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Everything posted by sparkunian

  1. 1)Software :Reason 2.0 - Izotope Ozone - Sonic Fountry - Nero Hardware:M-Audio 49e 2)On average, how long does it take you to build and finish a Song? At first productions 1 month but at this time I'm building a track 4 months now... 3)Which parts do you find tedious when building your track (if any), if it pattern sequencing, automation, etc? Noone..don't know why... 4)Where did the inspiration come from to start producing music? Religion,reality,science... 5)AND Your favourite style to produce? Im in a mood for minimal but I like to freak out people too.
  2. It was ages ago...with atari cubase....I think....connected with casio F1 and one korg expansion but I don't remeber exaactly.... I will never forget the feeling.It was amazing that you could do music on your own!! (I know I'm selfish)
  3. I'm an old fashion pirate Can we see your socks?
  4. I'm a pirate.That's why I'm an amateur (still!!) By the way...somebody to give me the new Reason...hehe...
  5. I agree Anyway I beleive that these days the CD will arrive at the adress that you gave me.There is also a bio inside. Peace
  6. Come on guys. You must accept it. He is master on marketing. He has already 40 replies to this post
  7. Hi I'm from Thessaloniki north part of Greece. I'm really anxious to listen this work See you
  8. Sorry for the delay... I was on holidays.... I'll send you the track at 256 soon. At your email. Thanx Giorgos
  9. You can click my signature if you want.If you like something I can send it by mail. Thanx
  10. Not yet.....What's the title?Any comment about the style?
  11. I'm going to check it Thanx
  12. Hi dude Like it more than "insekstoid".Kick is....power.Like the bass too.Track is really psy.The synths are really trippy.The production is at good level and I think that if you try more with your beat (make a break or some changes) will be very good track.You have nice ideas man. Keep it up this way Giorgos
  13. Psy intro.Nice begining. Mmm...yummy bass...strong kick...cool... Fxs and vocals make a very good job.I like the way you use the fm and osc. Really full on psy.It's strange track with a very personal style.Tripy and atmospheric.Maybe I would like it more groovey and I beleive that could easy be but has a beauty as it is too. Nice job
  14. Hi newcomer. I'll give you a review. I would like your kick stronger.In such kind of tracks I think the kick is the main body. You play nice with vocs.I like also the seqs and the way that go inside and out.Cool. Too techy for me...to many changes and don't leave me something to remember or to trip....The track has work and nice ideas but can't say that I enjoy it.It's also too small. Keep it up and give some listenings and reviews too
  15. Can't say like it or not....it's strange....I think this kind of techy music needs very good production to enjoy it more. Keep it up.
  16. Nice avatar (are you draw it?) and nice track you have mister. Your production is beautifull.Clear sounds and enough dynamics.The bass is all over the place <<>>I enjoy it a lot.
  17. Thank you gnome. As I see we are from the same city Really glad you like it pal.
  18. Hi people Give a try to my new track called "Idor nektar" . It's a psy trance tune trying to trip you but don't know if I made it Don't expect a pro level but I'm sure that you can play it loud Ok.Here is the link: Click Quality:192 kbps Any review welcome.
  19. I'm thirsty for psy.... "Complex" Like the bass.Travelling style. "When you do not wake up" Hmm...different production not so loud as the first track.The same feeling for me...not my taste cause I'm boom boom "Still Dreaming" I can't connect at lo.. Psy trance for me is psychedelia and for you I think is nostalgia.Doesn't mean that tracks are bad. Ciao
  20. I listen them 4 times in thessaloniki but the last was like shit.The guy who plays the winds was gone Wa de Fuck???do you know somebody if hes gone forever?
  21. Hi G You have something in your track that I tried always to achieve but I never accomplish...You have very nice production.I'm watching my equalizer when I play your track and all the graphs are in the same level.This means that I can add bass or treble easily without clipping.Very good job at this point mate Attila the Hun is more goa than psy for me.The main lead is wonderfull.A lot of changes at its melodie and this make it really interesting.Generally you combine a lot of different things-seqs go in and out very often-with a nice way.I must tell you that I'm not fun of melodic elements but I like the way you make all these changes at your lead and synths.Gives at track the feeling "lets see what will be next".Your track is based 90% at synths.Your beat is not bad but little bit repetitive.Kick and hihats are sounding well but you are not making some breaks that will give at track a harder and more groovey feeling that maybe needs. My personall opinion is that if you will work further with the beat will be a cool goa psy track that I could download it and enjoy it to my player for a long time. 8.5 from 10 from me Keep it up G
  22. Hi newcomer Tripy intro.Hmmm......don't know.....maybe cause I listen to lofi.....your production level need working.I'm not pro anyway just tell you what I'm listening.For ex your kick is muddy and weak and your hihats cliping a lot.The bass needs work too I think. The track have some nice elements.The fxs are cool and generally has a lot of energy and psychedelic feeling.If you can work on mastering I thing could be nice track. Keep it up mate
  23. Happy Cool job
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