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Liquid Ross

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  1. woohooo yeah be good to catch up with you and the northern bunch again! .. and be seeing you the week before and your event also ... not long now !! xx
  2. Official Shpongle Afterparties .. So once the Shpongle Concerts kick out at 11pm... Two nights of madness! Friday Night Trance Room Juno Reactor - Old School Set Eat Static - 20th Anniversary Set Prometheus Lucas Jeremy InSpiral Lounge Younger Brother Merv Pathaan Naked Nick Liquid Electro and Breaks Neurodriver Hedflux Simon Pieman Dj Moon Agent Smith Minimal Mayhem Techno Alex Kenji Dimitri Casanueva Diego Coelho more to be confirmed - - - Saturday Night Trance Room Juno Reactor - Old School Set Tristan - Exclusive DJ Set! Max Etnica Dick Trevor Chameleon InSpiral Lounge Eat Static Dr Alex Paterson Michelle Adamson Aliji Liquid Electro and Breaks Atomic Drop Ip Cress Mary Miss Fairy Wilkie Giani Flying Rhino Techno James Monro George Barker Grantley more to be confirmed - - - Visuals and installation by Inside-Us-All and Pixel Addicts Opus Sound systems in every room from Twisted Clarity Tickets available: www.onlinestall.com **Please Note. There are TWO separate parties on TWO separate nights ... Friday 30th October and Saturday 31st October 2009 ... following the TWO Shpongle Concerts, so please be sure to buy the correct ticket for the correct night, check in with your mates to see if they are going to the Friday or the Saturday event. As ever we have some free tickets up for grabs in return for your random thoughts and feedback, so personal message us anything at all .. your thoughts from the previous Twisted Events, or your ideas, hopes and expectations on the next parties .. or something completely different, up to you! Also check Facebook events: Friday 30th October http://www.facebook.com/home.php#/ev...4265365&ref=ts Saturday 31st October http://www.facebook.com/event.php?ei...8308899&ref=ts
  3. Alpha Omega Friday 3rd April 2009 @ The Coronet, 26-28 New Kent Road, Elephant and Castle. London. Se1 6tj www.coronettheatre.co.uk Liquid Records, Tribe of Frog, Archangel, Tribal Vision, Broken, Om Liquid 4 Rooms of the finest psychedelic, progressive, techno, electro and breaks! Our next epic electronic feast includes: :: Room 1 :: Liquid and Frogs Main Stage :: Psychedelic Trance :: Hallucinogen Twisted Records / More Info Green Nuns of the Revolution More Info Earthling Neurobiotic / More Info Tron Liquid Records / More Info Paul Taylor Kundalini Records / More Info Chameleon Liquid Records / More Info Natzan vs Pieman Tribe of Frog / More Info :: Room 2 :: Tribal Vision and Om Liquid :: Progressive Techno :: Vibrasphere Tribal Vision / More Info DJ Slater Tribal Vision / More Info Luke Porter Tribal Vision / More Info Hamish Further Progressions / More Info Geo vs Morph Liquid Records / Tribe of Frog Simon B Minimal Mayhem / More Info :: Room 3 :: Archangel and Waveform :: Breaks :: General Midi More Info / And Here! Breakfastaz More Info / And Here! Mary Miss Fairy Delta Connection / More Info Drum Monkeys Westway Records / More Info Agent Smith Archangel Breaks / More Info Rms & Peak More Info / And Here! :: Room 4 :: Broken :: Electro :: Tom Real More Info / And Here! Pieman Frank Spiney Gacid Loke vs Konflux Pre-Party @ Inspiral, Camden Afterparty Hosted by Daytrippers (100metres round the corner!) Click Here for Myspace Click Here for Facebook Tickets available from: www.accessallareas.org info@accessallareas.org +44 (0)207267 8320 Archangel Tickets Ticketweb :ismile:
