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About CONDA.

  • Birthday 10/23/1986

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    19 year old raver from denmark. Loves psytrance!! I've been listening to psytrance since i was 15, and have been hooked ever since!! Still learning alot about it, and lovin' it :D<br /><br />PEACE.
  1. Almost there..
  2. Hi, i am looking for some new psytrance radios. And i was wondering, what is ur fav. psytrance radio? philosomatika.com Digitally Imported greenlineradio.com
  3. Your help has been great, looks like i found the right place Anyway, bought some software and stuff so i'll get right to it. I'll get back too you later if i need any help
  4. great.. I've looked on different midi controllers.. Wich ones is most popular among psytrance DJ's?
  5. Hi there.. I have been addicted to psytrance for about 4 years now, and lately i have been extremely interested in making psytrance. I've searched alot on the internet, but never really seemed to get the right answers so here goes: What would you sugest as a good 'getting started kit' for making psytrance? Hope there hasn't been too many of these posts
  6. Naked Tourist - Lunatic Asylum
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