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Everything posted by snowball

  1. I've added snowball as a friend, reger. What do you think of that?

  2. oh I just remember the feeling I had...and some images they created in my head...(tribal ceremonies etc) what do you remember!?
  3. tip-mystical experiences, D5 - transdimensional, shpongle - are you shpongled? on acid was an experience I'll remember.
  4. stroboscope = flash? the light that flashes and makes ppl look like robots?? when its well used,its GREAT!!!
  5. eat static - intruder amazing track
  6. it wasnt a polysix...it was a poly-800...
  7. fcuk off uyo suckre`

  8. blue ants have created the 5 side square.

  9. bliaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah!!

  10. it was too good to be true.....its a poly-800...not a polysix.
  11. OMGWTFLOL!!! I'll keep you updated!!! I have a list made that I will take withme! maybe i'll find a DW8000? I guess he is more turned towards korg cause i asked him about a jupiter but he didnt even know the name... maybe a prophet 10? ok ok a prophet V will do! but seriously now...just for info,what synth would you suggest for strings,pads etc??? atmospheric stuff !!
  12. ms2000 ? I think they are still being manifactured...so it wont be cheaper!
  13. I am going to ask him if he has anything else too!! maybe its my lucky day! you ppl have any suggestions for a synth ??? am mostly looking for pads string etc (ambient/chill) music
  14. I walked into a music shop the other day. Saw the usual synths...more of electric pianos...roland,korg,yamaha....known brands but uknown models...anw I ask the guy a few questions...I coudlnt remember all the model names I was interested (my mind got blocked up) so one name jumped up ! "Do you have a polysix???" "errr what a polysix???yoou want a polysix??? I have 2 in the storage...wtf you want it for" I fell from the sky!!! So I ask him how much he wants for it....he said probably less than 85eur... And propably one of the two is NEW. walking out from the shop my friend said "I dont know wtf this polysix shit is,but when he said less than 85eur,you just about came in your pants." what is your opinion on this? am going back tomorow or on friday to settle the deal(probably) and ask him if he has anything else!
  15. you cant replace hardware with digital!!! not entirely!! anyone has that has used this site (actually bought something,instead of drooling like a maniac at the pics) give us some feedback!!!
  16. it depends on the music...sometimes a mixed album can be deeper because of the flow...other times its better to separate the tracks so they can be appreciated!
  17. it sounds like a porn title!!!
  18. nop..... thats why I said I wanted to be born 10 years before I did...I missed the train....its loooong gone now...
  19. I dont get it. Indian money is not as good as the rest???
  20. 18! I got into psy around that age too...maybe a bit older...like 14-15...
  21. 11 pages of fullon bashing and olschool praising!!! yeeeeeah!!! I wish I was born 10 years before I did.
  22. thanks!! I'll check it out!! *crosses fingers
  23. yep thats very true..!! btw can you suggest a prog that wont tax my pc to the point that Ic ant work??? I am being soooo limited by my hardware...
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