  4. really looking forward to this ... amazing prog lineup on the mainstage ... will be amazing !! see u this weekend xx :drama:
  5. that will be very interesting .... as of course will the Liquid tunes thumping in the mainrom! xx
  6. full set times look like this :: Room 1 :: Liquid Records & Tribe of Frog [Psychedelic Trance] 22.00 - 23.30 Liquid Ross 23.30 - 00.30 Fromem Ory 00.30 - 01.45 Double Dragon 01.45 - 03.00 Natzan 03.00 - 04.00 Zen Mechanics 04.00 - 05.00 Tron vs Mood Deluxe 05.00 - 06.00 Prism 06.00 - 07.00 Concept 07.00 - 08.00 Jeremy :: Room 2 :: Furthur Project Recording [Progressive Trance] 22.00 - 23.45 - Intelligent Idiot 23.45 - 01.15 - Nori 01.15 - 02.15 - Dog Soldiers 02.15 - 04.00 - DJ Pena 04.00 - 05.00 - Citizen 05.00 - 06.00 - Symphonix 06.00 - 08.00 - Beoduin & Hamish :: Room 3 :: Archangel & Nu-School Hippies [breaks | TechFunk | PsyBreaks] 22.00-23.30 Mr white 23.30-00.30 Richie balboa 00.30-01.30 Jmekka 01.30-02.30 Hexadecimal 02.30-04.00 Hybrid 04.00-05.00 Atomic Drop 05.00-06.00 Giani 06.00-07.30 Far Too Loud :: Room 4 :: Future Music & Blood Tribe Records [Dubstep | Glitch-Hop] 22:00 - 23:30 Double D 23:30 - 00:30 Slew 00:30 - 01:30 Zomby 01:30 - 02:30 Boxcutter 02:30 - 04:00 Si Begg 04:00 - 05:30 Sick Rebel 05:30 - 07:00 WhipperslackeR vs FormerSelf :: Room 5 :: Gandalf's Garden Party[Downtempo | Live | Electronica] 10.00 - 11.15 - Mizar 9 11.15 - 12.30 - IPcress 12.30 - 2.00 - Culprit 1 2.00 - 3.00 - Wobbly Squadran 3.00 - 4.00 - Syd Arthur 4.00 - 5.15 - Puff Dragon 5.15 - 6.30 - Capsula
  7. sooooooper sexy ... 2 and half days to go !! xx
  8. Friday 7th November 2008 :: Alpha Omega :: @ Se1 Club, London Bridge 10pm - 8am With the combined efforts of Liquid Records, Tribe of Frog, Further Project, Archangel, Nu School Hippies, Gandalfs Garden Party, Blood Tribe, Fluffy Mafia and Twisted Clarity (Opus Sound) :: Room 1 :: Liquid Records & Tribe of Frog [Psychedelic Trance] Zen Mechanics (Neurobiotic - Netherlands) Prism - Scorb vs Concept LIVE Debut! (Trick Music) Concept (3D Vision - France) Double Dragon - First Ever UK Appearance! Mood Deluxe vs Tron (Liquid Records) Fromem Ory (Liquid Records) Liquid Ross (Liquid Records) Natzan (Tribe of Frog) Jeremy (Liquid Records) :: Room 2 :: Furthur Project Recording [Progressive Trance] Symphonix (Blue Tunes - Germany) Citizen (Iboga - Netherlands) DJ Pena (Flow Records - Portugal) Bedouin & Hamish (Furthur Project) Nori (Posivision - Japan) Dog Soldiers Intelligent Idiot :: Room 3 :: Archangel & Nu-School Hippies [breaks | TechFunk | PsyBreaks] Hybrid (Distinctive Records) Far Too Loud (Funkatech Records) Jmekka (iBreaks Radio) Hexadecimal (Sound of Spectrum) Atomic Drop (Liquid Records) Giani (Native State) Richie Balboa (Archangel) Mr White (Archangel) :: Room 4 :: Future Music & Blood Tribe Records [Dubstep | Glitch-Hop] Si Begg (Noodles Recordings) Boxcutter (Planet Mu) Zomby (Hyperdub/Ramp Recordings) Sick Rebel (Blood Tribe) Slew (Blood Tribe/Shook) Whipperslacker vs Former Self (Blood Tribe/Native State) :: Room 5 :: Gandalf's Garden Party[Downtempo | Live | Electronica] Culprit 1 (Exceptional Records) Puff Dragon (Dakini Records - Japan) Capsula (Liquid Records - Israel) Syd Arthur Bonze Justin Chaos (Indica Music) Mizar Nine (Gandalf's Garden Party) Ip Cress (Gandalf's Garden Party) Also check our Myspace for artists profiles and music : www.myspace.com/alphaomegaevents More very soon! Tickets already on sale: www.accessallareas.org www.ticketweb.co.uk Group discount: contact us direct
  9. looking fwd to it chaps ...... :drama: xx
