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Everything posted by Microdelic

  1. Very expensive sorry...in corona times 10usd for 1 single name it's too much. you must to think about people who need a name and doesn't have much money in this difficult times. I suggest you to offer it cheaper for around 3-5usd and I'm sure someone will contact you mate. Also you better consider to sell names for tracks and albums! maybe this is a better move to make some cash. think about it, AZ. If you want more ideas feel free to contact me here: fortrollsonly@gmail.com
  2. I won't waste any time for additional attempts for this crap. ofc it's a matter of taste...but for me there is nothing good in it. feels like each track made with a couple of hours. Disgust..
  3. Feels bad for Asia2001 about this release, very cheap and bad sound (in all means) very hard to listen, there is no story on it, very messy and pain my ears. its been the biggest disappointment for me since ever in music industry. better he never released it. for me it was a nightmare as Asia is in my top 3 Goa trance artists.
  4. https://youtu.be/SK01auAAGKo I'm really hope Eikon is the track that plays in this video. Please tell me it is! Anyways, great tracklist!
  5. Bluetech @ chill out gardens! can't miss it...just can't. I'm so there!
  6. Asia 2001 + Cosmosis or Shakta + Prana
  7. Thanks for your opinions guys, was really nice to read it! well I think there are several factors for my current state about modern Goa trance, the main factor of course is about myself and my musical taste development. I remember when I felt in love with modern Goa (was already in love with the retro a few years) I was really hyped by it! the main artists at that time was very original and different from each other, and most important memorable and psychedelic!. I could feel the hard work of each artist because of the uniqueness of their own style. I was inspired ! the year 2013 was a pick year for me with modern goa, because I made a festival season in Europe and was lucky to hear some of them in live and many of my dreams came true. But somehow after that I lost it in one wave, the familiar artists overworked themselves and the magic gone and I couldn't continue the journey with the new artists mainly because they were not challenging for me and not original. so i decided to take a pause in hope that someone will amaze me again while I discovering other genres of psychedelic music but the hope didn't arrive. so i let my musical inspiration to the Psychil and downtempo music which I listen till this day and into it like I was with modern Goa before. I don't wanna think that the factor of age is something affected on it. I think my relationship with modern goa have changed mainly because of my musical taste. It's something natural and I need to accept it. like many things in life. : )
  8. 2013 was the last year when I really enjoyed new school Goa trance, it consisted mostly of 2012 year releases. So for me the last year of solid and original produced new school Goa trance was in 2012. after that something happened. same for new and old artists of modern Goa. the old artists lost their creativity in my taste and their new music wasn't that special as their previous works (such as: Filteria, Goasia, E-Mantra,) - all of these albums after 2013 was a total disaster, and the new growing artists just did copy-past from the others ... many cheesy sounds and same ideas that wasn't original . The years 2006-2012 was the best years of new school Goa, sometimes it felt that this is my genre of all time. but sadly I lost it between new styles of music I discovered around that time such as Downtempo / Psychill etc... also the last new school goa cd's I bought was "Space of power" from global sect and Ra - Earthcall from Suntrip. so between 2012-2016 i bought only 1 modern goa cd... Today if I listen goa, which is 20min max per week, I prefer to listen to retro goa of 90's - early 2000 and modern goa of 2006-2012. All the new releases of last years just sounds terrible for me. but I respect all the hard work of all the artists and labels to keep the goa music alive. I know that many people enjoy it and this is very important. Just shared my thoughts here.
  9. Indeed , the Blue Planet Corporation is perfect for morning, I've experienced it once in the forest during the cold sun and rainy morning and it was amazing. Dimension 5 is also fits very well in the morning. as well as Man With No Name and Transwave. But artists like: Miranda, OOOD, Electric Universe. Cosmosis, Green Nuns and typical Koyote and Matsuri styles of Goa are defiantly for the night time Galaxies ! even Astral Projection. I like this post. I think Goa trance especially the old retro stuff is more for night time, less for morning even if I experienced it more during the day times..
  10. 01. Bluetech - Holotrope (WHAT a wonderful year from Evan Marc ... 4 released albums and all of them are amazing! , the Holotrope is the best one! ) 02. Desert Dwellers - Breath (A perfect combination between psychill and mid-tempo ) 03. Avaris - The Forgotten Language (The most shamanic-forest album in a while after Tengri's album Icaros back in 2013) 04. Distant System - Infinite Continuum (The style is very similar to the Spiral Empire album , and probably it's the last musical work from Tyler Smith aka Androcell) 05. Entheogenic - Hypatia (Perfect for meditation and study, just in that mood I realized how this album is special!) 06. Cabeiri - Molecule Language (Focus the bass lines) 07. Lauge - Dawn (Very quality and melodic chill-gressive) 08. Spatialize - Beyond the Radar (Reminds me OTT) 09. Shwamp - Inner Landscape (VERY PSYCHEDELIC Downtempo Psy-BASS music! 10. Deep in Mind - Autumn to Spring (This guys combine live instruments: guitars, violin and more, very beautiful music!) Bonus: 11. Moon Duo - Stars Are the Light (Lovely psychedelic space-rock album) Just an AMAZING year for Downtempo music! there were SO many good albums so it was hard to pick only 10. I see a promised future for this genre. I'm really recommend to check this list, you might like some of it. worth a try
  11. 15 years ago I was a total Goa trance fanatic, a total freak of it . Knew every track I heard and could recognize its titles and composers of most of the released stuff (old and new), on those years we also had an amazing underground Goa trance parties in Israel which added the magic to it through the dancefloor. I believed that I won't be able to feel that love in other musical genre, but after some years, around 2013 I discovered the downtempo / psychill music that was close to the Goatrance style, which was a "comfortable bridge" between 2 styles for me and I felt in LOVE once again with music. Today my Goatrance doze of music is very small, I barely listen to it during the week. It's not challenging me anymore so I lost the stimulation to it. sometimes I can listen to some top tracks that I been loving the most since ever. but I don't spend much time to discover new released Goa trance music these days. Today my main music genre is downtempo in styles : Psydub, Psychill-ambient , Forest-chill, Psy-IDM, PsyBass with a very small glitch touches. Also I like Forest psytrance such as Parvati records. which I listen it way more than Goatrance. I have to note that I respect Goatrance a lot and way more than any other musical genre, I started my psychedelic journey with it and it has the most beautiful memories and moments of my life that influenced me a lot! . But as doze of my daily music it's not there anymore. So my answer to the question is: my musical taste has developed! and I feel good about it!
