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Everything posted by fluffymushi

  1. thanks for the comments guys, muchos appreciados & you got me on that big breakdown nemo it's where i quickly wrapped things up to continue later on q: the beatskips yeh, i only notice them vaguely in the beginning (in the wav aswell) so i reckon there's a sound that goes to high & cuts out beats because of the overall limiter
  2. http://www.sendspace.com/file/3nsng5 dont hold back on ze critique e. render-error detected. file updated.
  3. post it! it's possibly better than nothing, & certainly better than a half-baked fluffymushi 'review'.
  4. cujorius one's "the art of mindfucking" didn't even get a review :l
  5. [cliché]Dancing with Kadafi[/cliché]
  6. opsis ~ parasites opsis ~ a place called birth
  7. i never thought nickelback could be this cool. srsly. borderline heroic stuff going on there.
  8. excruciating slowness. sure it would work better drunk or something.
  9. yeh yeh, it starts with a month.. accompanied by some silent deportations.. untill the dark nectar has finally dulled our senses & our children will merely be chanting das goa-jugend hymns here.
  10. put a peak controller on your kick, un-click the mute button in it, rightclick on volume-control of your bassline or whatever filter, eq, effect you want to sidechain & select "link to controller". there (@ internal controller) you select the peak-controller you want to link it to & maybe select 'invert' @ mapping formula. you can control rythm & amount of chaining in the peak controller itself. it's fairly simple once you figure it out
  11. son kite - minilogue son kite - unfamiliar ep
  12. aphex twin - rhubarb
  13. extrawelt ~ fernweh drehfehler ep extrawelt ~ schmedding 8000 ep extrawelt ~ soopertrack zu fuss ep cujorius one ~ cat in bag, bag in river ep antix ~ wanderers nobukazu takemura ~ songbook nobukazu takemura ~ assembler / assembler 2 nobukazu takemura ~ sign think these will be accompanying me for the weekend
  14. jellyheadz ~ pollution violence technology
  15. Forgot to add, love your way of mixing!! CRAZZYYY!!! Thought the music were contrasts, you seem to have mixed them really nicely! I need more Parabox!!

  16. This is really, really good stuff. Man i'd never thought i would admit this, but i've developed a small love for Dark psy, you sir have a great taste!

  17. 2D is trippier than 3D sometimes
  18. aphex twin selected ambient works
  19. perfect speaker setup is for parties afaik. e. & you should look into some decent in-ears nemo. no problem for side-ways listening.
  20. astral used the same sound for over 10yrs, when they changed it people suddenly started complaining. i dont see the problem here.
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