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Everything posted by PSYDUDE

  1. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=44nvLw1MYW0
  2. Wow thank you for posting this they are truly great band !
  3. People think that I'm a drug addict if i ask some one.....
  4. Reefer Decree heard them in a new years party Great Stuff Phaxe is nice liquid soul ace ventura captain hook Loud Perfect stranger Ticon
  5. wow great man !

    Happy New Year!

    happy new year from israel
  7. http-~~-//www.youtube.com/watch?v=M-iK3YVfccM cheese at its best
  8. just found this nice label Troll n Roll really great tunes really groovy and kewl there debut compilation :http://www.ektoplazm.com/free-music/freaky-forest i really like thoughs forest sounds if you guys can recomand somthing that sounds familiar great artwork to ! PEACE
  9. try brujo bowl !!!
  10. very good prog!! tnx for the review !
  11. Tnx mate
  12. gonna see him new years-eve party with Triac ! boom !
  13. same here was in all kinds of music generes from death metal to hip hop and hardstyle even antil i realy found my place and must say hardstyle and is shity electronica
  14. can some one please post bio of this artist i tried to fing some info about him all i got is that he was one of the first iboga artists killer music to ) tnx and peace
  15. grouch shadow fx tetermeth one tasty morsal basically all of zenon label are great ! ohh and brujo bowl ! tom cosm has groovy prog tracks and electrocado glichy psystep prog ) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KUyER3j9KfE
  16. mine was at age 14 were the first tracks of void,skazi,tube,dali and then my first open air party at age 19 and the first time i took acid well open my mind truly to the scene and now im 21 looving and raving my ass off to this great music
  17. Gonna be epic !
  18. great sounds man tnx
  19. when psykovsky will make a track for lady gaga than the world will end for sure, but until than i don't really care about old farts that want to buy new cars and touche silicon boobs a lot of new talent raising up and the new generation are taking the scene to new levels
  20. everthing by zolod and did you tried Tryambaka !! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uXwusi9PATw
  21. try some scorb BROAAA
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