping the music and communicating the happenings would have resulted in even bigger mass hysteria, that's what I believe at least. What happened there is very, very sad indeed. This has worried me deeply, I couldn't get hardly any sleep on Sunday night. I'm so sorry for everyone who has lost someone there and for the injured. After all the discussions so far I think the tragedy is the result of a careless event organizer and greedy municipality. The fact that Duisburg is this year's European Capital of Culture actually explains a lot why the city clinged to this event. And that guy owning the Love Parade as a division of his own fitness center chain...well, no need to say anything else. On a sidenote I, too, find this video a bit disrespectful. If I ever die or loose someone under such circumstances, I wouldn't want anyone to make a video with pictures of the event accompanied by uber-sentimental pop music.
  8. No music. Bodies making sounds of love is the most beautiful music: Tender moaning, wordless whispering, the silently rippling sound that skin makes on skin, lips parting after a kiss. I wouldn't want to drown that out with music.
  9. I think one of the reason is that Psytrance was never really made for DJing. Take Techno or Drum and Bass, where you can still play around with the tunes, overlap them, mix with more than two players etc. That's pretty much impossible with Psytrance where each track is a finished piece of art (well, in the ideal case, you know what I mean). Another reason could be that in Psytrance there are almost no mixed CDs released. I was discussing this with a friend of mine, and he said that when he would make some small Techno gathering with 20-50 people, they would just play a few mixed CDs. In Psytrance, we organise DJs and Live Acts even for such small parties And obviously it's easier to earn basic mixing skills on CDJs than turntables. Don't know if that's any reasonable, it's just a thought.
  10. Thanks, both of you. Goa-Head: Nice observation. Moreover, the sleeve shown in the pictures linked to by visine shows no. 609... Maybe they really just randomly numbered 350 respectively 1000 exemplaries. In any case, I'm happy to own this grand release on vinyl!
  11. Vinyl is the sexiest music medium ever. I still buy vinyl whenever I can, not only old, but also new stuff. One thing that I've observed is that lots of more alternative bands offer their recordings on vinyl at their shows. In the Post-Rock scene for instance, vinyl is everywhere, and Tool have got some really amazing limited picture discs as well: Tool - Lateralus Recently I entered a record store just out of boredom (Switzerlands biggest, actually, and not too fancy at all), and I was pleasantly surprised that they built a new vinyl compartment, offering vinyl versions of lots of contemporary popular music. Now, one question regarding the "Are You Shpongled" limited edition: It's said that the release was limited to 350 copies, but numbered inconsistently. I've got one as well; the sleeve looks just like the one in the picture, and it is hand-numbered by the same handwriting (mine is no. 654), but what's bugging me a bit now is that mine is plain usual black vinyl, not transparent as in the picture...any idea???
  12. I really, really like this. It is at time compltely different than The Last Resort, Trentemoller is showing lots of courage with this record. The singing is very beautiful in my opinion, and never cheesy at all. All in all it's very subtle, emotional and organic sounding electronic music, carefully crafted with attention to the detail. It's not better or worse than The Last Resort...it's something else. And that's what a good second album is for me: Evolutio without loosing the sound of the artist, which still is very present here. Last but not least, the artwork is pretty decent too!
  13. Ehm, sorry, but this isn't meant to be a serious work of art, right??? Sounds to me like a caricature, if it weren't for the trailer which makes a serious appearance indeed. It seems to me that this might be the uppermost limit of ridiculousness. I'm sorry if you're really interested in that movie, but I'm not sure whether sorry for having disrespected your taste or sorry for your soul I read that the director came up with this film after discussing possible punishment for child abusers with some friends. I tell ya, if I made a movie out of every stupid idea that comes into my mind...o Lord, please help us!
  14. Well. I'm baffled that this doesn't get more attention. But it's ok, I've always been the ugly kid at school Anyway, I've just come home with this record in my bag. I'll wait another 3 days til the exams are over to listen to it properly.
  15. Well, that's insanely fast indeed. But it doesn't grip me really music-wise. I prefer slower music, but undissolved stuff (sorry for my French): http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hqVfp3mOSzE&feature=related Ligeti is one of my favourite composers when it comes to stuff like this. It's just gripping music, you can't listen to this relaxedly, it just keeps you on the edge of your chair. Furthermore, I'm always amused at such concerts because the audience never notices when a piece is finished due to the lack of some nice cadence in the end
  16. Same here guys. A few years back the best CD shop in the canton of Zurich closed its doors. When they sold out their stuff, 3 euros per CD, I scored quite a load of Goa Trance stuff, including rare ones. Nowadays I only know one decent music shop in Zurich...with my taste being rather broad, I'll always find something special whenever I'm going there, but of course it's the same like everywhere: No Psytrance at all apart from the lousy stuff that you can even get at big record chains. They do have quite a tasty offer of IDM though, and lots of obscure rock music vinyls that you can only get on CD at other places. The best thing, however, is finding something decent at flee markets. In spring and summer I usually stroll around them every Saturday hunting for obscure objects and CDs as well. At one particular flee market, I once found 4 Matsuri releases in one day after scrolling through all the CD cases they had there (took me like an hour). And that's quite awesome. Finding great music at flee markets ranges among my personal Top10 of Awesome Things. There's a lot of good luck involved though, and things like that usually happen only once a lifetime...
  17. Rumour has it that H. R. Giger will be involved indeed. Still, I'm not going to watch it. The risk of ruining the whole Alien thing is too big for me. If there's one thing I hate more than sequels, it's prequels Last prequel I watched was the Hannibal thing (prequel to Silence of the Lambs), and yes, it sucked.
  18. Ruby Throat - Salto Angel Here's a small outtake, couldn't find a proper video. You can listen to the full piece here: http://www.katiejanegarside.com/rubythroat.html :wub: Katie-Jane Garside :wub:
  19. http://www.conzoom.com/user/index.php?page=show_album&id=995&rid=13
  20. Am I the only one in here who just keeps all his mp3s in one folder and double clicks on them to listen to them? OMG, I'm so oldschool
  21. Last year Juno Reactor toured with the EBM cult-act Laibach. Most cheesy vocals ever (Eins, zwei, drei, vier, komm schon Baby tanz mit mir - One, two, three, four, come on baby dance with me). One thing I also dislike is the kind of imaginery and symbolics a lot of those bands use. Always makes a lil militaristic impression to me. Some of the music posted here sounds to me like mobilization music for the war of commies agains nazis. But that's just me. Also I don't know jackshit about all of that. So, sorry for my sweeping blow here
  22. zero nihil nada nichts rien njet
  23. Totally. And books and music like such as well Although I have to say that I don't think Happiness is such a grim movie. In fact, it's hilarious. The restaurant scene with Philipp Seymour Hoffman and Camryn Manheim, for instance, totally cranks me up each time. Two great actors at their best. Oh, and by the way: Did you like, you know, afterwards?
  24. Winner: Runner-up:
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