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Everything posted by Anakoluth

  1. Anakoluth

    The Fountain

    Go on then! Let me know the outcome
  2. Reg. Korsakoff: Well, the music, however, is unbelievably unsexy. I've got my principles, and I'll stick to them: I'd never do anyone with a bad taste in music.
  3. Anakoluth

    The Fountain

    ...I'd file it under Hypnotic Masterpiece. Just like every Aronofsky film I've seen it roughly a dozen times and it keeps getting better. For me, the story doesn't ask for the audience getting a deeper connection to the main character. Actually, I don't think there's a typical main character in there at all...just as there wasn't any in Pi and Requiem For A Dream; the film is all about a quest(ion), whereas the characters are possible ways to cope with it. It didn't come across to me as though the heavy emotions of loss were to be passed on to the audience, but to trigger the same question in it; hence it isn't a catharsis type of Hollywood tragedy, but one that demands the audience to step into the point of view of the characters without necessarily connecting to them. That's what it does for me...maybe it also has to do with the fact that I don't really know how to cope with death myself, as I've never witnessed any (tragic) death cases in my social network. I'm not sure if I would see it is a natural part of life...it might well be that I'd see death as a disease as well, just as Tommy does.
  4. Judging on the samples, it sounds more storytelling indeed. That was what I missed in the earlier albums. The Big Blue just sounds fucking amazing. I'm so looking forward to the 11th April
  5. I really like that one; watched it again not long ago. The music is really tense indeed, very simple and effective (the piano ting-ting-ting). Very artsy too, gotta love the colours in the scene where they smoke together and Nicole reveals her fantasies.
  6. That was when I stopped liking them. Their first album was a lot cooler (and cheesier). Here's the tune "Hymn": http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xd847TfxgCc And my favourite tune of that era, from the more serious side of Cheesy^trance, RMB - Spring:
  7. DJ Hidden all the way
  8. Zerotonine (Daniel Mondry & Robert Junge)? Segment (Raphael Stehn & Jens Buschhaus)? Hallucinogen?
  9. I bought Astronomic Trance just for one reason: Chemical Synthesis - Restoration. That's one hell of a tune.
  10. Bad EQing. I'm not trying very hard to improve it, though
  11. Mike, you sexy fuck. All the bestest to you and PLF. No way I'm gonna miss that. Cronomi is rocks.
  12. Cradle Of Filth are very misplaced here
  13. Masterpiece. Also check his collaboration with Coil. Regarding the topic: I'm kinda interested in every extreme music-style, be it very minimal, very fast or whatever. The only thing I need is some sort of artistic approach to it and complexity. That's why I really love Venetian Snares' gabberish tunes (ie. the album "Winnipeg Is A Frozen Shithole"), whereas I can't stand any Happy Hardcore or Rotterdam Terror whatever stuff.
  14. Alright. Accepted
  15. Skulls aren't scary. They are very very awkward.
  16. Sandman - Witchcraft
  17. "Dark Psy" isn't scary at all. There hasn't been anything scary since Noma - Navigator.
  18. What a great piece of music. Thanks for the suggestion!
  19. Does Venetian Snares count as Gabber?
  20. Dune (?)
  21. Jesus, I love you all so much! I really appreciate your feedbacks guys, they keep me going on. More coming soon, promised
  22. Thanks. That saved me some typing time
  23. I totally love it I've seen one version without the border, and I like this one better. I'll use the occasion and tell you once again that the font (the Anakoluth one) is a major blast!
  24. + 1 Classical Music is Music par excellence. There is no chance that there will ever be anything nearly as awesome as the great works of Classical Music. That doesn't mean I don't admire anything like I admire Classical Music, but comparing the two would be like comparing God to Jesus or similar. I would definetely say, though, that Goa is the Classical Music of Techno
  25. The saddest Psytrance tune I can think of right now is "Hackers - Hitchcock Babe" on VA-Solar Seeds (Sunset).
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