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Everything posted by RAH2D2

  1. i literally just came back from picking this bad boy on the mail.. looks splendid... comments to come... in the mean time Aje's words add even more puzzlement... you nailed it
  2. hey nemo if it makes your life easier to say trance music, then why not stick to that
  3. you are taking him way too seriusly... he's just pissed cause cause not everybody agreed on his last topic "everything is full on" so this is a bit of sarcasm... boundaries are meant to be broken but while you go out there and and be a DJ it just works better to tell them... i play progressive or dark trance... or full on... people will understand you. You can't even rely on saying, "yeah i play Crystal Matrix type of of stuff... cause let's look back at a couple of years... and the style is changing... things are moving and shifting... and a lot of people, for good or bad abide to these stereotypes. They are just there to make our lives easier and not have the psy trance experience boxed... good producers will force you to think about boundaries and sub-genere's in the mean time, 90% of them go by the formula...
  4. V/A - Tiger (Object Records) http://www.psyshop.com/shop/CDs/obj/obj1cd001.html own it, love it... best thing to happen to IDM since warp... no kidding... is that good
  5. Artist: Procs Album: Stuck in the Oven with me Label: Trishula Records Web: www.procs.info, www.trishula-records.com/ Year: 2005 Format: CD What's this about Mikke Stegman has been baking all year long for the Christmas treats. The ingredients do not include aggressive, menacing beats threatening to cause cardiac arrests, nor psychological traumatic experiences. It's a different theme altogether. As if he had been isolated from what we the usually define as hardened twilight trance. His creations are somehow mysterious, terribly eccentric and nearly aberrant… but he's doing all this with a… strange smile in his face, albeit is not an evil smirk. What's the big difference? I'm going to let you decide: Per-song break-down 01. Gluffsing the Pop. * If by Gluffsing he means sinking the reverb-ed kick the slimiest mud you can get your hands on…and if by pop he means long winded church organs sliding on each other, added the synthetic bleepy under back…this is not the Madonna we are talking about here. I don't know why the evolution of the track reminds me of classical music, more than trance. Probably cause Mikke actually studied music a bit? It starts of well, leading a trail of smoke for what is yet to be heard. 02. Mr. Baengrot Rides Again. * Little did Mr. Baengrot know about the journey that lied ahead: Rhythms with warm organic slices for any standard jungle rituals. Accordions splashing a strange vibe disappear by the same gate they came in. relentless effects engage in their own little conversation with the samples in manic orchestration. Hold on to your rockers Mr. Baengrot. 03. The Tailnissers Tale (Mofy Mix) * We continue the jungle exploration through uncharted territories, digital cricketing and effects planted in scarcity. The Tailnissers near techno grooves, hints less straightforward action. The surroundings are murky, with warm organic roots, instead of cacophonous steel harshness. It wouldn't be far-fetched to square it as a manic piece of good hip-dancing forest. 04. Gelatom Megafon The Megafon makes a return to neo-jazzy departures in the form of clarinets (or so it seems to me), aligned with relentless bass and effects galore. It's psychedelic without being taxing or intense on the ears… you can actually enjoy the flow. Reminds me of previous works released on Altitude Recordings. 05. Overtures from the Oven * Drummalism with the characteristic Procs signature continuing on a similar vein as the Megafon: twisting the theme on freaky circus lines delayed, chopped to bits, rewound and twisted as if to mimic an overall wobbly effect. The overtures reach abstraction, to later recompose themselves. Syncopation carries the trip forward. 06. Samsonited * For those not entirely aware Samsonite is one of those travel-bag companies. I inherited an old model a while back now and it has really gone distance. Very sturdy bags, a certain bummer to be slammed by with one of their models repeatedly. The track is by most means Boshke beats. That same techno beat splashed with minimalism, evolving into magical pads phasing out on neverend. It peaks and drops back down with slimy effects trashed in undercurrents… it's sweet. 07. Pogo Pedagog * By this point the jet engines are definitely warm. It takes us a while to get here, but once it does it was a good thing we didn't miss it. The climax by the last section is something to keep in mind. How else to describe, liquid-metal shrieks chopped in slices with a night-time lead…? 