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Everything posted by sparkunian

  1. Hi pal. I think you are in the wrong forum...Try the "music promotion" at the top of the main forum pages. I would like to hear your track but I'm in work and have PSTN See you later
  2. Alo ; Something for a change Chill out for relaxing.Little break from me Hope to enjoy it. Link:Aa!Solarium Speed:145 Quality:128 Any feedback welcome PS:For full on psy psyunite mix by cybernetica
  3. Hi cyber. I'm full of curiosity to listen something different from you Cool intro.Wow.Your beats are very good.There are strong and fat.Really nice pal I thing that your production is better that your past jobs!!!Stereo image and very crisp hihats.Bass is very nice too.Not too loud just in the frequencie that I want it. Like your crazy sequencer.Vocals are giving a speciall touch at the track.As for the feeling of the track I'm really satisfied man Try more at this kind of music.It's really a diamond this piece.I'm really mean it.My only complain is that ends too quickly. Thanx for sharing it.
  4. Hi PFF. I like that dark style.The more I like is the bass and the fxs that are very cool.I also like the groovey part of the track and the backgrounds with the voices.At 2:10 nice change makes it more spazic and tripy and I would prefer if you could continue that way.This change you cut it too quickly for me.Production is good and as you understand my big complain is about the minimal style of the track. Nice work pal
  5. Hapiness,love,peace and everything ok. Very sweet.Happy trance.I like it.For different times. Full of melody.Nice bass and beat.It's something like chill dance and travelling track. I enjoy it a lot pal. Very nice production.Top quality
  6. When people don't give feedback is very shity!! Hi secretside The first think that I can notice is that quality is very good. I like the bass that is little bit high freq.I can hear everything very clear.Nice. Like also the paning of the fxs.A lot of things inside the track that I like a lot.Like the percs for ex.Hihats are also nice and very well compressed.The same about the synths.Very easy listening.As you understand I vote 9 from 10 about quality and production As for the structure now....I'm a hard fun of psy and experimental and I found a lot of nice things into your track.It has nice psy feelling.It isn't repetitive or boring.You make a lot of changes and little breaks that keep the interest high.I enjoy it a lot.It's a funky little bit techy psy .Think is at sign level pal 9 from 10 again from me!! Thanx for sharing it man.Really brillant job. Cheers
  7. Aldebaran think is small place or not?
  8. Check my signature for some experimental psy trance...
  9. Hi McKoy. Happy to give a listen.I'm an amateur and will be.This doesn't mean that I don't want to improve my sound.For me the first priority is to find the correct sound but I have road to make..haha Promise that at my next job will be better at this matter. The suprise for you makes me very happy cause that was one of the things that I want to achieve with this track. Sorry that you don't find a "climax" but that is from me for now!! Nothing more nothing less Thanx again mate.
  10. Link it's ok now Nice piece.Psy and dark.I think has a lot if industrial elements.I like a lot fxs and background sequencers. Keep it up
  11. Your link doesn't work..
  12. Thanx for listening mate.Glad you like it
  13. Hi to all of you. I just upload a psy trance track that is also experimental for me cause has influences from oriental and industrial music...I would like your feedbacks guys cause without reality I'll be always "glued" Name :Ofis (in ancient greek means snake) Speed :150 Bpm Quality:192 kbps Link :Listen or download Waiting....Peace to all
  14. Right know I'm smoking " fufa" and I'm listening my last track......I don't like a lot of things but I can't stand for anoter mix after so many hours looping sampling blah blah Anyway nobody is perfect..hehe
  15. Hi teatako Technical first: The first thing that is very clear is that the production is amazing and I'm not the guy that want to tell "beautiful" words. Intro is simple and nice.I like a lot the first boom from the kick.Nice idea and I imagine that is hard to compose it When the bass begins and play alone it has oldschool feeling (not bad at all) and I thing that it's a little bit "dry".But when the beat start is perfect and fat.Nice paning from synths,hihats clear and crystal,kick with enough dynamics and power.Fxs are also cool and you have also some nice breaks that makes the track more interesting.Vocals are very well compose with the track.After the main break at around 5:50 track become more agressive something that I like a lot man!!This synth is killer!! For the feeling: Psy all over with goa influences.Has a lot of things that I'm searching to a track.Really great work pal.
  16. You don't ask for comments so I am not writing anything....but I can't stand it (hehe).Interesting idea Nice production
  17. Very nice and groovey man Just check your snare cause is cliping a little.
  18. Hello mate. So you are DOTOM.I know you from musicdownload.com cause I had download some of your tracks. If you are working only with Reason I think you are a hero to make a production like this !! I know the feeling and how dificult it is cause I'm working with Reason 2 and I have no VSTs or anything else Anyway production is very good cause I see my equalizer that all freqs are at the same position so that means that I can play the track with the way that I like without clipping. As for the track itself is not my style but think that is groovey See you on boards
  19. Hey there.I'm new in production too and I know the feeling...hehe I think intro is very dark (absolutely my taste) but your kick need improvement.It's little bit muddy.I like the way that you "play" with tempo and I think that the seqs and all the backrounds are nice and psy. Hope you'll find the way for pleasure!!
  20. Hey Cybernetica. What can I say?My taste gets always better for your tracks.Excellent piece and really thanks for sharing it man. The most that I like to that full on psy track is that you create a tripping atmosphere.Production is near pro level. Keep your inspiration pal
  21. Hehmm.. Sorry but I can't download...Am I need premium acount? Cheers
  22. OK.I don't think that is awesome!? Needs a lot of work
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