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Everything posted by NextWorld

  1. Penta made his set available for Download here: Prometheus' set can be listened to here and bought here for only £3.49 http://www.twistedmusic.com/shop/prometheus-live-ozora-2011.html
  2. Have you tried Tracks from, or the whole "Midnight Soul Dive" compilation by Aleph Zero? This is still my number one choice for Chillout that is introspective, rather dark and highly emotional. It's not exactly like the tracks you've been successful with, but you should give it a try... You probably have tried Hallucinogen in Dub, but if not, give it a shot. I cant decide whether i should consider it as really dark, but it sure is the most emotional psychedelic Dub Album out there...
  3. Evan Marc & Steve Hillage released a Dubtechno Epos some years ago: http://somniasound.com/somnia4.htm I think the whole album runs at 120 BPM... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LyIWyDVl0V8 as you already mentioned the Ultimae releases,you should also try "Distant System - Spiral Empire"
  4. Wow, not a single "experimental" act. Just the Sound you hear either every day up there in nothern Germany or at a reandom festival near you. :drama:
  5. got it in the mail 20 minutes ago... Fucking impressive until now. :posford: :clapping: €dit: getting better every second
  6. Albums Ticon - Zero Six After Antix - Lull & Twin Coast Discovery Tegma - Around the World... Atmos - Headcleaner P.O.T.S - Creating Social Success Sensient - Antifluoro Shadow FX - Direct influence Solar Fields - Earthshine Etnoscope - Drums from the Dawn of Time Frogacult - Something For Sundays Insane Creation - Connected Compilations Afterhourz Lime Light 2 Creating Social Success Remixes Uncharted Ultrapop 1 & 2 Inner Circle Set 4 & Set 6 Hibernation
  7. Got a bunch of free CDs from oopie. Cool
  8. Heyyy OOOPIEDOOPIE The CDs arrived at the beginning of the Week! Thanks a lot So far i have only listened to MOS - bug, which i think is rather good The rest i ihave to check, but several disks don't look that appealing to me and some of this stuff can eventually be found in this thread in the future
  9. Vibrasphere - Erosion
  10. Nystagmus is Cool! I haven't heard anything else from that label....
  11. there's not much of an relation anymore. The Scene here sucks - lot of the new music sucks (imho - with outstanding exceptions). I'm attending some Festivals every year - and the only important thing that decides which festival i will go to is the Lineup. I'm exepcting a lot from the Ozora festival this year
  12. I don't know a single Track from TIP
  13. Easily as good as Lull imho. Totally different approach, and thats good.
  14. Is this something official???
  15. http://mag.awn.com/index.php?ltype=pageone...3605&page=1 I've posted this in the general section, as it may concern some people here!!
  16. Ticon - Six Years After
  17. :posford:
  18. http://www.psynews.org/forums/index.php?s=...st&p=863481 Emmanuel Errante - Humus
  19. Emanuel Errante - Humus This is my first listen and so far it sounds really nice, very warm and natural sounds here....
  20. Already ordered it :posford: can't wait
  21. WE ARE FAMILY on the Radio
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