Cosmo Festival
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Cosmo Festival is a Psychedelic trance gathering of tribes founded in year 2009. Creating self awareness in dance and unity to celebrate the joy of being on Earth. The beginning of a world consciousness is dawning a new realisation of our cultural roots as human beings has begun. Cosmo Festival will be celebrating its 3rd anniversary in 2012. We believe in uniting people from different cultures and backgrounds making a human alchemy through a medium of Cosmo. Dance, Music, Art & Culture will amplify if you would care to share your presence at our special gathering in United Kingdom. Website: http://www.cosmofestival.org Date : Friday, 1 June 2012 at 08:00 until Monday, 4 June 2012 at 18:00 LOcation : Taunton, Somerset, United Kingdom -- MUSIC GENRES : :: Psytrance :: Goa Trance :: Psygressive :: :: Progressive :: Chillout/Ambient :: Minimal Techno :: Live Acoustic Stage ██████████ MAIN STAGE ██████████ FIRST BATCH OF LINEUP.... ELECTRYPNOSE (2to6 Records) CH http://soundcloud.com/vince-1-1 SENSIENT (Zenon Records) AU http://soundcloud.com/sensient ONKEL DUNKEL (Parvati Records) DK http://soundcloud.com/onkeldunkel JAHBO (Parvati Records) DK http://soundcloud.com/jahbo FLOOTING GROOVES (Peak Records) SA http://soundcloud.com/flooting-grooves IANUARIA (Blue Hour Sounds) AT http://soundcloud.com/ianuaria GROUCH (Zenon Records) NZ http://soundcloud.com/grouchnz ANNOYINGNINJAS (Sanaton Records) DK http://soundcloud.com/annoyingninjas WHRIKK (Sanaton Records) NL http://soundcloud.com/whrikk ANKUR (Lost Theory Records) DE http://soundcloud.co...kur-seres-music DOHM (Frequency Mafia) LIT http://soundcloud.com/dohm ZOOLOG (Parvati Records) DK http://soundcloud.com/zoolog LOOSE CONNECTION (Free Radicals Records) UK http://soundcloud.com/loose-connection SPROCKET (Catawampus Records) UK http://soundcloud.co...-clone_sprocket MARK DAY (Blue Hour Sounds) UK http://soundcloud.com/mark-day TANTRIX (Blue Hour Sounds) UK/IT http://soundcloud.com/tantrix GIUSEPPE (Parvati Records) DK http://soundcloud.com/p-30 LUCA (Blue Hour Sounds) IT http://soundcloud.co...-bluehoursounds JASSMINE (Blue Hour Sounds) IT http://soundcloud.com/jazzmine TREVOR PIXIE (Planet Zoid) UK FORDY (Cosmo Festival) UK PURPLE WIZARD (Cosmo Festival) UK SECOND BATCH OF LINEUP ...... coming soon ██████████ LUNAR STAGE ██████████ *** LIVE IN CONCERT *** ISHQ (Interchill Records) UK http://www.ishq.org/ DE FUEGO (GuitarPro) ESP http://www.csybu.com/ FLOOTING GROOVES (Peak Records) SA http://soundcloud.com/flooting-grooves **** LIVE ACTS **** SENSIENT (Zenon Records) AU http://soundcloud.com/sensient GROUCH (Zenon Records) NZ http://soundcloud.com/grouchnz ONE TASTY MORSEL (Zenon Records) AU ** FIRST TIME IN UK ** http://soundcloud.com/onetastymorsel ELECTRYPNOSE (2to6 Records) CH http://soundcloud.com/vince-1-1 PSPIRALIFE (Zenon Records) AU ** FIRST TIME IN UK ** http://soundcloud.com/pspiralife HYPOGEO (Zenon Records) IT http://soundcloud.com/hypogeo RADIOACTIVE CAKE (Glitchy Tonic Records) DE http://soundcloud.com/radioactive-cake TANTRIX (Blue Hour Sounds) UK/IT http://soundcloud.com/tantrix BRUJO'S BOWL (Zenon Records) UK http://soundcloud.com/brujosbowl ZEITGEIST (Glitchy Tonic Records) DE http://soundcloud.co...eist-aka-r-cake ASHTOZ - UK ** UK DEBUT ** http://soundcloud.com/astoh AKASHA EXPERIENCE (Free Spirit Records) UK http://soundcloud.com/akashaexperience LEMONTREE (Blue Hour Sounds) UK http://www.discogs.c...tist/Lemon+Tree --- DJ SET --- SPROCKET (Catawampus Records) UK http://soundcloud.co...rocket/magnetic IMPULSE RESPONSE (Cosmo Festival) UK http://soundcloud.com/impulse-response LORRAINE( Psilosybe Tribe) UK http://soundcloud.co...epsilocybetribe SPINDRIFT (Planet Bob) UK http://soundcloud.com/sean-spindrift LUCA (Blue Hour Sounds) IT http://soundcloud.co...