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  1. Well, i tought i might post some of my production Hudson v0.30 Darkest one yet and favorite First Drop v0.81 No idea whatsoever... full on i guess :?: In The City v0.70 Oldies remastered(so many version) dunno either... kinda dark... but i remixed it too cheesy... Noosphere v1.00 Only finished track, but i really gotta make a v2.00 someday review would be appreciated!
  2. Crazy Album! That's really my genre will be played at high volume for high reaction on the dance floor!
  3. Aaaaah Vol 2 was a killer This one seems even more killer... Thumbs Up! Can't wait for tomorrow!
  4. Hi there Digitohm 2 was a party in May in Quebec, Canada made by NVX Here's a video of the party: Digitohm 2 Codec: Quicktime h.263 Length: 26 Minutes Size: 335 megs
  5. OMGOMGOMG Electric Universe is sooooo hot new genre into full on sound. I love the Old Goa mix with modern Full on!!!
  6. You can Bid Here
  7. I've put a new mix online! Maykeskesecksa! Hope you like it
  8. Yes, finally i've updated my homepage to something i really like, it's far from perfect but it's better then the first version. www.spannungsbogen.com Welcome to Ver: 2.0 Right now i'm mainly posting french logs but i've added a English section where i'll be posting only in english, the link is easy to find on top of every page and you can access all my DJ mix on the right side under the about me and links. Hope you like it!
  9. Well this 48 min long melodic stuff is CERTAINLY less boring and painful as 80 min long minimal shit! Really nice stuff. Really good melodic, reminds me of Pleiadians style! Worth thousand minimal album to my melodic ear! I just want more now!
  10. Jungle Trax is by far one of the BEST Pleiadians Track. One crazy ending riff. A real killer! You must hear it wrong or you're not into melodic stuff
  11. First: I usualy hate everything minimal psy and all non-goa cheese stuff, but here as my fellow psyfreak(varg_nicolas@hotmail.com) says, this album is fucking unbelievebly GOOD psy bass stomping! Very mental. Very hard and very melodic at time. You relly have to listen each track closely.
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