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Everything posted by TheLonePhoeniX

  1. w00tage! Tents provided at reasonable prices at the venue. I'll gather up a few of my friends and maybe we'll go together.
  2. Oooh I'll go 99%!!! It's a 4-4.5 hours drive from my place (New Delhi) but yea, at my speeds, I can get to Jaipur in 3 and then I'll spend some 45 odd minutes askin for directions
  3. Sidechains done, no factory presets used, the bassline is frikkin boring, but sound good with the rest of the groove... Now, note the words... REST OF THE GROOVE Shadowing makes it sound good. The bassline doesn't have anything interesting going on anyway, plus the tone of the bass always goes nuts when something heavy comes in. Oh btw, I've tried my hand it and succeeded without a sweat already. No tutes linkage please
  4. Got the extract Synogen. Some really chilled out ethnic stuff in there. Good work Aerosis
  5. Errm... I agree that the "full-on" bassline is cheesy, however it is something that doesn't come easy especially because getting it to sound right without overlapping everything else or just making it clean and at the same time, making sure that the bass is still audible and the notes are still distinct, is kinda difficult. Although, this holds true only if you're doing quality stuff. If you're one of those bums who just put those monotonous notes together and play whatever comes to mind over it, then yea, it sounds real bad. I, for one, do not favor the use "fullon" basslines, but at the same time, there are certain cases where they DO sound good. Talamasca's - Odyssey (Live In Japan) starts off with a very simple fullon bassline and it sound good, basically because it's been executed properly. It was actually kinda amusing seeing both parties having this light weight argument over wether it's good or not. Thanks for the giggles. The first post in particular mused me. I must admit, I felt his pain too I love TG's basslines! And I'm going to try and listen to all of you guys' music to entertain and enlighten myself
  6. I drop here after what... Like an year and this is the first thing I see. Aerosis is doin it bigtime eh? Yea baby! I got famous friends too All the very best to Synogen... Oh and you too Tempy
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