08. Sub Glob We just entered fourth gear. It is very baffling… not sure if I dislike it or love it. Sure it's tribal with a disjointed beat. It's got a juicy filling, but it's mighty strange on the outside… If you wanted weirdness you will be satisfied with this one. 09. Buforsk normal * Now, I don't know what Buforsk means, I'm not even going to bother looking it up. But, you know when someone decides to name anything ‘normal' in psychedelic trance … it's a bullshit triple-dare. We have reached the apex and I'm very pleased the cover of normality has been blown off. Unrestrained sample interaction, wrapping itself with a theme of some sort and good old chanting. 10. Hidden Song… Ten minutes later… “I didn't want to come to this institution but my brother insisted. I can see no sense in it myself; you see I'm convinced that I'm not suffering from any hallucination but, that my guilt is really real. I know Dr. Edwards that I killed my daughter and that I'm willing to pay the penalty for it… - Come in…” All and All There is bit of concern on the energy level the tracks communicate and the dance floor potential this might have. For those waiting to encounter non-sequential senselessness and pounding ‘till-you-die; the album does pull a funky strike. This is a lot more musical and coherent… generally speaking. Mikke has shown he has his own way of exploring ideas and for the most part it works very well. A little more diversity would have been welcome on a few spaces, given his previous tracks. That said the concept album is a well integrated journey, following a progression of intriguing proposals if you have heard Procs previously. If you are one of those who found Derango-styled forest trance inaccessible, you will be delighted to see new ideas are cropping up. I will personally keep it as showing material for acquaintances, not yet enlightened on the whole psy trance thing… and why we consider this music so ingenious, crazy and ultimately original from anything else in the market out there today. Where to get: http://www.psyshop.com/shop/CDs/trr/trr1cd006.html http://www.saikosounds.com/english/display...ase.asp?id=5205 http://www.beatspace.com/dettagli/dettaglio.asp?id=2402 Merry christmas, Ho ho ho!
  6. exactly trusting any reviewer blindly is just dumb, they are only recommendations it's ultimatelly up to you to go and decide whats good... hiring someone for taste is well... unimaginative... reviewers have different taste and in many ways i agree with a bunch of people and there are great reviews, but trusting someone blindly just dosen't seem that ok with me. Accept recomendations, read what they have to say make up your own mind...
  7. sorry to go offtopic... but fractal cowboys over derango... nah man not even close... derango like the name implies is something you will enjoy more if you are 'experienced' furthermore production value-wise... they're on even on the same category... but to each their own
  8. you have really strange avatar i'm personally competing with feathers on the ugliest, scariest one
  9. no but they will stone you death in finland and you will be life-banned in trance crittic...
  10. news came in
  11. maybe the folks at trace crittic forum gasp at your amazing knowledge... we know better
  12. oohhh.. ohhh.. goodness gracious... stand up for yourself is a sweet lolippop with the expensive bubble gum in the center, very nice stuff... bro... i love the intro... top class... man... check PM
  13. RAH2D2


    they need to start making copyright agreements in russia before anyone dips their fingers there... places like psyso.ru make me sick honestly... so no laws to play by... doubtful a legit business will go anywhere. You might say so what if laws are there, they will not be enforced... and that's true but until you have some legal backup to start closing those bastards, it seems doubtful... and if the punks that run the place are reading, here's one for ya... GET A REAL JOB, YOU SCUM
  14. RAH2D2


    i think many people have realized that and that's why everyone and their moms are opening new labels these days to promote their own stuff... just look at how many new opened just this year...
  15. what like phish? less than jake, rancid? nah man... not the same imo
  16. actually ska was nothing like it is today. Funny fact when the skinheads got started their music of prefference was ska, which still came from the large population of afro-caribbeans, before they switched to punk... i do agree... dub is way more psychedelic than most clubbing music nowadays get the mad professor a go... i love burning spear but thats more old school
  17. i'm on the case but it might not be out this year...