  10. http://www.archangeluk.co.uk/promo/sunrise/djmagcomp.htm WIN! A FESTIVAL DJ SET SUPPORTING RADIO 1'S ANNIE NIGHTINGALE Theres nothing like DJing at a festival full of up-for-it ravers and party people. And heres a great way to kick off the summer by winning a DJ set at the Sunrise Celebration Festival in Somerset at the end of May. Words: Ben Murphy (DJ Mag) Now in its third year, Sunrise has been likened to how the Glastonbury festival was in its early days. "The Sunrise festival seems to me to be something like it was here about 35 years ago," said Michael Eavis, Glasto organiser. This year bands like The Orb, the Dub Pistols, The Beat and Mancini will be playing, and therell be an eclectic mix of electronic music from dubstep to psy-trance, glitch to breakbeat. Altogether there are 12 music stages and arenas, with 200 live bands and 100 DJs doing their thang. About 15,000 people are expected at the festival. DJmag has teamed up with the Archangel^ organisation to offer you this great opportunity. This competition is to win a set in the Waveform dance tent alongside Queen Of Breaks Annie Nightingale from Radio 1. Simply send a CD or make a download link of your DJ mix that mainly consists of breakbeat and send to the address below. What you win: * A DJ set in the breaks tent alongside Annie Nightingale, Far Too Loud, Tom Real, Ils, the Drum Monkeys and Freshold. * All expenses covered for the weekend this includes travel, food, beer etc. * A slot on the Archangel DJ agency * A DJmag goodie bag The closing date for the competition is 30th April. Send CD demos to: Archangel, 5A Invicta Parade, Sidcup High St, Kent, DA14 6ER, or send the mix via email to bruce@sunrisecelebration.com. Remember to put your tracklist, email address, DJ name and mobile phone number on the entry. Sorry but this competition is open to UK residents only. More >> www.sunrisecelebration.com Sunrise Myspace Sunrise Facebook www.archangeluk.co.uk www.djmag.com
  11. free tickets on Mondays and Tuesdays .. click links below :posford: •Alpha Omega Myspace• •Alpha Omega Facebook•
  12. Makyo ... wow .. amazing to have him join us from Japan! .. one of my ALL TIME favorite artists .. his music is just sublime! Makyo will be DJing at the event accompanied by vocalist Nona Kalra and further performers currently being selected. If u a Makyo fan or like the downtempo world music fusion .. this is going to be an amazing rare treat! on Makyo ... Makyo is the bench mark in Indo-Arab Electronic Fusion. His music is am intricate, interwoven collage. Live instruments and vocals are fed into the sampler to be cut up, and arranged in radical new sounds. :: Info from Dakini Records / www.dakinirecords.com :: 'Makyo spins almost every weekend somewhere in Tokyo or other parts of Japan -- he has a particularly strong following amongst Tokyo's booming bellydance scene for his dancefloor mixes of tribal dub and eastern grooves. Residencies include Dakini Nights (ambient), Orient Express (ethno), and Tribal Fusion Night (tribal!) As a dj, Makyo has spun alongside, Steve Hillage/Mirror System, Mixmaster Morris, Karsh Kale, Alex Patterson (The Orb), Haruomi Hosono (YMO), Adham Shaikh, Dj Yakuza, Bombay Dub Orchestra, Cheb-i-Sabbah and more.'
  13. also .. check the Myspace page ... every tuesdy (I think) ur chance to win a pair of free tickets ... www.myspace.com/alphaomegaevents and also the Facebook group where the comp also runs on a monday ... www.facebook.com/group.php?gid=9364543798 not bad eh ?! :posford: :drama: :clapping: xx
  14. yeah this is gonna be a VERY phat party ... SeOne is an amazing venue for full massive lineup and production ... the Twisted event there 2years ago was amazing ... seeya there :drama: xx
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