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Everything posted by Divine

  1. what about adrenalin drum - x-perimental goa?
  2. Im from Portugal and i didnt hear nothing about those names. The music is very unprofessional, bad dark trance
  3. well, sherlockalien told me that the commercial parties only happened in sao paulo scene and that the undergorund parties and big festivals are not like that
  4. It depends, if we are talking about the weather, beaches and the bitches its the best party place but thats mainly because psy scene there is like our house scene, u dont see lots of freaks and the music is 90% full on the other 10% electrohouse or something like that, im refering to most of the major events...the undergorund scene i dont know nothing about because im not brasilian. http://www.tranceformation.com.br/
  5. Another one that really needs a re-release and remastering is hunab-ku - Magik universe, i love this ultra melodic so much even with bad production/mastering(or wathever) i mean the bassline smothers the main melody in most of the tracks and some sounds in some moments gets mixed up. And its a very wanted album more rare than transdimensional
  6. This one arrived yesterday, i was not expecting nothing astonishing since his other project tandu is so much praised compared to this that i thought this one was just average goa but i was completely wrong...this is absolutely unique, no great melodies here but thats not really important when the purpose is to create madness on a dancefloor.The sense of rhythm is just perfect, every sound is arranged in detail...just listen to visitors part 1 or who is feeling normal there is no way u can stand still , and what makes it really unique is the type of synth he use, brilliant...creates the perfect atmosphere, frenetic spacey trance...Ofer dikovsky is a genious. This is without a doubt the most underrated album i know of.10/10 Highlights: Visitors part 1 Who is Feeling Normal Big Troubles in Outerspace
  7. Yes typical nitzho sound the main melody is very good but the track must be longer and with more variations the the melody to be complete...just my opinion
  8. 89*Macrometasomakosmos
  9. I agree,i only have the 8th sphere but thats enough... they dont have a basic notion of rithym...most tracks are absolutely chaotic absolutely no melodies not even psycheledic. And the samples, u just have to hear the Lucifer in the sky of Diamonds
  10. Ubar Tmar - Macrometasomakosmos
  11. The type of synth you use is very nitzhonot just the way i like it, it creates a trippy atmosphere and the main kick is very good full of adrenalin and with a very well elaborated melody...very goaish. You have skills, good job show us more
  12. I really enjoyed this one mainly because now i have to admit my preference for more dancefloor oriented dark...powerfull basslines and high special effects, the ingredients for a massive psychedelia Your first promo from 2006 was one of my favourite dark albuns, really, i have it in my mp3palyer and in my car very good melodic dark specially darkstar phobia and paradox paralax...the diference in this album is the lack of melodies compared to the 2006 promo but i,as you, prefer this, the psychedelia is much more intense this way, i think is obvious the diference between melodic stuff in the dancefloor compared to for example valkyrie or trickster, people that bash this kind of sound surely dont know what is a dancefloor under the black light with hard night time trance. I absolutely adore the bassline of trickster there is a name for that kind of bassline? most parties here in portugal have that type of bassline thats why i love parties here Great job my friend
  13. Its nice to see quest4goa became a label too but unfortunately the Goa is only on the name because the compilation is more of the same...full-on.
  14. Only if it has UV-Friendly colors on it 14.50 pounds
  15. 128 euros for that cd is a record The tape is mine ...and the tape too but im only buying it because i want Kerry Palmer authograph
  16. Because hes a space freak that ran out of money Who is hadacinogen??87 pounds was not enough for second phaze..that fucker Now im going for the tape
  17. He owns a meteorite collection, Kerry Palmer is the real space freak
  18. Yes i asked him, is Kerry Palmer himself
  19. I cant download it. 1989...goa
  20. Hehehe but im sure there are some tracks with Greek folklore melodies , i have some unidentified tracks that sound too folkloric Found another very cool track that shows very well the heroic and epic style, check this one: star children-Unreal "the time has come to prove you are the best,to crush your enemies and win the tournament" and then a massive laserkick with a very good melody comes in, very nice track
  21. Thats why they call it uplifting
  22. Nice work man , i will get those tracks..im starting to buy some nitzho stuff For a person that nows Nitzhonot quite well its easy to identify the origin of the artist by the type of the melodies...i do it instantly because israeli is more "goaish" melodies and greek is more...hmm...greek sometimes i get this feeling that they put folkloric greek melodies in it or am i wrong? Its funny you say greek nitzho contains heroic and epic melodies because thats exactly the feeling i got when i hear it...a friend of mine after hearing chevourim- light said the track was similar to a military march I recommend u Ezotery space-weird magic and dracula...very trippy tracks i love them!
  23. I came to the conclusion that the most trippy tracks made so far are from Ezotery space.So i want some recomendations on Nitzhonot in the same vein as Ezotery space, deep spacey and trippy but it can also be like the greek style i like it too the only thing i avoid is the ultra cheesy tracks that sometimes i come across in some compilations...i like chesse but i dont like it in high quantities Nitzhonot is a "2 side knife" it can have the most powerfull deep melodies but at the same time the melody can change to the most cheesy ever so i just have to search for the good melodies and avoid the ultracheesy ones. Nitzhonot experts out there give me your recommendations please, tracks compilations albuns all you got and similar to: My top 5 Nitzhonot tracks: Ezotery space- weird magic Ezotery space- Dracula Chevourim- Light Darxon-Normalize Cyan-Elf
  24. Melodic/slightly ambient goa maybe Etnica- the juggeling alchemists under the black light? I remember when i started to hear psytrance and the only things i got was gms and infected but that doesnt satisfied me enough...it always seemed that something was missing until someone recommended me Dimension 5-transdimensional, when i first heard it was like love at first hearing its the most amazing space goa ever made.
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