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Everything posted by fluffymushi

  1. people are still playing the reporting-game?
  2. i didn't make otto's remark either yet i knew i thought it was deeply philosophical, mysteries of the world eh
  3. deeply philosophical poundering there. & cool cover indeed.
  4. if you spoil the people with freedom of speech, it follows people are going to react when (random?) censorship does get applied. i know this isn't the most constructive of babbles but it's how i see it. on a forum with tight moderation no'one cares when stuff gets censored continuessly. on psynews all the little moderation-quirks just happen to stand out from the otherwise free-flowing river of thought (aka spam).
  5. point. kill@@rgh psytek. i admit i might've pulled things out of proportion, just for the sake of it but after re-listening 'em both yesterday; i can't shake the feeling the western edition is more purely psychedelic techno oriented whilest the japanese version is a bit more space'ish ambient'ish in flow. they're both awesome anyway.. yeh.
  6. first off; the highly original & absolutely fabulous cover vs. the old & uninspired second; the tracklist & albumflow 1. Alpha-Beta 2. Solaris 3. 1056 4. Black Lava 5. Tracktor Activity 6. The Object (Live Mix) 7. Liquid Forms 8. Are We Safe? 9. Blasting! vs. 1. Nervous (rmx) 2. Detonator 3. Dervish (wasted rmx) 4. Liquid forms 5. Are we safe? 6. Like a diamond 7. Solaris 8. Tracktor activity notice how track nr.5 on the japanese edition is moved to the last position in the european edition. a track of such massive proportions deserves better than that. it gives the impression they filled up the european version with random tracks just for the sake of releasing "something new" & threw some of the jap highlights in to give it at least some body. also notice how the european edition lacks "Black Lava", which happens to be their greatest achievement in the field of minimal maximal space-trance. besides that, the flow of the jap edition is incomparable to the europ one, the infatomable depth & intelligent smoothness of the prior sometimes makes me wonder if they put any effort in the latter at all. the verdict is clear & simple; the japanese edition is simply at a whole other level. i rest my case. e. despite my negative outburst in the light of the japanese edition; my vote still stands though. chrome..
  7. this poll is a mockery. it doesn't even include the ultimately superior japanese edition of chrome, which was, unquestionably, already a superior album in it's european version. :drama:
  8. people = mods? ps. i think it's a shame chokuro's choco busin thread got closed down before she could post in it herself. strydr should get some warnings for meaninglessly spamming it
  9. chrome, just because.
  10. lol well mush, i'm a viking.

  11. teh master
  12. Intact Instinct ~ Plattenfedermanometer undiluted awesomeness. ps. if any of german-speaking entities could translate that name into english, it would be most appreciated.
  13. ooh the mockery. fantastic!
  14. more shiva, less dynamic, it's like serving scotch on the shit-rocks.
  15. it's also common that people go to psy simply to enjoy ~music~ instead of watching some rockstar-wannabe twist some freakin' knobs.
  16. Where's fluffy been these last few days, advising Yoda and Gandalf or sitting in a bath of baked beans singing nursey rhymes? It's gotta be one or the other, surely.

  17. infected mushroom ~ bp empire hallucinogen ~ twisted psykovsky ~ debut scozbor ~ mountain lord autechre ~ untilted not that i listen to these often, on certain 'special' occasions perhaps..
  18. Nice new avatar by the way, Fluffy, very nice indeed. And reger, no comments about sucking up if you so please, you sukcre. :D

  19. I roll my eyes at you, Regenald.

  20. been listening alot to opsis' "the man and the machine" lately. straight to the point psytek. also, digital diamond's free ep's managed to pleasantly surprise me
  21. blasphemy!
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