  12. I see, anyways feels like it wasn't satisfied. I trust my friends who didn't enjoy it, we are all big RA fans. I think whoever will play the music from 2 of them (Christer / Lars) , the music should be in their classic gos style, especially when it's very rare to see them playing this days ( 1 performance per year in good situation ? ) So they can still make a dream come true for many people. Thanks for feedback guys.
  13. Hey , Many of my friends return with bad feedback's and huge disappointments from RA's set @ ZNA this summer. They said he played new music in style of full on... I was really upset that I couldn't make this year to ZNA mainly because I still haven't had a chance to hear RA in Live set. Does anyone here was there during his performance and can review it for me? what was wrong ? Also as far as I understood the guy behind the deck was Lars , and not Christer. Thanks.
  14. Amazing album ! thanks for this creation !!! I will support this project by buying it on digital format for sure!
  15. in my opinion the album or Ra ‎- To Sirius was the first developed new Goa trance sound! also the ep Ethereal ‎– All Systems Are Go does.
  16. Hi It's been long time since I checked this forum, are you still interested in it? Anyways I will send you download link in private , check it out!
  17. I'm highly recommend to all Ambient sorts of music fans to visit Samsara festival next year! So satisfied after coming back, the music program was so perfect! all the main artists have played afternoon into the deep night before the morning. For all yoga lovers the yoga workshops was very close to the Chill (main) stage, so u could practice many different kinds of yoga at the morning/noon time while ambiebt music played to your ears. Needless to add about the amazing people, organization etc. One of the best sets was Perpetual Loop's set (!!!), Kick Bong's, Vibrasphere(ambient), Koan (!!!!!!!!), Goatika and so many more.... So dont miss it next time.
  18. Listened this one on CD last weekend with a friend in "Chill mood" but only a few grab our attention such as: SynSun, E-Mantra and Filteria...
  19. I found this release and 'Lead to Gold 2' which have some amazing tracks with acid lines and psychill rhytms in a style of 90's, 2000 era! So if someone interested I can Upload it for him. (It's mp3.com releases). Amazing music ) whoooahh !!!
  20. The Astral Projection Remix to 'Do you Believe' is AMAZING !!! as well as BPC (!!!), Sybarite & Atmos Remixes. Good sound Quality!
  21. Hi, Is anyone going to Samsara festival hungary this year? Have just booked a ticket for me, amazing ambient lineup and alot of workshops. Would be nice to meet someone from Psynews community.
  22. I like some of the tracks! good luck !
  23. for the guy who dont want to go to Israel take a look: https://www.facebook.com/Israeltravelwarning/videos/235524210291420/?hc_ref=NEWSFEED
  24. and for kvd It is good to put your opinion but I think its the wrong place to do that.... but why in party when there is no any interests about politics and religion? I've met a lot of people during the years in world festivals that dont even want to hear about it. I've danced with muslims and Israelis in the same dancefloor . You cant change nothing by this opinion with free entrance because the 2 states it's a really difficult issue that can't be find out so quickly. I think that was a wrong idea...I'ts more like provocative thing i think... Next time I suggest you to offer something more sustainble like (even I dont agree with nationalizm and for me all people are ONE): Free ticket and bar drinks for Israeli and palestinian who arrive to the party toghether. how is that? and for the rest readers who also think about Israel negative things I really suggest you to come visit. many people chanched their minds after that, but not all of them. at least its better to make decition by your own experience then by fake news )... ahh and we have a DEAD sea, the lowest place in the world, a must visit place!
  25. It is usless and impossible to stop buying Israeli products...many of Israeli products and products that technology involved in Israel u are buying without even know about it. For example PC parts and protecting programs, Medicine, food and many more...today Israel is a big player in GLOBAL industry. I suggest u to visit our contry before taking part is this protest, too meet people on both sides, to feel the people one by one. There is no better way to choose your side by a real communication. it is easy to be controlled by the fake media with out seeing the reallty by yourself and believe to fanatic politicians, fake news and TV. If there is a country who has more civil right in middle east it's in Israel, jews and muslims coexisting here like nowhere else. And if u really want to block us stop listen to Israeli music too...because it's made by Israelis and in Israel, and find the way to delete your good memories of great Israeli tracks because they made u happy I guess. and maybe then maybe then u will lead some change...in yourself , in negative way... U cant blame all the country and Israeli nation because one man's opinion, in this case Shlomy from Bell Size Park. "Ive read somewhere...."
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