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About Vempy

  • Birthday 07/29/1978

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  • Gender
  • Location
    Belgium, Ghent
  • Interests
    oldskool goatrance, ambient, gipsy, jazzy...
  1. thanks for the music! great tracks in there
  2. aah nice nice bring it on Antares! :posford:
  3. Oldskool with some belgian flavor jummiiiee!
  4. now thats a nice wake-up call
  5. i did notice the samples are only 192k mp3's which basically means, the louder you play the samples the more the sound is deformed. Which could also contribute to what you heard from that specific track (while playing the sample ofcourse). But i'm confident the final versions on the album will be as good as perfect
  6. sounds great!!! Cant wait to get my hands on the album! Keep up the good work Draeke! Vemps
  7. And one of his tracks has just been released on the latest compilation from Suntrip Temple of Chaos -> http://www.suntriprecords.com/shop/item/SUNCD19/
  8. poke poke hows my dream of an Aerosis album coming? I hope you guys arent redoing all your tracks if you guys didnt live so far away, we would have dragged you over here many times already so, Bobby, if you ever think of travelling around europe, just let us know and we'll make u a party
  9. GREAT news Daeke!! Bring it on man! Bring it on! I truely hope Stephane will bring out some more new stuff aswell U know how it goes, when its good, u can not get enough ghihi thanks a LOT Draeke!
  10. really great album! The more i listen to it the more i like it i dont really hear any issues with the sound tho... not a pro talking, but i heard thousends of albums in my lifetime and through my soundsystem at high volume it still sounds great. anyhow, goasia can bring this to me anytime!
  11. woohooow bring it on Suntrip!
  12. oooh very nicely done! like it a lot but like veracohr says, maybe set the music default to "off", as people will turn it on when they want too (what a multitasking world can bring to people)
  13. wooot, didn't expect the music to be this great! Really nice job!! Totally blew me away there (and thats not so easy) Keep up the great work!!
  14. I don't really know if i'm allowed to this, but still, for those interested in seeing Crossing Mind perform live on stage for the first time in a very very very long time: Suntrip Records & Trance Dimensions presents Old is Gold 8: Crossing Mind live -> 15 may 2010 Information from www.psychedelic.be Draeke, you should get urself a private airplane and a front seat on this performance
  15. to be honest, i don't see the connection with cygnetic records anywhere on those pages... or am i missing something? to me it seems, cygnet and cygnetic records are 2 different labels
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