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Dr Fuggs

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Everything posted by Dr Fuggs

  1. hmm, i still dont believe you, shaft, can you back that claim up with other sources?
  2. someone here likes papa roach?? my mind is officially blown!
  3. psst, dont listen to him, hes only joking! he only wants to feed to his cat...
  4. whats one deeply psychedelic track youve heard with michele? everything seems to be on the more shallow poppy end of the spectrum... nothing that the last doof album was anywhere near...
  5. i also have NO FUCKING CLUE as to why everyone chooses HER to sing in thier albums... she is truely a trance whore... she was ok in younger brother but nothing essential... the shpongle i didnt mind, but now that i think about it, i think itll ruin the new doof, unless nick uses her for some crazy instumental effect, which im kinda doubting...
  6. but i like how the captains head disjoints from the neck on chicken peckery
  7. a trekkie eh? well im a star wars man, so i challenge you to a duel, until the first bloody nose!
  8. the only way i heard of it is from michele adamsons site, but all the old news is gone and deleted, so you cant even check anymore.. she just mentioned how she was gonna be in the upcoming doof album. thats all the info i have, but maybe shes full of bs... she also mentioned long ago about "nick doof" being in a new project called "third ear"... ok, if you go to her site and click the what tab, then click the info for the doof track, she mentions a new doof album... to prove im not making this up.
  9. all the vocals in the new future prophecy kick ass too!
  10. "violet vision - fresh ground" is a great example too!
  11. i just wish this was a lotto for the new future prophecy... i want that so bad!!!
  12. im gonna enter my name in again so i have twice the chance now!
  13. napkins? im too hippie to waste beautiful trees on petty everyday occurances like poo-pants...
  14. ill shit my pants in shock if this album gets sold out on saiko or psyshop! and then ill cry too knowing the world i live in...
  15. this is definately marketed towards the kindergartners!!!
  16. ..... now that i heard em all, i feel sick to my stomach... we definately have the next skazi here!!!
  17. OH SHIT! i cant stop cracking up yet!!!!!!
  18. woah theres a new future prophecy eh? at saikosounds... um wtf?? did these guys get into a motorcycle accident and turn super retarded? i liked concept of love, but, this..... eww, omg... you are so right.. armin and oakie and pvd are 93 times cooler than this! thanks for the laugh guys!!
  19. doof's new album will hopefully be the best of the year.. micheles gonna be in it tho, so i wonder what direction nick is taking... hopefully nothing like the BRB2 or US2 comp sounds... id love another spacey as fuck album!
  20. pfft! yeah right man, you dont have to lie to look cool here... phutureprimitive - ritual
  21. charlie, you SO need to hear "smells like humus spirit" RIGHT NOW!!! or the "i wish" remix! then you will understand, if you pass this test, you are a god! muad'dib in the movie dune, had to do this at the begininng of the movie right after putting his hand in the box, but they had to cut it out of the film for time reasons.
  22. so i need something really fucking gay to play whenever i want someone to leave my house. does anything beat paranormal attack for this year?
  23. in minnesota a couple years back i saw bpempire, lone deranger, tales of the inexpressible, and hallucinogen in dub, at a borders... now here in washington the only things youll find are im the supervisor, voyage into trance, and a few juno reactors...
  24. that yesod track on apsara is the cheesiest "goa" ive ever heard! it really bugs me
  25. sign me up, thx!
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