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Everything posted by fluffymushi

  1. Fall Out for sure.. side project: Send In Send Back
  2. infected ~ Prehistoric Goa Mood
  3. shiva shidapu ~ phantom signal
  4. pleiadians ~ asterope etnica ~ black lava + traktor activity
  5. as long as it sounds alive it's psychedelic to me.
  6. lol, charles, youve been had by oral-cle :lol:

  7. Expensive for what it does? :unurse: You sound a little too knowledgable about the substance for comfort...

  8. that saves charlie alot on the anthrax. that stuff is too expensive for what it does anyway.

  9. iuw.

    fluffy you are fired. Icky icky icky boys

  10. snug as a bug ~ imitate people
  11. excuses excuses ps. i vaguely recall posford stating he spins shpongle coz "the chicks love it on the dancefloor", so don't complain ,)
  12. somehow somewhy this post conjures up images of native americans pouring their souls into some good ol' hillbilly country music.
  13. The fact that a gnome made it all the way to this DJs funfest made me think not just the setting were the gnome was situated.
  14. lol I've been busted.

  15. simple logic behind that one reger, deadened fluffy's have a more compliant anal sphincter than not-so-deadened fluffy's. you perv of pervs you charlie-perv°°

  16. i seem to be unable to see the connection between a-x and getting laid?!

  17. Don't worry, Reger. I'll counter it by sending him anthrax in the mail. :D

  18. your suckupery makes me wanna throw up charlie, thats so cheap the way you try to get fluffy to bed :rolleyes:

  19. Birthday unknown? Maybe it's your birthday today. Or tomorrow... either way, Happy Birthday.

  20. I bet it is, you deviant.

  21. garlic bread-hardtack/rusk/cracker? Is that code-word for anal sex?

  22. diana ross & the supremes e. cool cover there dp
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