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Everything posted by snowball

  1. well you cant hear...cz am an idiot and I forgot all my projects back home ....well I will go get the monitors today and start making new ones!
  2. dude if you make a sound out of an instrument that isnt supposed to make that sound,you HAVE made a sound nobody has heard. C-R-E-A-T-I-V-I-T-Y My songs dont have kicks. I do beatless.
  3. shit am such a dick...i make threads and then i forget i made them... thanks for the replies guys!
  4. anyone here using the Fostex PM0.4 ?? i think i might get them here is a link http://www.majormusic.com.au/products/fostex_pm_series.php
  5. repairing synths is a pain in the ass...especially when you dont have the materials and have to order them from the other side of the globe
  6. thats the whole point of creative music...trying to make a sound from an instrument that isnt meant to make that sound?? tb-303 anyone?
  7. juno reactor - nitrogen part 1
  8. i dont have anything to trade....! ok ill go by the music store tommorow,thanks rino!
  9. i want some fsol and juno reactor albums....can you guys give me a link to a shop that sells them???
  10. darshan made some good climaxes
  11. the whole album?
  12. and even funnier that i had it on my mp3 player for a year
  13. zooooomg :posford:
  14. it has nothing to do with the gathering...apples and oranges
  15. shame on you ....
  16. mfg - why
  17. having xmas early?
  18. can you give me some more info,i have a friend in athens whomight be interested!!!
  19. 'And at the onset of trance, the spirit of the creature enters the body of the dancer, enabling him to reach a trancendental state.'
  20. you are not alone jedi
  21. someone farted while I was posting.
  22. boris blenn - portamento
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