  18. ShadowFX vs tetrameth - escape sequence
  19. i bought this weekend cannot wait !
  20. RAH2D2

    v/a Lyserg Lesson

    Compilation: Lyserg Lesson Label: Noise Poison Year: 2005 Format: CD 01. Entropy - Blaze Of Light [145 BPM] 02. Wizard Lizard - Holy Gramm [146] 03. Phatmatix - Violent Comedy [147] 04. Happyleptic - Do The East [147] 05. Double R.E.L - Icescream [148] 06. Highko - Ultra Violent [149] 07. Kindzadza - Fany Gylation [150] 08. Kindzadza Vs. Highcosmos - If Its To Fast Then You Are To Old [152] 09. Cosmo - Gami Seta [154] 10. Osom - Be Cool [160] Noise Poison was set up by Highko, Iguana and Ilse with a sole intention: Endemic brain intoxication. Catatonic rhythms bent on inducing a heart-attack to anyone over thirty. A balanced roster of established artists and newcomers brings the first installment of the lyserg lesson, making a pretty clear statement of what crowds they are looking to appeal, without budging an inch on ‘easy' listening. Tunes coming from twisted minds, seeking equally deranged ears that might find great pleasure in fast, relentless pulsations with a disjointed acerbic aftertaste. 01. Entropy - Blaze Of Light * “I build this place for a reason, to create this biggest trap in the galaxy. -What did you expect to catch? – Hell is what I'm going to catch and I'm going to burn away in blaze of light”. The first lesson starts the Israeli invasion with the Doof staple, Omer2 & Pitt from Entropy, punching the under under-tones with more up-beat discretion. Plenty of noisy, gurgling VST's and distant squeakies on a steady bass. It gains speed by the end retaining their classical sound… not necessarily a bad thing. 02. Wizard Lizard - Holy Gramm The invasion from the holly land continues with Roi Levi and Guy Marciano, this time around contributing their Gramm of… yeah. Grazing melodies, swooshing and blooming with blippy effects atop rolling kicks. Besides the Seroxtat remix they made for Apocalypse earlier this year I hadn't heard much else from them. Unsure of what to expect I can attest this one serves as good feet stomper, without standing out much from the daily twilight trance. 03. Phatmatix - Violent Comedy * We drift to France now, home the good life and Red Cells Records, which includes amongst its founders Fred and Stephane. The Violent Comedy is a complex number launching an attack on the senses with a good dose of samples, alongside catchy lines and coherent action. They don't miss a bar to squeeze in there some quirky element, making it a sumptuous serving. Check out the Scooby-Doo pads by the end closing the chapter in classy way. 04. Happyleptic - Do The East * Do the east feels like the high point in one of those nights out, you end up regaining consciousness at 6 am on the floor of some unknown petrol station, wondering what happened... and why is your left shoe missing? Ariel Ram hammers a bass so grosse (in the German way) that it seems to jump of out beatwork in its own little plateau. The theme here is laughter blips and samples inviting us to do so, or die trying. One too many build ups for my taste, but it will pick up a crowd that's for sure. 05. Double R.E.L - Icescream * Icescream brings the second Ariel for a double beating, with near screams tweaked in every possible way, following a trip-out on the higher ranges. Amusing, stuttering lines close-guarded by playfully diverse bass. Which begs the question, why aren't more people doing this? 06. Highko - Ultra Violent * In need of a few anger management classes, Highko batters a slightly diverse and interesting percussive adventure from the usual monotone; blasting away scratchy notes with meth-odic speed, in near musical fashion. 