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Everything posted by fluffymushi

  1. the hd215's are a good closed alternative in the same (bit lower) pricerange. the bass goes deep but isn't as pronounced. good spatial image aswell.
  2. some get Etnica but refuse to acknowledge Chrome's undisputable superiority, blasphemy & delusion!
  3. at first sight perhaps but it lacks that hazy undertone that makes dark 'dark' if you know what i mean. the arrangements remind me more of full-on than dark. & then there's stuff like RAM & NRS; which use the full-on formula like it's a joke but manage to sound alot darker than most of the dark genre itself.
  4. i didn't so it went into the full-on folder.
  5. i find it increasingly more difficult to keep some dark & full-on apart. compilations like Phunk Core for example; it's hard to categorise.
  6. besides the mentioned & obvious ones; Flying Lotus Global Goon Ilkae Chris Clark
  7. best part is when the girls are too tired to keep the mating ritual going & there's just a handful of trippers left giving honour to lord shiva our psychedelic saviour & destroyer.
  8. suddenly: trolls trolling trolls
  9. 2005 was a fantastic year for psy. despite my seemingly negative rant alot of my favorite albums were released that year.
  10. alice's adventures in wonderland
  11. all those original approaches really originated over a decade ago. it was cool in the beginning but they're all getting old & stale. oldskool goa didn't even outlive it's own decade yet these sub-styles just keep on going, losing more & more track of what matters for over 10 years now. i honestly can't think of any surprisingly original twist or turn the music has taken over the last couple of years. it explains why old music sounds more impressive; people were still experimenting with it back then.
  12. take out a] the hihats; b] the melody or c] the kick. which act will cripple your dance track the most you think? hint: it's the same thing they remove when a break is inserted in a dance track.
  13. reveal copied artists please.
  14. funny track, it sounds like a mix-up from the converting vegetarians & supervisor albums.
  15. Tri-Force Sci Forest Yamabikaya
  16. cut long intro, make it a 6 minute track?
  17. 'psysex - healing' is quite psytranchish & might meet your criteria.
  18. i voted "psychedelic techno" with stuff like Midi Miliz, Opsis, X-dream & Cujorius One in mind. the oldskool "progressive" sound i guess.
  19. fluffymushi

    Cast Away

    essay shmessay. i wonder why rousseau didn't live in a cave on a deserted island.
  20. not exactly like it but i used to put maitreya's .74 in the same playlist when dozing off.
  21. i scored a 50/50 out of 17.
  22. tracklist: 01 Revelation (5:59) 02 Revolution (8:16) 03 Revelation (6:25) 04 Revolution (2:43) 05 Revelation (2:49) 06 Revolution (4:27) 07 Revelation (2:36) 08 Revolution (3:28) 09 Revelation (2:23) 10 Revolution (2:59) 11 Revelation (5:26) 12 Revolution (1:31) 13 Revelation (5:19) 14 Revolution (4:27) 15 Revelation (3:12) 16 Revolution (3:09) 17 Revelation (3:30) 18 Revolution (8:23) review: probably the vilest, most purist opus of dark psy ever released. this is, without a doubt, as dark as it gets. there are no stupid breaks to be found on this album, no silly build-up's, no lame samples. simply put: no nonsense. this is one relentless ride into the realm of the devil himself. all aspects of joy are stripped from the mind like flesh from the bone. all that remains is the extatic realisation of mind over matter, life over death, energy over logic. consciousness over ratio. psychedelic in it's most litteral form. manic shamanic. "rip it - out"
  23. fluffymushi

    Cast Away

    i think the opposite is alot more simple to assume, it's easy to get caught up in a fantasy. it's not as easy to actually come to terms with our reality.
  24. Borg-psy. a very cubicle type of sound. every single sound will be assimilated & deployed through all of the various cubes cubicly positioned in an auditory cubimetry. resistance is futile.
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