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Otto Matta

Wise old ones
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Everything posted by Otto Matta

  1. Have you had a chance to test my HTML tips yet? Moving whole forums in a single swipe?
  2. I don't understand how to enter a track. I've sent an email to Children who doesn't seem to want to respond. I've filled out the form (Step 1), and have tried to create a directory for the file (Step 2), but everytime I try I just end up creating an untitled folder that I'm not allowed to put anything in, and am not allowed to delete. What am I doing wrong? Is it because of server space, or am I an idiot? Help would be appreciated.
  3. "Most Painful Death" = MP*D*?????????????? Hmmmm. I think I'm on to something...
  4. Zaramatu, you're going to be the first against the wall, the first person I'm going to cook for. etherealphaze - Sure: Lesson No. 1: When linking a site, make sure you begin an HTML code, then forget to end it. It is sure to grab entire forums like a giant whirlpool. Lesson No. 2: Always apologize for you HTML abuse, giving all the other forum users reason to believe it was an innocent mistake. It also helps when you can draw other posters, especially well-known professional musicians, into making you look bad in front of everyone else. This way people will feel sorry for you. Lesson No. 3: Repeat Lesson 1 in various places throughout the forum, sporadically and moderately. You wouldn't want anyone to catch on to your diabolics.
  5. Just you wait, Elephant, Mike, Anton and psyfi! You think this little music scene is all I can destroy? Do you?! Well then you've never seen me cook a meal or drive a car before! Mmmuahahahaha!
  6. No probs, Seb. Shocked me for a second, but no worries. Keep up the good work.
  7. Shpongle the best ambient ever? I don't think so, Daniel. Maybe the best *psy-ambient*. Maaaaan. !
  8. Dammit. Sorry Seb. My HTML is slackin'. Insejn - Go here for a discography: http://www.discogs.com/artist/Legion_Of_Green_Men
  9. Insejn - LOGM have two albums: Floating on Shallow Water and Spatial Specific. Yes, they're very good, I agree. Look
  10. Hehe. "I smoked, but I didn't inhale."
  11. Lots of good variety on Interchill comps. Floatation, Infinessence and Earth Octave Lounge are good. Will lead you to many great artists from Ishq to Steve Roach to Hab to Legion of Green Men, etc. Also check out the similar Dakini label.
  12. X-Dream: Fall Out (Dong Edit) IM: The Shen
  13. >8`----------(
  14. Let me just say that I'm all for these sorts of posts nowadays. A year and a half ago, amongst the plethora of "MINIMAL SUCKS" topics (yeah, I used the word "plethora" - I could've used "legion," but I didn't), we would've killed for a topic like this.
  15. Anton, you silly whore. I'll get back to you soon. Very soon.
  16. LOL. What's Fennesz doing in the psytrance reviews? When did he stop writing IDM to become a trance producer? Hehehe.
  17. Otto Matta


    I think that actually WAS Skazi up there. He wants to see what it feels like to rip himself off.
  18. I don't think "progressive" has anything to do with the way a track progresses. If so, then almost all goa/psy would be considered progressive, because it has always been about building and progressing, climaxing, fading, then climaxing. Personally, I think of the term "progressive" as regards trance like I think of "progressive rock," which is simply another term for "new rock" or "experimental rock" or "modern rock." In this case, the word "progressive" would mean a "progress" in the genre, something new and different. It "progresses" the genre. In this case, however, we'll all disagree as to whether "progressive" trance is progressing the genre at all. If anything, it has taken the genre in a new direction, perhaps up to some, perhaps down to others, but definitely somewhere.
  19. What's the latest on the new Sandman? That's been delayed quite a long time, too. I'd love to hear a new Fractal Glider, and I'm definitely looking forward to the new Pleiadians. Hell, give me something with a touch of Goa and I'll be very happy.
  20. When I first got Juno Reactor's "Transmissions" I thought it was pure crap. It almost got thrown away a couple of times. A couple years later I recognized it for the brilliant album it was. Otherwise, Etnica has always taken the longest to grow on me. Equator took forever, and has become one of my favorites. I still have hope that Nitrox will eventually grow on me, given a decade or two. Hehehe. There's a flip side to this whole thing, too: How about that music that clicks with you completely the first time, you think it's the best thing ever, and then it grows flimsy and weak very quickly? That happened to me with Infected. I try to be very careful with albums I love when I first hear them, but it's difficult because I love loving music.
  21. See what I mean? LOL Kiph, Quazzi's getting a little smelly. Time to change him.
  22. I gotta disagree, man. Chicago through my eyes: Too crowded Too cold for too long Too aggressive Too fast Too dirty Too uncosmopolitan/uninternational Too narrow-minded Too materialistic Too segregated Too angry Too corrupt Too flat Too many Starbucks Too much sprawl Too much crime Too corporate Too many homeless No nature No compassion and WAY too much House The good things: Lots of bars Lots of restaurants Lots of galleries Lots of opportunity Lots of history Lots of pride Lots of pretty girls Lots of jobs with good pay Lots of apartments Lots of museums (albeit mediochre ones) Great public transportation Can't think of anything else. Nah, dude, I'm getting out of here as fast as I possibly can. Headed to a place that has more to offer a guy in my stage in life. I can't wait to get the fuck out of this unenlightened shithole. I give it two middle fingers up.
  23. Thanks for getting back to us, entity. I'll definitely be there (I'll send an email). I've heard DJ Warp a couple times at Metro. Fun stuff. Am looking forward to hearing Dan Efex for the first time. Jonathan - I'm outta here too, in April.
  24. Technossomy - V.T.O.L. by a long shot.
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