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Galaxy Machine

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    Music and Stuff
  1. http://soundcloud.com/galaxy-studio/hyperspace Still wip
  2. A new song about Space Colonization, 145bpm and progressive Psytrance http://soundcloud.com/galaxy-studio/galaxy-machine-space
  3. The ambient at 1:40 around is not loud enough Is this an ocean wave? And i would start at around 1:30 with some real kickoff The track is cool, nevertheless at 2:5ß maybe soem more arabic vibes and arabic woman voice sample? Ophrahaza? The sample from Mooji are really cool. At around 4:20 something more must happen, like some drum actions + more percussions? At 4:50 around the song should start again to take off Now its a bit to soft for a dancefloor blockbuster At 5:40 i would bring in some acid goa oldschool vibes ... a bit repetitive then. I think the song is to long too. Try make it 7-9 mins? 5:40 - 7:00 something is missing, voice, goa tune, or some single tones with echos on it? AT 8:00 really nice vibes. Now comes the baseline 8:30 take off to soft again Cheers
  4. Intro to long or maybe make with ambience pad - parts? Then to much off-beat for my taste. The middle part (on beat) is tight.
  5. Some thoughts when listening, please have in mind, this is just my opinion and im very critical and also learning goa trance making. Also i write straight without flowers. This is straight my impression and ideas.... The composition seems clean and professional but can be improved. A few thoughts: The intro is to long - make it maybe just 30 seconds, but with unique buildups and maybe some ambience sounds,the song could start with some more vibration and maybe use some more percussion here and there and FX! (for example here you can get 500mb sample pack with FX sounds http://www.laptoprockers.eu/ or elsewhere just saying ) In the first break i would repeat parts of the voice or use echo on the end ... The arp could need some more cutoff/filter/volume play and different octaves. Or try to exchange it with a track of bass midi pattern with acid developing. the arp is to loud and to present on the most times.... And add in a Lead with chords maybe? Or you can play with pan automation to get bouncing sound effects (something i working currently on at my track ) Build in some breaks at the logic steps ( 4/8/16 patterns) and add some filtering here and there. The overall vibe is good though! Maybe take some impression from this video http-~~-//www.youtube.com/watch?v=hRekoJVaCXk&feature=player_embedded Maybe start/end teh track with the bass pattern off beat for 4 tacts. In teh last segment there the snare seems to dominant maybe? or maybe the kick is not loud enough. cheers
  6. I changed the bass, and some sounds, pls check again... is now psytrance style o.O but very danceable!
  7. updated it again... starts to sound really goooooood =P
  8. maybe make the kick more present and not have this acid loop all the time around(instead something else)?
  9. The track has been updated ... ps. though i might work on the percussions and try a different mastering technique ...
  10. Wow, thanks for the nice feedback. I will consider your input, yes the sound at the end you mean, might be a bit to loud and drastic. Also check out the original track The original is darker but has a nice bass/kick pump but less loud it appears. Will post when i update the track, cheers
  11. If you visit my Soundcloud profile ( http://soundcloud.com/galaxy-studio/ ) and check out who im follow, 80% of those are active psytrance artist i can recommend. Cheers
  12. really good music
  13. Currently taken part in a Remix competition and testing now an early version, looking for some feedback =p The winner track of the competition will be released on ectoplasm (free music platform). Listen to the Remix here http://soundcloud.com/galaxy-studio/m-d-m-a-the-beginning-galaxy The track is 145bpm, G-Key, and goa-trance / psytrance style with nice voice samples.
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