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Everything posted by NextWorld

  1. Do you know what happened? You have finally realized that even progressive and minimal can be psychedelic
  2. Germany has some of the best progressive Acts, like...Smphonix, neelix, Shiva Chandra/Auricular, Magnetrixx, Haldolium. I do buy a lot of those CDs. for more unknown and average stuff...hmmm...Not because they are German, no. There is too much high quality Music to focus on the average.
  3. Did you invent those awful basslines by yourself?
  4. Thats the direction, being diverse but yet having a great storyline through the whole Album! Voted "Nothing lasts..."
  5. YO! :D :R :R :R Pscodaliec!
  6. Today is the Day I´ve wanted to see HuxFlux quite for a few years now, and today they are playing in my hometown, just a 25 minute walk from my flat :D
  7. Great Story Album that is! Highly recommended! Actually it´s Point of you But i agree, a really nice Progressive Album with it´s completly own Style. Let me Add: Ocelot - Dream Selector - Completly different Sound from the USA. Antix - Lull - This Album changed my taste to the whole Psy/Progressive thing Protoculture - Refractions - As your collections seems to be missing some more happy stuff, i recommend this one, Perfect Morgning music with great emotions. Some People may call it cheesy, i call it genious Atmos - Headcleaner - This Album defined a whole new genre of Sound back then, absolute classic. Thats it for now, maybe more later
  8. and the other 75% are Iboga releases
  9. VA - New Order, Giving it the first proper listen....great i think
  10. Well....errrmmmm....let me think about it....Yes, i will After he sold me his Collection
  11. He said for "small money" (is there such an expression in english?)...i dont know what that means exactly, but i´m sure that he doesn´t know what he could get on ebay...
  12. Which one was the first in the "Colour" Series? This one is in the list
  13. I´ll do when the deal is done
  14. wow, didn´t know that....but most of the CDs i´m going to buy are out of stock everywhere.... Tshak..Boum..infected is good for you...
  15. Going to see Huxflux & Ibojima on Friday....I´ve really adored the Sound few years back... Is there any new material coming, like a new album or something? What do i have to expect?
  16. Hello..... I´ve been to a lot of festivals this year, and on one, tshitraka iirc, i´ve met a guy from my hometown. We´ve chatted for some time and i´ve told him that i collect CDs, and that i always search for some old Gems...He said that he has some older originial CDs, and wants to sell them, if i make a copy of each CD for him. So, a few days ago, i´ve visited him to browse through his collection. here´s a small list of Gems i´m going to get in the next few days... Pleiadians - IFO Pleiadians - Familiy of light Cosmosis - Cosmology Cosmosis - Synergy Feuerhake - Excess all Areas The first 3 Infected Mushroom Albums Mittelstandskinder ohne Strom - Meter Mittelstandskinder ohne Strom - BUG Some older Destination Goa Compilations Some Old TIP Compilations . . . All in all there are at least 35 CDs i want to buy from him, these are only from the top of my head...
  17. The Misted Muppet - From the legend has a quite Dark feeling to me. I realy like it...One of the few albums with more than 140 BPM that i like..
  18. PHI - Plz pass me Beer and Acid Ticon - We are the Mammoth Hunters Ticon - Don´t tell me i sing like a Robot
  19. where is the cassette option? I´ve listened to a Classical Mushroom Tape at a friends car for one year before i´ve had my first mp3...
  20. Best: Ticon Frogacult Penta Atmos (2003) Protocuture Worst: Paranormal Attack @ FMF 05 Skazi @ FMF 05
  21. Yahel - Atmosphere/Neelix - The One.
  22. For me as a Trance lover, i needed some listens to get used to those Beats...But now i have to admit that i really like this release. I think i have to get some more of this sound...!
  23. NextWorld


    Please post some of your new tracks! I liked XI, and im intrested to listen to some newer stuff!!!
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