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Everything posted by Mickster

  1. Mickster

    Sirian - Havona

    Tsotsi - thanks for bringing this to attention! This is a riot. Psychedelic tribal suomi celtic goa trance anyone?? Love it!! Listened twice - purchasing now.
  2. power source - Vorlan. Skywalker,,,
  3. Weird Al Yankovic's new parody of 'Happy', 'Tacky' balances things out
  4. @ Jason - Both definitely have shit kicking grooves!
  5. another one hit wonder from mid 90's
  6. Love Karma, but imho this is THE best Laughing Buddha track. From 4:16 onwards, pure magic is conjured! But, I'm pretty sure Bilbo Baggins had a hand in this...
  7. daom. i think y'all need to sit down, roll a big fat fatty, push play on Inner Space, crank to LOUD, light said bitch up and dance (not analyze, or think) just DANCE baby!! Wiggle them hips, stomp them feet and smile like a muthafukka - that's kind of the effect the music is supposed to induce no?
  8. Angelina!! - Dare you not to dance!!!
  9. This might open a can of worms but i reckon this is a pretty twisted progressive trance track. Okay, maybe not strictly "progressive trance" but a progressive trance approach . Whatever - it's fucking awesome and maybe a dream, but would love to hear more of this groovy, hip wiggling approach from Simon Posford.
  10. This is incredible - even more so if you've heard Beethoven's 9th Symphony.
  11. Perfect Stranger - Changed. It's a remix album with some great artists contributing. The whole thing has a dark, melancholy almost ominous vibe to it. It is one of my all time favorite albums. Spectacular!!
  12. Dying perhaps. But with Jack White around, there is still hope!
  13. I love this style. Especically on the 2nd track the subtle guitars, this is chill dubby downtempo with great production and energy. And I'm looking for this specific eastern influenced downtempo style(sitars etc)! Post tracks please. Hey Penzo - the following tracks are of a more 'loungy' nature - first one is from the 60's!!, but they certainly meet your criteria!! Last track doesn't entirely, but its a beauty. Also, any of Digitalis' old downtempo stuff is incredible - especially the stuff on 21-3 records. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LTfD9E5YUDo http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x1TaOvvj5CA&feature=results_main&playnext=1&list=PLD2A46F8C8B13A96B
  14. Complex - Koxbox, Eat Static, Celtic Cross, Sephira
  15. Loads of wicked stuff on trhis thread!! Here are some of my favs - sorry if posted already! Chakra & Edi Mis - X-File (monkey mix) Total Eclipse - Chaotic Circus Etnica - Tribute Hallucinogen - Shamanix Pendragon - Maen Cetti
  16. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VA79nnUa4z0 Also - check out some Kaya Project (Seb Taylor!!!)
  17. That's the kid that he's calling a "Lepton". But i listened to it again last night and it does sound like her!!
  18. Mickster

    V/A - Air-Born

    One of the best compilations i have the pleasure of owning - perhaps even THE best. A very dark overall theme but so much variety across the board. first two tracks are sheer haunting perfection. Koxbox track is genius - so much intricate detail, The break/change in the second half of the Stripper track defines "BAD-ASS" and the Slinky Wizard Bond theme is so subtle and musical - IMO the blue print for psychedelic progressive trance. An absolute gem this. ps The Psychaos track is hard as nails as usual - Joti is the king of monster basslines!!
  19. Hey dude, the voice in the sample isn't Jodie Foster - it's the kid who plays the main role in the film. It's a nice film - Sunday afternoon no brainer. Regarding Shaltu - LOVE IT! Agree with some that the Lepton Head Remix isn't great, mainly because i wasn't really a fan of the Deedrah remix either. The original Shakta however, Pure Gold!!! I love the Inner Space track - grooving, shimmering, spiraling MONSTER of a tune!
  20. SLADE - MERRY CHRISTMAS "It's Chriiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiissssssmaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaassss!!!!!!!!!!
  21. Headroom - Artelligent (spacious!!!!)
  22. Super-duper uber crap?
  23. Protoculture is a huge talent, don't get me wrong - Magnetik (Glastonbury mix) is one of my all time favs. However, the Love Technology album, while still great dance music, has veered way off the Psychedellic course. It's great to listen to (especially while driving!) but veering into Euro-Trance realms (compared to tracks like Fascinating Curry, New Directions, Innit and the aforementioned Magnetik). There are loads of other musicians who i love and are still making wonderful music, just not as psychedelic as they used to. Examples are Seb Taylor (Shakta) who makes amazing music with Kaya Project, Younger Brother, Nick Doof (Third Ear Audio - fantastic!!!) and many more. As musicians they have improved amazingly, just gone in different directions. Another artist who I think has gotten better and better is OTT - the guy blows my socks off!! P.S I would love to hear a new Shakta album!!!!!!!
  24. some who continue to come up with the goods (imo) Dickster Tristan Eat Static OOOD others who unfortunately 'lost the plot' (imo) GMS Miranda Protoculture
  25. Psy Gurus Tsyoshi Suzuki Simon Posford Mark Allen Nick Taylor Gus Till Serge Souque Bilbo Baggins Avi Elgranati Nick Doof Dick Trevor James Munro Colin OOOD Andy Guthrie and of course the KOXBOX and EAT STATIC collectives to name a few....
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