-bluehoursounds JASSMINE (Blue Hour Sounds) IT http://soundcloud.com/jazzmine IAN DUB (Something Groovy) UK http://www.myspace.com/iaindub ADD SIMEON (Something Groovy) UK http://www.myspace.com/somethingroovy RODRIGO (DMT Tribe) PT SPOONA (Planet Bob) UK https://www.facebook...hp?id=587145940 MR. MUSH (Free Spirit Records) UK http://www.free-spir...gressive/mrmush NELSON MANDALA (Cosmo Festival) DK PLUMSTEAD - UK -- ART & CULTURE-- Website : www.cosmofestival.org We create the stage and invite all people to create their stories. Come and realise the true expression of the self through the presence of the cosmically amplified Full moon. Visionary Art : We invite visionary artists who would like to have an opportunity to express themself and gain the appraisal, reviews or just like to exhibit their vision with other artists who have a taste for something more deeper. please write us an email at : info@cosmofestival.org ... we are waiting to hear from you. Do not hesitate to contact us if you have a creative ability which you think can add to our beautiful gathering. Fire Rituals : We would like to invite fire performers who would like to come dance and show their magical talents with the fire element. please write us an email at : info@cosmofestival.org The new website, regular info updates and the line-up are coming very soon. -- TICKETS -- Website : www.cosmofestival.org Chose your super saver price ticket to enjoy the feeling of knowing with joy that you have an amazing weekend waiting for you in 2012. E-Tickets : http://www.onlinesta...?act=ep&id=4378 COSMO Festival 2012 is an over 18’s Event: Read the Terms and Conditions before purchasing your ticket. : TICKET AGENT :: :: United Kingdom :: Access All Areas Website : http://www.accessallareas.org/ 2nd Floor, 30c Camden Lock Place, London, NW1 8AL. Tel: +44 (0)20 7267 8320 & +44 (0)20 7267 6148 Opening hours: Mon – Wed 12pm - 7pm / Thur – Sat 12pm - 8pm E-Tickets : http://www.onlinesta...?act=ep&id=4378 :: AMBASSADORS :: Cosmo Festival family is all around the world. We have different ambassadors that represent the festival in 30. An Ambassador is someone or any organization that will be able to inform you any info you may need about the festival and sell Cosmo Festival 2012 tickets. The Ambassador list will be publicly announced by November 2011. Any doubt, please contact: info@cosmofestival.org ███████████████ CONTACT US ████████████████ For people interested in having a Market Stall/ Space : info@cosmofestival.org For people who wish to volunteer : Check the Work section on our website.. For General information if you still have questions after visiting our website : info@cosmofestival.org Fan page : https://www.facebook...smofestival2011 Goabase : http://www.goatrance...y/details/62545 ●●●●●●●●●●●● TOGETHER WE MAKE A TRIBE ●●●●●●●●●●●● ●●●●●●●●●●●● Cosmo Festival Crew ●●●●●●●●●●●● See you on the dancefloor if not before! Website : www.cosmofestival.org E-Tickets : http://www.onlinesta...?act=ep&id=4378
