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Everything posted by xerxes

  1. Hi! Just released a new EP; for those interested in electronic / downtempo melodic stuff.. might be worth a listen. Cheers! http://xerxes-music.com/ Klaus
  2. Thanks sir! First new album up now - Selected Tracks : Volume One. Free ofcourse. More ST albums coming over the next few weeks. Cheers!
  3. howdy, just wanted to let you know http://xerxes-music.com is back up an running with a radioheadish method to get tracks. totally free if you wish, and if you wish to support - pay what you wish. not all the music is up yet, still working on that and some few fixes to the design - but you can get the unreleased 2009 album which has 7 new tracks in various genres. cheers! klaus aka xerxes
  4. somewhere between chillout and uptempo house/trance.. i really dont know. anyhow, hope you like it ftp://ftp.scene.org/pub/parties/2008/kind...-_cleopatra.mp3 cheers, klaus
  5. @abasio: thank you for such kind words in your review. i am happy you like my track, and that you were able to appreciate the minimalism (which is always a bit scary to do, and pretty different to what i usually do). i think your experience of it pretty much sums up the feeling i had while making it. cheers from norway klaus
  6. sorry, here is the link i use on my website: http://guest.xerxes-music.com/video/xerxes..._in_germany.mp4 cheers:) klaus
  7. cheers boys, http://ftp.back2roots.org/untergrund/break...and-Friends.mp4 (400mb download) on drums: bendik hovik kjeldsberg on guitar: eike steffen (aka romeo knight) music by: xerxes a fun gig we did, not really the chillout style i usually do. i hope you like it anyhow klaus
  8. cheers again! an edited version of this is out on the beautiful new ajana records compilation. check it here: http://www.ajana-records.com/ajacd009.htm klaus
  9. really really good stuff!! should be released on one of the more prominent ambient labels. thanks, klaus
  10. really really cool track! loved every second of it.. cheers klaus
  11. hmm.. sounds like you didn't get the entire file. is the source file 45mb-46mb? it lasts for 20 minutes
  12. thanks man hope you like the tune!
  13. hey everyone! i am much obliged for the positive feedback, thank you so much for taking time to listen .. it's a bit demanding to get through, i am glad you find it useful for its purpose greetings, klaus
  14. thank you both of you! much appreciated.. an edit version of this song (shorter/compressed) will appear on next ajana records compilation.. (a double cd). they will inform more about that when time comes. happy new years cheers klaus
  15. http://www.xerxes-music.com/?pid=710&NewsArticleID=824 cheers :-) klaus
  16. yeah, i should actually not have quoted that.. because it was not really a reply targeted at you, but everyone who gets involved in these kinds of discussions what?
  17. i understand what tyler is saying here. but his albums are by no means copies of sphongle. he has explored some of the same production techniques and used them as part of his sound, and there is nothing wrong with that. if you as a listener are looking for artists who are 100% original in their work, you will not listen to a single new record for as long as you live. harmonic teachings, sound design, melodic structures etc etc, these things have been explored for hundreds of years now, and what sphongle and many other electronic musicians use as a basis to all their compositions is musical ground allready discovered and documented years and years ago (i am NOT saying simon p isn't very very good at what he does, i am just saying that he did not invent nor re-invent the wheel by any means). point is.. without enigma, there would be no simon posford, without tangerine dream and kraftwerk, there would be no enigma, without beatles and stones, there would be no kraftwerk or tangerine dream and without wolfgang amadeus mozart, there would not be a beatles or stones (etc.) also, you make it sound like simon posford MAKES his own instruments. he does not. he goes out, purchases synths made by others and uses those instruements to create his sound. we all do. the beatles did not build their own guitars? furthermore, just because beatles used guitars as a backbone in their sound, is every band after them copycats for also using guitars? if it is so important to you as a listener to find truely original artists, i suggest you look A LOT deeper than the artists talked about in this community and ones of similar character. there simply are none. we need to start using our smarts here fellas; focus our attention to the music, and not to all the bullshit arguments that arises when you try to compare one piece of music to another.
  18. xerxes

    Sync24 - Source

    one of my all-time favorite ambient albums allready.. absolutely stunning!
  19. this is all you need really
  20. hey, baba, ive heard youll be in riga at the "klusa daba 2007" festie :P? i hope ill get there too :)

  21. i'll be playing the title track from this album on friday the 13th (oh my) on island of fire festival in greece. two days after (on the same festival) you will be able to hear the entire album presented live from charles himself. be there klaus
  22. i have no purchased the album just yet, but i surely will! much repsect to both kristian and chilltribe for their wonderful effort to combine sweet music and a good cause. looking forward to it. love klaus
  23. thank you very much charles! means a lot coming from you see you at the festivals! love klaus
  24. thank you very much for those kind words :=) the mirror formula is also on the DVD ofcourse.. see ya! klaus
  25. hi everyone! i am proud to annouce the release of my DVD. this is the complete collection of music i have composed since starting out 19 years ago. obviously it was a difficult decision to make, since this also means putting out music i am not particularly proud of. but, i do think each and every song is important, as they are little building blocks which has shaped the music i do today. i hope you enjoy this release, as i have put a lot of effort gathering and organizing this massive library. it contains more than 400 songs playing for more than 24 hours. in addition it has a lot of information inside about how i have created each and every song (what software etc) + two live gigs in quicktime format. the DVD will be printed in 500 copies. you can pre-order your copy today by clicking the link below. if you have any questions, please feel free to send me an email, and i shall answer them as swiftly as possible. head on over to my site for more info. www.xerxes-music.com love, klaus
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