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Everything posted by fluffymushi

  1. i agree on the uni & opsis albums. i'll add the Tri-Force album to this short list, shiny. some of my favs really :] thé Unique Album for me remains Untilted by Autechre though. it's beyond anything ive heard, yet. edit: va - Predecessor was quite unique aswell ^^
  2. quality over quantity. immersive artwork.
  3. The Cujorius One - Insane Dreamer
  4. 1. CDs that spinned in your CD-player the most (artist albums). the Deviant Species albums. 2005-wise: CPC, Terminator, Droidlock, Midi Miliz, etc 2. CDs that spinned in your CD-player the most (compilations). Floatation, Predecessor, A Magical Journey, Idea FX 3. Best label. Deja Vu, Boshke, Trishula, Ajana, etc etc 6. DJs sets that rocked your dancefloor. the Chemical Crew set at new year's eve.. lol! 11. Best drink/beverage. Source-Water 12. Best drug/trip. various lsa-encounters of the 3rd kind. various salvia-encounters of the 4th kind. 13. Best moment/experience. The Revelation 15. Best non-psy. Autechre's new stuff - memories of the future.
  5. Sphongle. i can bare it, untill that dreaded salsa swings in. exit cd. Midi Miliz. i know. it's a killer 2005-album, but it made me discover their other work - and compared to those... i dunnow. mixed feelings. Miditec. i expected more from a former Beat Hacker. unbearable full-on prefab. One Love
  6. 1. Sci Forest - Fetish Box 2. Terminator - Spirits Of The Plants 3. Tri-Force - Entrance To Reality 4. CPC - Über Den Angst 5. VA - Predecessor this list does not look good. all the best for 2006. One Love
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