Cosmo Festival is a Psychedelic trance gathering of tribes founded in year 2009. Creating self awareness in dance and unity to celebrate the joy of being on Earth. The beginning of a world consciousness is dawning a new realisation of our cultural roots as human beings has begun. Cosmo Festival will be celebrating its 3rd anniversary in 2012. We believe in uniting people from different cultures and backgrounds making a human alchemy through a medium of Cosmo. Dance, Music, Art & Culture will amplify if you would care to share your presence at our special gathering in United Kingdom. -- MUSIC GENRES : :: Psytrance :: Goa Trance :: Psygressive :: :: Progressive :: Chillout/Ambient :: Minimal Techno :: Live Acoustic Stage ██████████ MAIN STAGE ██████████ FIRST BATCH OF LINEUP.... ELECTRYPNOSE (2to6 Records) CH http://soundcloud.com/vince-1-1 SENSIENT (Zenon Records) AU http://soundcloud.com/sensient ONKEL DUNKEL (Parvati Records) DK http://soundcloud.com/onkeldunkel JAHBO (Parvati Records) DK http://soundcloud.com/jahbo FLOOTING GROOVES (Peak Records) SA http://soundcloud.com/flooting-grooves IANUARIA (Blue Hour Sounds) AT http://soundcloud.com/ianuaria GROUCH (Zenon Records) NZ http://soundcloud.com/grouchnz ANNOYINGNINJAS (Sanaton Records) DK http://soundcloud.com/annoyingninjas WHRIKK (Sanaton Records) NL http://soundcloud.com/whrikk ANKUR (Lost Theory Records) DE http://soundcloud.com/ankur-seres-music DOHM (Frequency Mafia) LIT http://soundcloud.com/dohm ZOOLOG (Parvati Records) DK http://soundcloud.com/zoolog LOOSE CONNECTION (Free Radicals Records) UK http://soundcloud.com/loose-connection SPROCKET (Catawampus Records) UK http://soundcloud.com/psy-clone_sprocket MARK DAY (Blue Hour Sounds) UK http://soundcloud.com/mark-day TANTRIX (Blue Hour Sounds) UK/IT http://soundcloud.com/tantrix GIUSEPPE (Parvati Records) DK http://soundcloud.com/p-30 LUCA (Blue Hour Sounds) IT http://soundcloud.com/luca-bluehoursounds JASSMINE (Blue Hour Sounds) IT http://soundcloud.com/jazzmine TREVOR PIXIE (Planet Zoid) UK FORDY (Cosmo Festival) UK PURPLE WIZARD (Cosmo Festival) UK SECOND BATCH OF LINEUP ...... coming soon ██████████ LUNAR STAGE ██████████ *** LIVE IN CONCERT *** ISHQ (Interchill Records) UK http://www.ishq.org/ DE FUEGO (GuitarPro) ESP http://www.csybu.com/ FLOOTING GROOVES (Peak Records) SA http://soundcloud.com/flooting-grooves **** LIVE ACTS **** SENSIENT (Zenon Records) AU http://soundcloud.com/sensient GROUCH (Zenon Records) NZ http://soundcloud.com/grouchnz ONE TASTY MORSEL (Zenon Records) AU ** FIRST TIME IN UK ** http://soundcloud.com/onetastymorsel ELECTRYPNOSE (2to6 Records) CH http://soundcloud.com/vince-1-1 PSPIRALIFE (Zenon Records) AU ** FIRST TIME IN UK ** http://soundcloud.com/pspiralife HYPOGEO (Zenon Records) IT http://soundcloud.com/hypogeo RADIOACTIVE CAKE (Glitchy Tonic Records) DE http://soundcloud.com/radioactive-cake TANTRIX (Blue Hour Sounds) UK/IT http://soundcloud.com/tantrix BRUJO'S BOWL (Zenon Records) UK http://soundcloud.com/brujosbowl ZEITGEIST (Glitchy Tonic Records) DE http://soundcloud.com/zeitgeist-aka-r-cake ASHTOZ - UK ** UK DEBUT ** http://soundcloud.com/astoh AKASHA EXPERIENCE (Free Spirit Records) UK http://soundcloud.com/akashaexperience LEMONTREE (Blue Hour Sounds) UK http://www.discogs.com/artist/Lemon+Tree --- DJ SET --- SPROCKET (Catawampus Records) UK http://soundcloud.com/psy-clone_sprocket/magnetic