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Everything posted by fluffymushi

  1. the young gods ~ music for artificial clouds
  2. there's alot worse in that chart.
  3. peace for the wicked
  4. mordortrance that's the stuff alright
  5. va - predecessor as black as it gets
  6. he's got nothing on duvdev :drama:
  7. hallu & weed already let me do that
  8. hi from greece,,im nick!

  9. The pasty's of more concern to me than the susages. I love pasties.

  10. did you notice that the girl on the pic has sausages on the plate?

  11. jellyheadz ~ pollution violence technology
  12. Albert Chamomille? My my, a finer ferret's name there never was.

  13. Is that a smoking otter in your avatar?

  14. Get out of here reger and caffeine, you monkey brains. This is a sacred comment box where Fluffy and I intellectualise the eating habits and hair colour of manga characters.

  15. seems like this guy doesnt even get half the credit he deserves. albums: primordial atmospheres after materia cloudland deeperworlds
  16. hellfish ~ meat machine broadcast system
  17. You poet, you...!

  18. That little furret, iv'e seen it before :S where is it from?

  19. I like her pink hair though.

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