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Everything posted by Drew05

  1. so glad I clicked this thread, otherwise i wouldn't know about this new Artha track!
  2. great newish track from Kliment: i have played this so many times, love the atmosphere and rhythms he also has a great remix to Florian MSK's Ahriman Foundry track out
  3. dude, always loved your mixes...really sharp and focused in whichever subgenre you chose. i checked them out to get a taste of some styles i usually don't hear. take a well earned break, and i hope to hear more when you feel like it peace
  4. Asura - Life^2 is a masterpiece
  5. the Freq remix of Frogacult - All Seasons is a real personal favourite of mine such a big swampy groove
  6. oh, Kryptic Minds broke up? that's a shame, I really enjoyed their most recent ouput edit: yep https://www.dubstepforum.com/forum/viewtopic.php?t=281024&p=3510474
  7. ^ great idea
  8. great mix dude, good variety of artists and labels
  9. i really miss Vibrasphere, they truly had a unique sound
  10. I think Mr Peculiar does a really good job of blending high-octane full-on with psychedlic sounds and melodies https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5ELKyet-fqo
  11. i remember when i was 20 or so, getting a Distance to Goa compilation and playing Pigs in Space - Invisible Contact repeatedly. that was my first contact with this producer, as well as his remix of Big Trouble in Outer Space which was also on the VA.
  12. nice track dude, good variation and breakdowns.
  13. i've been fortunate enough to see MWNN a few times now, and every set has been very special. not only is it so rare to hear this style played on modern systems, but the performance from the man himself is pure manic psychedelia at ozora a few years back he played a set after a multi-hour Posford/Raja Ram retrospective, i was expecting the crowd to dissipate somewhat but it grew and the energy became stronger. definitely one of my most memorable moments ever on a dancefloor i've always hoped to hear him drop Sugar, but in 3 sets he hasn't played it once. not that there's been a dull moment anyway some cool footage from Ozora I found on YT
  14. Faith has now been released, it was on the new Cronomi compilation...sounds superb
  15. i watched the final tonight with friends here http://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Haus_der_Kulturen_der_Welt i know little about football but it was an interesting thing to witness, the joy of the spectators was palpable. i'm Australian, but was of course supporting Germany tonight. so great to see everyone celebrating in the streets, fireworks are still going off
  16. I recommend checking out Dreamstalker's album: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLNIcudu291rq0Q9WpAydkSydgZStVKwle it has a similar ambient-trance vibe to some Ultimae releases (albeit at a proggier pace), with some nice tribal feel too
  17. this was awesome. really wish I could have seen set times before it started, would have really helped planning for those on a tight schedule highlight was Sensient, Pspiralife and Electrypnose!
  18. anyone know when the set times for this party will be shared?
  19. fantastic photos!
  20. great stuff, thank you
  21. dude, I haven't been to BOOM but I would not expect there to be ice. as Aussies I think we expect ice, but the rest of the world really isn't as into it as us. when my mates and I went to Ozora we bought a new Esky just for cold beers. couldn't get ice from anywhere on the way, or at the festival.
  22. won't open for me, either. the page seems to loop in a constant state of loading
  23. sadly i can't use the app because i am tied to my (old) version of iOS. i look forward to hearing this as soon as it is available elsewhere, I can wait a bit longer i thought the upbeat remix of Train Night Lead Me Astray was great (released around the same time as the original album)
  24. really excited about all those releases!!
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