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About Ninjo

  • Birthday 04/25/1979

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  1. is snadman - ghostrider really snadman? or is it sandman - ghostrider?
  2. Ninjo

    Unknown Track

    Hello! it can't be shpongle because i have eight track in this cd and seventh is shpongle and the lasta one is unknown for me... Track list is: 1. alien project : the first revelation (part one) 2. cyberbabas : the first revelation (part two) 3. doof : the second revelation 4. logic bomb : the third revelation 5. gms and 1300 mics : the fourth revelation 6. absolum : the fifth revelation 7. shpongle : the sixth revelation 8. UNKNOWN TRACK well... it's possible that someone has copied an extra track to the CD, but i'm not sure about it. I can't find any information from web about this album...
  3. Hello!! Is there anybody who would known the name of the last track in "the mystery of the thirteen crystal skulls"?
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