07. Kindzadza - Fany Gylation The Fany does seem to gyrate or ‘gylate'… whatever that means, mostly by wallowing in static and short-circuits sounds. The ghost in the machine has taken over, a schizophrenic metal being undergoing an electricity discharge several thousand volts in excess. So it goes nuts for the first 7 minutes while the juice lasts, expiring in a painfully sluggish manner, dragging every volt off delayed fizzy FX. 08. Kindzadza Vs. Highcosmos - If Its To Fast Then You Are To Old * Besides having a similar sound bank from Leo's gylation, it is as fast and wild as you could expect. They don't just name tracks like that without a backbone in the 150's to back it up. Highcosmos complements the piece well with a second synth and near harmonic dissonance. There is a build up half-way through the size of Himalayas, working well to start thinking about cueing something with fat kick on top. 09. Cosmo - Gami Seta Peter Kubala left his studio in Goa to work on the Greek coasts for this one and the change of scenery did not affect his style one bit. Half way we find a curious sample of Ali G when he's talking to the head of the Fb-aigh' and the question pops: "What should a young man do to join the Fb? -Stay away from drugs they should go to college and study hard.” Bit of comedy yeah? Just like this whole track. Are you supposed to dance to this? I'm not an adrenaline junky, I'm getting old and damn lazy, so I'll be waiting for a little more substance next time around. 10. Osom - Be Cool * Yes a folk that is no mistake, the track is going at 160. Faster than you could even fathom chasing the road runner. In ancient Africa they used to hunt elephants with huge drums by inverting the animal's heart beat. That or my music teacher was full of it. Either way, ‘Be Cool' should be banned on all nature's reserves where endangered animals might fall prey of this deadly beat. It goes beyond the edge by the end, at which point the metronome seems to either give up or break. You're going to have to excuse my French when say, “fuckin ‘aye”. * Favourites All and all : The lesson is down-right masochistic if you just finished listening to Beckers. No, they will NOT go well together… I am sure. The collection of peaking blasters delivers a needed energy boost when required. If you are DJ it becomes a sturdy battle tool and the slip-case helps. A lot of high tension on these tracks, some working better than others and as such I see it suiting gig atmospheres more than at home. I'm happy I got it, and will be using it… looking forward to the second version with even higher expectations, more naked tourists and slightly lower BMP's. read it w/ samples: http://www.sonic-energy.net/2005/12/compil...erg-lesson.html Where to Get: http://www.saikosounds.com/english/display...ase.asp?id=5184 http://www.psyshop.com/shop/CDs/npc/npc1cd001.html http://www.wirikuta.at/web66/product_detai...owDetail=103811 http://www.beatspace.com/dettagli/dettaglio.asp?id=2385
  21. Hey thanks for review bro, it did come out all twisted by the end... most transitions esp byt\ the begining are over 2 minutes long, by the end with derango and ghreg it gets a bit tricker keeping that pace... anyway muahahah... glad someone enjoyed though
  22. Kino Oko & Kill Fukin Bill
  23. hehe... let me know how it goes
  24. So it's a little short, but it's action packed... iRide 01. Rev - Locket Rauncher || Doof 02. cypher - electrypnose || Trishula 03. pondscum - Style Stalker || Ketuh 04. Sector D - fuckin Chorus || Peak 05. Blisargon Demogron - Cave entrance || Stone Age 06. Jellyheadz - Insomnia || [insomnia] 07. The Many faces - Freakin' Six Pack || Manic Dragon 08. Penta - Past Holidays || AuraQuake 09. Ocelot - Totally Tubular || Dropout 10. grapes of wrath - i dunno (rmx) || Apocalypse 11. Derango - Whole In the Ground (RMx) || Stone Age 12. Ghreg on Earth - Quintessence Unfurls || Wirikuta = 61:02 if you have a fast conection you can probably stream cause it's high bitrate... quality concerns and all http://www.sonic-energy.net/audio/iRide.m3u otherwise you can download normally here: http://www.sonic-energy.net/audio/rah_iride.mp3 feedback apreciated edit: i just realized i fucked up the mp3 encoding... :/ i was palying with some new settings on the high pass frequencies and some blocks differ between channels... so iit dosen't sound as good as i expected... it's still listen-able... but not full quality i expected... i might encode again... we'll see
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