IMPULSE RESPONSE (Cosmo Festival) UK http://soundcloud.com/impulse-response LORRAINE( Psilosybe Tribe) UK http://soundcloud.com/lorrainepsilocybetribe SPINDRIFT (Planet Bob) UK http://soundcloud.com/sean-spindrift LUCA (Blue Hour Sounds) IT http://soundcloud.com/luca-bluehoursounds JASSMINE (Blue Hour Sounds) IT http://soundcloud.com/jazzmine IAN DUB (Something Groovy) UK http://www.myspace.com/iaindub ADD SIMEON (Something Groovy) UK http://www.myspace.com/somethingroovy RODRIGO (DMT Tribe) PT SPOONA (Planet Bob) UK https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=587145940 MR. MUSH (Free Spirit Records) UK http://www.free-spiritrecords.com/index.php/artists/djs/progressive/mrmush NELSON MANDALA (Cosmo Festival) DK PLUMSTEAD - UK -- ART & CULTURE-- Website : www.cosmofestival.org We create the stage and invite all people to create their stories. Come and realise the true expression of the self through the presence of the cosmically amplified Full moon. Visionary Art : We invite visionary artists who would like to have an opportunity to express themself and gain the appraisal, reviews or just like to exhibit their vision with other artists who have a taste for something more deeper. please write us an email at : info@cosmofestival.org ... we are waiting to hear from you. Do not hesitate to contact us if you have a creative ability which you think can add to our beautiful gathering. Fire Rituals : We would like to invite fire performers who would like to come dance and show their magical talents with the fire element. please write us an email at : info@cosmofestival.org The new website, regular info updates and the line-up are coming very soon. -- TICKETS -- Website : www.cosmofestival.org Chose your super saver price ticket to enjoy the feeling of knowing with joy that you have an amazing weekend waiting for you in 2012. E-Tickets : http://www.onlinestall.com/cgi-bin/stall2.pl?act=ep&id=4378 COSMO Festival 2012 is an over 18’s Event: Read the Terms and Conditions before purchasing your ticket. : TICKET AGENT :: :: United Kingdom :: Access All Areas Website : http://www.accessallareas.org/ 2nd Floor, 30c Camden Lock Place, London, NW1 8AL. Tel: +44 (0)20 7267 8320 & +44 (0)20 7267 6148 Opening hours: Mon – Wed 12pm - 7pm / Thur – Sat 12pm - 8pm E-Tickets : http://www.onlinestall.com/cgi-bin/stall2.pl?act=ep&id=4378 :: AMBASSADORS :: Cosmo Festival family is all around the world. We have different ambassadors that represent the festival in 30. An Ambassador is someone or any organization that will be able to inform you any info you may need about the festival and sell Cosmo Festival 2012 tickets. The Ambassador list will be publicly announced by November 2011. Any doubt, please contact: info@cosmofestival.org ███████████████ CONTACT US ████████████████ For people interested in having a Market Stall/ Space : info@cosmofestival.org For people who wish to volunteer : Check the Work section on our website.. For General information if you still have questions after visiting our website : info@cosmofestival.org Fan page : https://www.facebook.com/cosmofestival2011 Goabase : http://www.goatrance.de/goabase/party/details/62545 ●●●●●●●●●●●● TOGETHER WE MAKE A TRIBE ●●●●●●●●●●●● ●●●●●●●●●●●● Cosmo Festival Crew ●●●●●●●●●●●● See you on the dancefloor if not before! Website : www.cosmofestival.org E-Tickets : http://www.onlinestall.com/cgi-bin/stall2.pl?act=ep&id=4378