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Everything posted by fluffymushi

  1. three posts later and my smiley abstinence is killing me. Im commiting suicide soon :'( - i need to release!

    :D XD :) x ) -_^ :wub:

    :) :^)

  2. aphex twin ~ rhubarb
  3. fluffymushi isn't a project name, rather a lack-of-a-project name
  4. XV Kilist & Rocco, it's too serious & funny at the same time. it makes my brain flinch.
  5. decent psychedelic ambient but doesn't contain the same "magic" as the elve or ishvara albums.
  6. highly atmospheric & laid-back trance, i like
  7. beat hackers ~ the small deranger
  8. sausages, carrots, tomatoes, lettuce, cheese (?) and a steak and kidney pie (?) with ketchup. That's a funny meal.

  9. peace indeed :drama:
  10. the first future prophecy album has quite cheapo yet incredibly fun production imo
  11. you feisty lil' rascal you
  12. Bokuwa Purple Lover desu, o namae wa nandesuka

  13. I like FMA ;)

    Read it as a kid :)

    Never heard of those anime's you were talking about

    i dont speak japanese so i have no idea what that meant :P

  14. I hear you've mentioned the color purple. I like purple.

  15. Those pictures are too cuddly, from which anime are they from?

  16. Hey Fluff :) what's with you and pink haired animated girls?

  17. xenomorph - cassandra's nightmare dark soho - sun spot parasense - avangaro va - russian connection kluster - bug fix dark nebula - the 8th sphere i think these were quite essential & defining to the genre, eventhough today's dark doesn't really sound like it anymore. for newer ones i'd say stuff like va - freak show va - mechanophobia va - durdom
  18. antediluvian rocking horse ~ forward into furniture np. the jum jum song
  19. not bad for what it is, but to uphold the name "entheogenic" just comes across as a strange joke imo
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